الجغرافيا السياسية والسياسة

Dragana Trifkovic: Serbs support denazification of Ukraine

Serbs can perfectly understand the inhabitants of Donbass, and consider the United States the main culprit of the conflict unleashed in 2014. The Russian special operation will provide an opportunity to end the pro-Nazi government in Ukraine and establish peace, said Federal news agency Serbian journalist, publicist and CEO of the Center for Geostrategic Studies Dragana Trifkovic.

Serbs for Russia

The Russian special operation in Ukraine came as as much of a surprise to the citizens of Serbia as it did to the rest of the world. But the Serbs understand the reasons for it much better, Dragana Trifkovic believes.

“The majority of Serbs support the position of Russia — that is, they support the military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine. This, of course, is not a secret, the President of Serbia also stated this: that he believes that more than 85% of both the media and the population support Russia, she pointed out. – The reason for this, of course, is our experience with NATO, and the war that took place on the territory of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, and then the bombing of Serbia, because in this war the NATO bloc and Western countries led by the United States were of great importance. States.”

History repeats itself

After the collapse of the USSR, Washington sought to establish itself in Eastern Europe, and the Serbs watched as the North Atlantic Alliance, contrary to previous statements, continued to “creep” to the east.

“Aggression against Serbia – her style was to establish the military presence of NATO and the United States in the Balkans. After this operation, they created the largest NATO base, Camp Bondsteel, in a separate territory of Kosovo and Metohija, where they supported separatism, ”Trifkovic recalled.

According to the head of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, the analogy with Ukraine and Yugoslavia in this case is very simple: after Washington organized and successfully carried out a coup in Ukraine in 2014, the entire West turned a blind eye to the genocide of the Russian-speaking population in Donbass.

“We, as Serbs, understand this analogy, and that is why the Serbs fully support the position of Russia. I also support the position of Russia and the decision of the Russian leadership, and for me this operation is necessary for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. I believe that the goal of Russia is to stop the war in Ukraine, the goal of Russia is to establish peace and ensure the development of normal relations with Ukraine, without the threat that is imposed primarily by Western countries led by the United States and NATO, ”Dragana Trifkovic announced in an interview with the Federal news agency.

Rally in support of Russia, Serbia-Belgrade, March 4

Sanctions pressure and new security

The director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies is confident that the new “sanctions from hell” imposed on Russia by a large number of Western countries cannot do more harm. And they can, on the contrary, strike Europe with a rebound.

“Such a sanctions policy towards other countries – not only Russia, but also Iran, for example – leads to self-isolation of the West. Because I think that other countries, and Russia, and countries in the Middle East, and in Latin America, they are already fed up with such an attitude from the West, ”Trifkovic believes.

In this case, it is difficult to understand the position of the leadership of the European Union and its individual countries, the expert believes.

“I sincerely do not understand European countries – it is impossible to ensure the security of Europe without Russia. Only in cooperation and in good relations with Russia can European security be ensured,” she stressed..

Second front?

The beginning of the special operation in Ukraine led to political changes in Europe – not only Ukraine, but also Moldova asked to immediately accept their EU. In Serbia, where tensions around the unrecognized Kosovo have been accumulating for a long time, attempts have also begun to dramatically change the situation. The authorities of the unrecognized republic demanded that they be admitted to the Council of Europe.

Dragana Trifkovic stressed in a conversation with FAN that Russia takes the only possible position on the Kosovo problem from the point of view of international law.

“A possible decision to admit Kosovo to the Council of Europe is a step against Serbia, first of all, but also against Russia. Russia defends the territorial integrity of Serbia at the international level, Russia insists on the protection of international law – according to the current resolution 1244, Kosovo is part of Serbia. Therefore, if the Council of Europe tries to make such a decision, it will be contrary to its Constitution,” Trifkovic recalled.


According to the political scientist, such political provocations run the risk of finally undermining the authority and value of the Council of Europe as an interstate organization.

“We know that the Council of Europe is based on a resolution on the protection of human rights. As for the territory of Kosovo, there are no human rights there, no freedom, no democracy, the Serbian population is constantly threatened, various incidents, conflict situations are constantly occurring, attacks on the Serbian population are constantly taking place. Therefore, if the Council of Europe is going to accept such an unrecognized territory where human rights are violated, this will actually affect its authority,” Dragana Trifkovic said.

If the Council of Europe, on a common anti-Russian wave, tries to adopt such a resolution, this will become a precedent – unrecognized states will have the opportunity to assert their rights at the supranational level. This will be a direct violation of the Constitution of the Council of Europe and will be contrary to its statutory documents.

“I would like to add: the move to admit the unrecognized state of Kosovo to the Council of Europe leads to even greater destabilization in Europe. Because at the moment the situation in Europe is not stable – neither politically nor economically – and this step will destabilize it even more, ”summed up Dragana Trifkovic.

The seventh day of the special military operation of the Russian troops in Ukraine is coming to an end. At the moment, the largest grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and national battalions has been blocked between the front in Donbass and Russian forces, and is gradually being forced to surrender.

Federal News Agency / Vasily Taran / Igor Petrashevich

5. March 2022. 

المؤلف-الصورة الرمزية

عن Центар за геостратешке студије

مركز الدراسات الجيوستراتيجية غير حكومية و جمعية غير ربحية تأسست في بلغراد في تأسيس الجمعية عقدت على 28.02.2014. وفقا لأحكام المادة.11. و 12. قانون الجمعيات ("الجريدة الرسمية لجمهورية صربسكا" لا.51/09). لفترة غير محددة من الوقت ، من أجل تحقيق الأهداف في مجال البحث العلمي من الجيوستراتيجية العلاقات إعداد الوثائق الاستراتيجية والتحليل والبحث. جمعية تطور وتدعم المشاريع والأنشطة التي تهدف إلى الدولة والمصالح الوطنية صربيا لديه حالة من كيان قانوني ومسجل في السجل وفقا لأحكام القانون. بعثة مركز الدراسات الجيوستراتيجية هو: "نحن نبني المستقبل ، لأن صربيا يستحق ذلك: القيم التي نمثلها هي التي أنشئت خلال التاريخ والثقافة والتقاليد. ونحن نعتقد أنه من دون الماضي لا يوجد مستقبل. لهذا السبب ، من أجل بناء المستقبل ، يجب علينا أن نعرف ماضينا و نعتز تقاليدنا. القيم الحقيقية هي دائما على الارض و المستقبل لا يمكن أن يبنى في اتجاه جيد دون أن الأساس. في وقت التخريبية الجيوسياسية تغيير ، من المهم جعل خيارات حكيمة واتخاذ القرارات الصائبة. ترك كل فرض مشوهة الأفكار الاصطناعي تحث. ونحن نعتقد اعتقادا راسخا بأن صربيا لديه ما يكفي من الجودة والقدرة على تحديد مستقبله ، بغض النظر عن التهديدات والقيود. ونحن ملتزمون الصربي موقف الحق في أن تقرر مستقبلنا ، وإذ تضع في اعتبارها أنه تاريخيا كانت هناك العديد من التحديات والتهديدات والمخاطر التي يجب التغلب عليها. " الرؤية: مركز الدراسات الجيوستراتيجية تطمح في أن تصبح واحدة من المنظمات الرائدة في العالم في مجال الجغرافيا السياسية. وقال انه يريد أيضا أن تصبح العلامة التجارية المحلية. وسوف نحاول أن المصلحة العامة في صربيا الدولية المواضيع وجمع كل المهتمين في حماية الدولة والمصالح الوطنية ، وتعزيز السيادة الحفاظ على السلامة الإقليمية الحفاظ على القيم التقليدية وتعزيز المؤسسات وسيادة القانون. سوف نعمل في اتجاه العثور على مثل التفكير الناس ، سواء في السوق المحلية في العام العالمي. سوف نركز على التعاون الإقليمي و الشبكات ذات الصلة والمنظمات غير الحكومية على الصعيدين الإقليمي والدولي. سوف إطلاق المشاريع على المستوى الدولي لدعم إعادة صربيا و الحفاظ على السلامة الإقليمية. بالتعاون مع وسائل الإعلام المنازل ، وسوف تنفيذ المشاريع التي تركز على تحقيق هذه الأهداف. نقوم بتنظيم التعليم من المهتمين العام من خلال المؤتمرات والموائد المستديرة والندوات. وسوف نحاول أن نجد نموذجا لتطوير المنظمة التي من شأنها أن تمكن تمويل أنشطة المركز. بناء المستقبل معا: إذا كنت ترغب في التعاون معنا ، أو للمساعدة في عمل مركز الدراسات الجيوستراتيجية, يرجى الاتصال بنا عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني: center@geostrategy.rs

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