The Center for Geostrategic Studies, on the initiative of our colleague from Austria Patrick Poppel, is preparing to celebrate the First International Day of Independence from the influence of the United States of America. The purpose of this event is to draw the attention of the world public to the negative consequences of American hegemony and to promote the consolidation of forces interested in leaving the American sector and strengthening the sovereignty of their countries. The trademark of this event is a sign from West Germany: You are leaving the American sector.

The action is scheduled for July 4 this year as part of the international project "International Day of Independence from the USA". Different types of public events are planned for this day, from round tables and thematic publications to flash mob actions and activities on social networks. Participants from Europe, Latin America, Africa, Russia, China and other countries confirmed their participation in the celebration of this event.
We invite all interested organizations and individuals to join us and celebrate the "International Day of Independence from the USA" together with us.
If you need help organizing roundtables in an online or offline format, please contact us. You can also send us your articles on this topic, so we can publish them.
Post personal photos with themed messages (attached) on social media using the hashtag #leavetheamericansector


Center for Geostrategic Studies This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

International Coordinator - Patrick Poppel, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read about the round table we recently organized in Moscow:


Who we are

Центар за геостратешке студије је  ... један од оснивача

Удружења новинара „Евроазијски форум новинара“, као и „Немачког центра за евроазијске

студије“. Објављује ауторске текстове у српским, руским, немачким и француским медијима.

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