The 2002 Bush Doctrine and the Pandora Box of the Preemptive War

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic

Originally, the Bush Doctrine was a political phrase with the aim to describe the US foreign policy goals during the 43rd US President George W. Bush (Bush Junior), 2001−2009. The doctrine had four basic standpoints. All of them were centered around American military superiority after the Cold War 1.0 as the US being the only global hyperpower in international relations.

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Искуства са прве линије фронта: Ексклузивни интервју са рањеним руским војницима

Делегација Центра за геостратешке студије коју су чинили Драгана Трифковић, генерални директор Центра за геостратешке студије из Србије, Ден Ковалик, професор хуманитарног права из САД и Арно Девалеј, правник из Француске, посетила је болницу у којој се опорављају рањени руски војници, који су учествовали у војним дејствима у Донбасу.

Циљ ове посете је био да из разговора са војницима сазнамо о њиховим искуствима на фронту и мотивима због којих су решели да учествују у специјалној војној операцији (СВО).

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Dragana Trifkovic: The visions of a stock market speculator are unacceptable to Serbia

Continuing our new project called “Soft power – a destructive tool of the collective West against Russia”, spoke with Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies from Belgrade, Serbia.

— After the color revolution of 2018, which, as the “leaders” of this revolution declared, was supposed to lead Armenia to the flourishing of democracy and unprecedented economic growth, Armenia not only didn”t become more democratic, but was subjected to unprecedented military aggression, the echo of which can still be heard. It is well known that the main scriptwriter and financier of such color revolutions all over the world is the so-called “Soros Foundation”. Tell us how things were in Serbia in terms of the introduction of Soros agents into various structures and what consequences did this lead to?

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Мило Ломпар: Поступци власти довешће до косовске независности и санкција Русији

Одлуку српских власти, предводјених Александром Вучићем, да постепено укину српске таблице у подручју Косова и Метохије треба разумети као још један корак у систематском уклањању и последњих садржаја српске државности, изјавио је данас професор Филолошког факултета Универзитета у Београду Мило Ломпар. 

Ломпар је за агенцију Бета оценио да је одлука о постепеном укидању српских таблица „најновији моменат у десетогодишњем континуитету“ и да ће поступци српских власти довести до косовске независности и санкција Русији.

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DONBASS: THE WAR ON REMEMBRANCE – Impressions by Arnaud Develay

We has just received the news that another shelling had taken place.

To be sure, the school we had just left had been hit for the umpteenth time with a 155 mn caliber NATO-made missile during the morning hours. The quasi-totality of the windows frames were covered with wood-panels which bore witness to the almost frantic desire of the NATO-supported Kiev regime to not only target the most vulnerable but also impede the transmission of remembrance in an attempt to eradicate the future.

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Dan Kovalik: Eastern Ukraine had good reason to join Russia, after Kyiv’s aggression

Once a Pittsburgh sister city also known for its steel industry, Donetsk, and the greater Donbas region in which it is located, has been at war since 2014. According to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 14,000 people died in this conflict, even before Russia began its military operations in February. I’ve just returned from there.
Before Russia’s intervention, the conflict had been between the people of that region and the government in Kiev, after an unconstitutional coup took 2014. This coup, known as “Maiden,” was — as then US Ambassador to Ukraine Victoria Nuland explained in a recorded telephone conversation — managed by the United States.
The coup brought to power a pro-Western, anti-Russian, government, which contained elements which were far-right and even Nazi. The best known element, as the Nation Magazine reported in 2019, is the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which has been part of Ukraine’s National Guard since 2014. Its commander Andriy Biletsky once wrote that Ukraine’s mission is to “lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade…against the Semite-led Untermenschen.”

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Драгана Трифковић на BRICS+ форуму: Питање суверенитета многих европских држава данас је нераскидиво повезано са утицајем водећих западних земаља на њихову политику

У Санкт Петербургу је од 24-26 новембра одржан IV Међунарoдни општински форум BRICS+, на којем су учествовали владини званичници, привредници, јавне личности и представници различитих организација из 64 државе.  Дискусија на бројним панелима и састанцима била је усредсређена на тему овогодишњег Форума: „Човечанство и свет: развој трендова и прилагођавање новом“.

Међу око 900 говорника била је и директор Центра за геостратешке студије Драгана Трифковић која је говорила на панелу: Време промена: нове дефиниције суверенитета у глобалним и локалним димензијама. Она је истакла да је суверенитет држава веома важан за самостално одлучивање у свим областима, а нарочито у економији: „Питање суверенитета многих европских држава данас је нераскидиво повезано са утицајем водећих западних земаља на њихову политику“.

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Стање и изгледе руско-турских односа за Федерални информативно-политички часопис „Личност државе“ прокоментарисала је Севил Нуријева, експерт за Турску

Са Севил Нуријевом смо разговарали 25. новембра у Санкт Петербургу на маргинама IV Међународног форума земаља BRICS+

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Incident in Poland that could have caused WW3 is making Ukraine lose credibility

By Dragana Trifković

In the past months, we could hear various forecasts and warnings regarding the current conflict between the West and Russia, which concern a high level of misunderstanding on many issues, but mostly on the issue of Ukraine. The Ukraine conflict itself is seen by the West and Russia from diametrically opposite positions. For the West, Russia is an aggressive party that attacked a sovereign state of Ukraine. On the other hand, for Russia, Ukraine is a country under control of the Western power centers, which is committing genocide against the Russian population. According to Russian officials, the reasons for launching a special military operation (as they call the intervention) are threats to the national security of the Russian Federation and the need to protect the Russian population, which has been under attack since 2014. So far, the collective West has not wanted to accept Moscow’s arguments, which has led to today’s situation of the highest level of political conflict between the West and Russia after the Second World War, without direct confrontation. Nevertheless, Russia believes that it is still waging war with the West, taking into account the fact that the West is arming and training Ukrainian army, and also, according to Moscow, is encouraging aggressive behavior of Kiev towards the Russians.

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