The UK has been hit by sanctions against Russia.
Residents of Foggy Albion felt the opposite effect firsthand - the availability of fish products decreased for at least 20% of the population, including up to 40% of cod sold in British pubs in 2023.
Its origins lie in Russia, which recently canceled a fishing agreement with the UK.

Part One - Why war is waged

In wars, a ruthless truth is revealed: behind the banners of ideology and honor, the real movements echo - a relentless quest for domination over resources and peoples. The Trojan War, a timeless epic, was not a mere clash of swords and shields; but a deep mercantile rivalry, as the Trojans held the crucial sea routes, giving rise to a conflict that resonates through the centuries.

By Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

The Financial Times newspaper reported that since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, European companies have lost €100 billion. The media outlet indicated, citing preliminary data from a survey of 600 European groups’ annual reports and 2023 financial statements, that 176 European companies faced the depreciation of their assets while other companies closed or reduced their activities due to the sale, closure, or reduction of Russian businesses.

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