Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft

Public diplomacy, establishing constructive relations with Russia

Dragana Trifkovic speech at The Black Sea Association for International Cooperation (BSAIC) conference in Livadia Palace


I would like to take this opportunity to praise the traditional Russian diplomacy, which nowadays shows exceptional skills. Russia has a leading role in contemporary international relations and the global system, as a power committed to building constructive relations on the basis of mutual respect.

Following its successful role in the Middle East and its increasing influence in Africa, Russian diplomacy has become an indispensable factor in resolving conflicts peacefully, worldwide.

Crimea, as a place of historical importance, is ideal for holding international conferences that discuss topics that are important to the future of the whole world.

On the other hand, it is important that international experts come to Crimea in order to properly understand the democratic process of reunification of Crimea with its country of origin.

Crimea is part of Russia today and no one should question that.

It is interesting that certain powers contest the return of Crimea to Russia, and at the same time, they advocate the separation of the historical part of Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija. This is more than an obvious example of the application of double standards, because how else can it be explained that it is legitimate to support separatism by bombing, and that it is illegitimate for the people of Crimea to decide, in a democratic referendum, to correct an administrative solution from 1954?

I would like to thank the Russian diplomacy for assisting Serbia with the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and on its righteous position that the Kosovo problem can be solved solely in accordance with UNSCR 1244.

For Serbia, the Kosovo issue is the most important State and national issue and its resolution will have an important influence on the future of our people.

One of the reasons I have chosen to engage in public diplomacy is precisely the issue of Kosovo and the opportunity to participate in international conferences around the world to clarify the position of the Serbian people on this issue.

In addition to expanding influence and promoting certain ideas, public diplomacy is extremely important for strengthening international relations and cooperation in various fields.

Serbia and Russia have deep historical, spiritual and cultural ties that need to be encouraged. Although the Serbian and the Russian people changed the names of their States, they experienced difficult times and had different governments, they have never lost their attachment to each other. No one shall have the right to monopolize or misuse the Serbian-Russian relations.

For this reason, it is extremely important that public diplomacy play a role in promoting and developing the Serbian-Russian relations. It is imperative that this cooperation is thoughtfully developed through strategic projects that would concern science, education, students exchange, cultural and economic cooperation.

Interstate projects often face many obstacles to implementation, while institutions are unable to meet all needs. Therefore, it is necessary to involve non-governmental organizations in the implementation of projects besides the institutions. They can be a corrective factor in terms of influencing institutions but also play a leading role in the implementation of some projects.

In recent years, Russia has organized numerous conferences and forums that bring together statesmen, international experts, journalists, politicians, diplomats, economists, businessmen and various other categories. With its multi-vector foreign policy, Russia becomes the center of international events and sets new standards in international communication.

It is necessary to mention here Crimea, which has occupied an important place in the Russian foreign policy for the last five years. The Yalta Economic Forum gathers more and more people each year and draws the attention of the world public.

Technological advancements have led to changes in global communication. The internet is now taking precedence over other media, and information is easily available today.

In addition to public diplomacy, the internet and social networks are an important segment when it comes to spread influence. Both things influence the creation of the public opinion.

Opinion creation can prevent and stop conflicts in various zones. It is particularly important to prevent the creation of a conflict between Russia and Europe, as well as to stop the development of Russophobia. At the recent commemoration of the beginning of the World War II in Poland, two countries that suffered the most in that conflict, were not invited. Russia and Serbia. The impact on the public opinion can also prevent attempts to reshuffle history.

Serbia has a bitter experience from the 1990s, when there were no alternative sources of information and no possibility to spread its influence. The country has suffered irreparable damage because of the demonization by the media. I hope this will never happen again to other countries.

It is important for Serbia to develop cooperation with Crimea because we are bound by special ties from the imperial period and special personalities such as Nikolai Krasnov. Nikolai Krasnov was the city architect of Yalta and after the October Revolution he emigrated to Belgrade. He became the most prominent Serbian architect, and with his creative work, he left an indelible mark in Belgrade and other cities in Serbia.

On this occasion, I would like to invite the authorities of Crimea on behalf of the Serbian Movement Dveri to visit Belgrade and the Assembly of Serbia, whose interior was designed by Nikolai Krasnov, in order to strengthen our cooperation and agree on further joint projects. We have big tasks ahead and a lot of work.

See also: https://crimeapress.info/v-livadijskom-dvorce-otkrylas-konferencija-krym-v-sovremennom-mezhdunarodnom-kontekste/

10. November 2019.




Über Центар за геостратешке студије

Zentrum für geostrategische Studien ist eine Nichtregierungs-und non-profit-Verein, gegründet in Belgrad an die Gründungsversammlung statt am 28.02.2014. in übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der Kunst.11. und 12. Gesetz über Vereinigungen ("Amtsblatt der Rs", Nr. 51/09). für eine unbestimmte Zeitraum von Zeit, um die zur Erreichung der Ziele im Bereich der wissenschaftlichen Forschung der geostrategischen Beziehungen und Vorbereitung von strategischen Dokumente, Analyse und Forschung. Die Gesellschaft entwickelt und unterstützt Projekte und Aktivitäten, die in der staatlichen und nationalen Interessen Serbiens, hat den status einer juristischen Person und ist registriert im register in übereinstimmung mit dem Gesetz. Die mission des Zentrums für geostrategische Studien ist: "wir bauen die Zukunft, denn Serbien hat es verdient: die Werte, die wir vertreten, durch unsere Geschichte, Kultur und tradition. Wir glauben, dass ohne die Vergangenheit gibt es keine Zukunft. Für diese Grund, um an der Zukunft zu bauen, müssen wir wissen, dass unsere Vergangenheit und schätzen unsere Tradition. Wahre Werte sind immer geerdet, und die Zukunft nicht gebaut werden in eine gute Richtung, ohne, dass die Stiftung. In einer Zeit disruptiver geopolitischen Wandels, ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, um kluge Entscheidungen treffen und die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Lasst alle verhängt und verzerrt Ideen und künstliche fordert. Wir glauben fest daran, dass Serbien hat genug Qualität und das Potenzial zu bestimmen, seine eigene Zukunft, unabhängig von Bedrohungen und Beschränkungen. Wir sind verpflichtet, die serbische position und das Recht zu entscheiden, um unsere eigene Zukunft auf, in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass historisch gesehen gab es viele Herausforderungen, - Bedrohungen und Gefahren, die wir haben, zu überwinden. “ Vision: das Zentrum für geostrategische Studien strebt zu einem der weltweit führenden Organisationen im Bereich der Geopolitik. Er will auch zu einer lokalen Marke. Wir werden versuchen, das Interesse der öffentlichkeit in Serbien bei internationalen Themen und sammeln Sie alle interessierten in den Schutz der staatlichen und nationalen Interessen, Stärkung der Souveränität, die Erhaltung der territorialen Unversehrtheit, die Aufrechterhaltung traditioneller Werte, die Stärkung der Institutionen und der Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Wir agieren dabei in die Richtung der Suche nach Gleichgesinnten Menschen, sowohl in der häuslichen und in der Weltöffentlichkeit. Wir konzentrieren uns dabei auf die regionale Zusammenarbeit und Vernetzung im Zusammenhang mit NGOs, sowohl auf regionaler und internationaler Ebene. Wir starten Projekte auf internationaler Ebene zu unterstützen, der die Neuausrichtung von Serbien und die Erhaltung der territorialen Integrität. In Zusammenarbeit mit Medienhäusern, implementieren wir Projekte, die darauf fokussiert sind, diese Ziele zu erreichen. Wir organisieren die Ausbildung der interessierten öffentlichkeit durch Konferenzen, Runde Tische und Seminare. Wir werden versuchen zu finden ein Modell für die Entwicklung der Organisation ermöglichen würde, dass die Finanzierung der Aktivitäten des Zentrums. Eine gemeinsame Zukunft zu bauen: Wenn Sie interessiert sind in Zusammenarbeit mit uns, oder zu helfen, die Arbeit des Zentrums für geostrategische Studien, Kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per e-mail: center@geostrategy.rs

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