Verteidigung und Sicherheit

Biden’s inclusion of transgenders weakening US military

By Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

The confidence of the American public in its Armed Forces has plummeted to levels not seen in more than 20 years, according to a new survey published by Gallup on July 31. However, what the poll omits from its research is the role that the inclusion of transgenders in the US military has played in lowering American trust in this institution.

The poll conducted between June 1 and 22 indicates that 60% of Americans trust the military. This is the lowest trust figure since 1997 when 60% of those surveyed also said they trusted a “great deal” or “quite a lot” in their Army. The last time that percentage was lower than 60% was in 1988. From the late 1970s to the early 1980s—during the Cold War and episodes like the Iran hostage crisis—confidence was between 50% and 58%.

“Confidence generally improved during Ronald Reagan’s presidency in the 1980s. It then surged after the Gulf War victory (to a record-high 85% in 1991) and again after the 9/11 terrorist attacks,” Gallup stated in a note on the poll results.

In fact, American confidence in their military remained above 70% for the next two decades, falling to 69% in 2021 and declining ever since following the chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. And it is the withdrawal from Afghanistan, according to Gallup, that was criticised in the US from different sides, especially among the opposition to the Biden Administration. 

The Gallup poll found that confidence in the US Army has fallen even among members or sympathisers of the Republican Party, a sector of society that usually focuses more on the military. However, the survey says the trust rate among this group has fallen by more than 20 percentage points in three years, from 91% to 68%.

Meanwhile, the Democrats’ confidence index — which had risen after Biden took office — has declined in the past year.

On the other hand, American confidence in institutions remains at low levels. For example, only 8% of those surveyed stated they had confidence in Congress; 17% in the justice system; 18% in the newspapers; 26% in the Presidency, and 27% in the Supreme Court of Justice.

“Now that the U.S. has completely withdrawn from both Iraq and Afghanistan, the two most significant military legacies of the 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., confidence in the military has continued to decline among the public. The declines this year were across all party identification groups, with Republicans remaining the most likely to express confidence and independents becoming the least likely,” the survey concluded.

Gallup does not mention that support in the US military has dropped because Biden has brought the culture wars to the institution. In mid-July, it was reported that an 18-year-old military recruit was forced to shower with biological males as part of the Biden administration’s transgender policies. The recruit complained about being placed in an “extremely uncomfortable position.”

According to Rounds, the military recruit also complained about being forced to sleep between “two individuals who were supposedly changing from male to female” and showering with the individuals.

Biden reversed a ban on transgender people serving in the military imposed when Trump entered the White House. The Biden administration said at the time that the US military “thrives” when there is a diversity of Americans who can “meet the rigorous standards for military service,” adding that “an inclusive military strengthens our national security.”

“President Biden believes that gender identity should not be a bar to military service, and that America’s strength is found in its diversity,” the White House said. “This question of how to enable all qualified Americans to serve in the military is easily answered by recognising our core values.”

According to the US Department of Defense, transgender individuals may be housed in female facilities, even without genital surgery. Such ridiculous policies are not only making the US military an international laughing stock but there are now concerns that the US military will fail to reach its recruitment goals. This year the Army is expected to end up 15,000 recruits short of its 65,000 goal.

The New York Post reported that US military chiefs continue to express concern that if recruiting numbers do not improve, they cannot simultaneously deal with a conflict with Russia and China. Unsurprisingly, the imposition of liberal ideology has weakened confidence and recruitment in the US military. This trend will continue the longer Biden remains in power.

Source: InfoBrics

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