Geopolitik und Politik

International Conference in Warsaw: European Security – How to avoid war?

On Saturday, April 27, in Warsaw, with the participation of Polish and international guests, a conference was held in hybrid mode entitled „Problems of European security – how to avoid war?“.

The conference was also the official inauguration of the Andrzej Lepper Foundation for Civil Liberties.

FSO President Tomasz Jankowski, who opened the meeting with a brief introduction to the goals of the new organization, noted that the title of the conference is at the same time a question that none of the politicians on the front pages of the media ask, as if the entry into war was already a foregone conclusion and a matter of time. He also recalled examples of the media’s reprisals against people who oppose it. Jankowski spoke of the complete rejection by the public opinion of Central Europe of the machinations of some Western leaders fomenting a new conflict on Europe’s borders, with the real threat of turning it into World War III.

Next, Diana Sosoaca, leader of SOS Romania, senator and candidate for president of Romania in the upcoming elections, addressed the participants. Contrary to her biased image of an aggressive supporter of Romanian irredentism, she suggested in her speech that Bucharest could host peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. According to her, direct talks between both sides are the only solution.

Confederation of Polish Crown MP Roman Fritz noted that the current form of warfare is not actually leading to anything other than the deaths of more young Ukrainians, who have in fact become victims of the policies of foreign powers. He spoke not of a „desire for peace“ on the part of Western leaders, but of an attempt to prolong the war in Ukraine. This poses the most serious threat to the security of the continent since World War II.

The next speaker was Przemysław Piasta, Chairman of the Roman Dmowski Foundation, who bitterly noted that in fact little depends on us in terms of the continuation of the war, but that even in such conditions we must wage a struggle for the consciousness of Poles, while the repression of the system against the „peacemongers“ is proof of the rightness of our actions.

The participants were joined by Colonel Jacques Baud from Switzerland, a former intelligence officer, who poured some optimism with the thesis that the war will not cross Ukraine’s border, and perhaps not even the Dnieper river. He proved that the Russians have no intention of solving their strategic security problems in a war with NATO, and their strategy always leaves the possibility of escalation on their side. Therefore, the ideas of sending Western NATO forces to Ukraine are provocative.

Adam Śmiech of the editorial board of „Myśl Polska” spoke, noting that the war is at a tragic point, but that the biggest problem is the unwillingness of either side to admit defeat. He was echoed by Włodzimierz Gorki, Secretary General of the Polish Leftist Movement, who noted in his argument that everything is the result of Lack of balance of power after the Cold War.

Janos Argelyan of the foreign office of the Hungarian party Mi Hazank (Hungarian: Our Homeland), opted for an end to the war as soon as possible, proposed holding referendums in the disputed territories of Ukraine, the outcome of which both sides would have to respect.

Tamas Szekeres, in charge of international affairs at Bulgaria’s Vozrezhdenye party, supported this initiative and made an argument proving that the best place for reconciliation between the warring parties would be Bulgaria. He also noted that war is an element in breaking up the unity of the Slavs, used as an instrument of the Anglo-Saxons.

Dr. Edward Karolczuk of the Association of Polish Marxists, in turn, drew attention to class issues and to the oligarchic systems in Ukraine and Russia, which influence the strange nature, in the opinion of observers, of some actions during the ongoing conflict. He was joined in polemics by Krystian Jachacy, secretary of Polish Labor, who presented examples of the benefits to working people, for example in Russia, associated with reindustrialization, as a result of the restoration of the post-Soviet arms industry.

Konrad Rękas, a Polish analyst active in Scotland, also addressed the participants, arguing that what is needed is the pacification of Ukraine (in the original sense of the word), as well as joint action by Central European countries to protect national minorities in Ukraine, including the Polish minority, which has been completely overlooked.

Finally, Roman Blasko, a Czech columnist affiliated with the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, spoke, noting the clash of two models of civilization and the inability of the West to come to terms with the loss of its previous decision-making power across the globe. He suggested that much depends on this year’s elections in the US and the persistence of the so-called deep state in power.

The conference participants raised a range of political and economic issues of interest to every European voter, their well-being and vision of the future. Many speakers recorded the fact that the standard of living of Europeans has fallen due to anti-Russian sanctions, military allocations, business migration to the United States and support for Ukrainian agriculture.

Participants paid special attention to the rights of ethnic minorities of Poles, Hungarians and Romanians violated by the Ukrainian authorities.

Participants paid particular attention on the rights of ethnic minorities violated by Ukrainian authorities. Another topic discussed concerned possible military NATO intervention in Ukraine, after announcements of Emmanuel Macron and other Western politicians. Attention was drawn to the special plans of the United States and NATO to occupy western regions of Ukraine and of the inadmissibility of such a development of events, which would bring Europe to the brink of the Third World War.

During the conference there was a lot of conversation among the participants, and while everyone agreed on the need for peace, the different ideas that were voiced during the meeting could be representing the entire Polish political scene.




Über Центар за геостратешке студије

Zentrum für geostrategische Studien ist eine Nichtregierungs-und non-profit-Verein, gegründet in Belgrad an die Gründungsversammlung statt am 28.02.2014. in übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der Kunst.11. und 12. Gesetz über Vereinigungen ("Amtsblatt der Rs", Nr. 51/09). für eine unbestimmte Zeitraum von Zeit, um die zur Erreichung der Ziele im Bereich der wissenschaftlichen Forschung der geostrategischen Beziehungen und Vorbereitung von strategischen Dokumente, Analyse und Forschung. Die Gesellschaft entwickelt und unterstützt Projekte und Aktivitäten, die in der staatlichen und nationalen Interessen Serbiens, hat den status einer juristischen Person und ist registriert im register in übereinstimmung mit dem Gesetz. Die mission des Zentrums für geostrategische Studien ist: "wir bauen die Zukunft, denn Serbien hat es verdient: die Werte, die wir vertreten, durch unsere Geschichte, Kultur und tradition. Wir glauben, dass ohne die Vergangenheit gibt es keine Zukunft. Für diese Grund, um an der Zukunft zu bauen, müssen wir wissen, dass unsere Vergangenheit und schätzen unsere Tradition. Wahre Werte sind immer geerdet, und die Zukunft nicht gebaut werden in eine gute Richtung, ohne, dass die Stiftung. In einer Zeit disruptiver geopolitischen Wandels, ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, um kluge Entscheidungen treffen und die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Lasst alle verhängt und verzerrt Ideen und künstliche fordert. Wir glauben fest daran, dass Serbien hat genug Qualität und das Potenzial zu bestimmen, seine eigene Zukunft, unabhängig von Bedrohungen und Beschränkungen. Wir sind verpflichtet, die serbische position und das Recht zu entscheiden, um unsere eigene Zukunft auf, in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass historisch gesehen gab es viele Herausforderungen, - Bedrohungen und Gefahren, die wir haben, zu überwinden. “ Vision: das Zentrum für geostrategische Studien strebt zu einem der weltweit führenden Organisationen im Bereich der Geopolitik. Er will auch zu einer lokalen Marke. Wir werden versuchen, das Interesse der öffentlichkeit in Serbien bei internationalen Themen und sammeln Sie alle interessierten in den Schutz der staatlichen und nationalen Interessen, Stärkung der Souveränität, die Erhaltung der territorialen Unversehrtheit, die Aufrechterhaltung traditioneller Werte, die Stärkung der Institutionen und der Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Wir agieren dabei in die Richtung der Suche nach Gleichgesinnten Menschen, sowohl in der häuslichen und in der Weltöffentlichkeit. Wir konzentrieren uns dabei auf die regionale Zusammenarbeit und Vernetzung im Zusammenhang mit NGOs, sowohl auf regionaler und internationaler Ebene. Wir starten Projekte auf internationaler Ebene zu unterstützen, der die Neuausrichtung von Serbien und die Erhaltung der territorialen Integrität. In Zusammenarbeit mit Medienhäusern, implementieren wir Projekte, die darauf fokussiert sind, diese Ziele zu erreichen. Wir organisieren die Ausbildung der interessierten öffentlichkeit durch Konferenzen, Runde Tische und Seminare. Wir werden versuchen zu finden ein Modell für die Entwicklung der Organisation ermöglichen würde, dass die Finanzierung der Aktivitäten des Zentrums. Eine gemeinsame Zukunft zu bauen: Wenn Sie interessiert sind in Zusammenarbeit mit uns, oder zu helfen, die Arbeit des Zentrums für geostrategische Studien, Kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per e-mail:

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