Vladimir Sotirovic:the essence of the existence of NATO?

Written by: Prof. Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović

Researcher-Associate of the Center for geostrategic studies, Belgrade

Post-war American geostrategic plans and Europe

The Second World War ended in 1945. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed in 1949. G. with the formation of this military political organization began the Cold War 1.0 (1949−1989. G). The Warsaw Treaty was established six years later (1955). G.) as a military response to NATO, which by the way is popularly referred to as the Nazi American Terrorist Organization since a number of Nazi officers from the era of Hitler's Germany and World War II were employed in the structures of NATO after its establishment. It is clear that in this alliance, the United States plays a key role in all matters of its functioning, and with its actions in several interventions (e.g., Yugoslavia, Libya) turned out to be a classic but legalized terrorist organization.

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Press conference 23. anniversary since the beginning of the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Mia "Rossiya Segodnya"

24. March marks 23 years since NATO air strikes on the territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. NATO's 78-day aggression against a sovereign state has become a turning point in modern history. NATO countries, by crushing missiles and cluster bombs on civilians, have placed themselves above international law, violated the UN Charter. Current US President Joe Biden was one of the fervent supporters of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. It was he who proposed bombing Belgrade and blowing up bridges, and he called the commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army Hashim Thaci, suspected of war crimes and trafficking in human organs, "Kosovo's George Washington".

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Miroslav Nikolic: will Serbia marry militarily?

Written By: Miroslav Nikolić

Just as husbands and wives are always the last to know about their spouse's infidelity, so the Serbian public is always the last to know what the country's leadership does when it meets with prominent guests from abroad. That's why the press is here to inform us about it.

For example, in June, the British Telegraph published an interview with Defence Minister Ben Wallace, in which the head of the British Defence Department boasted that during his just completed visit to Serbia, he signed a significant agreement with the Serbian leadership, which prevents the influence of Russia in that Balkan country. The article was published under the appropriate title: "Great Britain signed a treaty with Serbia against the malign influence of Russia".

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Mitar Kovac: NATO's offensive concept and strategy – a key threat to peace in Europe

Written by: Professor Dr Mitar Kovač

The end of the Cold War, the self-dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in July 1991. the years and the collapse of the USSR, strategists in the West, primarily in the US and Britain, saw it as a great victory and did everything to preserve NATO, justifying in the international public the meaning and essence of its survival. How can we rationally explain that after 31 years since the disappearance of the Warsaw Pact, there is NATO and what is its meaning in the modern world? With the rise of Western economic power, NATO has become an even more aggressive military-political organization, used by informal power centers of multinational corporations in search of cheap resources and new markets, through a process of violent globalization.

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Serbia suspends military exercises to continue moving away from Russia and to join NATO

Written by: Prof. Dr. Mitar Kovač

The consequences of The Washington Agreement have not yet settled in discussions and social debate in Serbia, on various aspects of that agreement, and we already have an unpleasant surprise and the decision of the Government of Serbia to stop all military exercises with foreign participants on the 6th. months.

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Anti-Russian hysteria by Aleksandar Vucic

Written By: Mladjan Djordjevic

In the author's text, published on the website of the Russian Federal News Agency "Regnum"Mladjan Djordjevic, a Serbian opposition activist, interprets the current campaign in the Serbian media, directed against Russia, as a preparation of Aleksandar Vucic for a move away from Russophilia to Russophobia, similar to the one made by Milo Djukanovic a few years ago.

We transmit the text in its entirety:

For a long time on this site, and even longer in conversations with my Russian friends, I warn of the fact that the current president of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic is preparing what I am in text published on the day of victory, he called "Djukanovic's turn": a departure from his false Russophilia to open, undisguised Russophobia, like that made by President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic, turning his back on centuries-old Russian-Montenegrin friendship and introducing Montenegro to NATO.

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Interview with German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

Online conference in the organization Atlantic Councilit is held 24. June 2020. The theme of the panel was the transatlantic fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the future of the transatlantic alliance, and the geopolitical challenges posed by Russia and China. The conference was accompanied by Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies, as well as Svetlana Maksovic, secretary general of the Center for geostrategic studies. Below we share the report from the conference, as well as comments and questions from the Center.

ModeratorAnna Wislander, Director, Northern Europe Office, Atlantic Council

Introductory wordFrederick Kempe, president and CEO Atlantic Council

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Что Вучич сделал для российских интересов и как это ничего?

Всех сербов может только радовать факт того, что ИА REGNUM за последние несколько месяцев стало первой и пока единственной в России площадкой для открытой полемики между режимом президента Александра Вучича и оппозицией. Жалко российских читателей, с другой стороны, потому что другие федеральные агентства от своих корреспондентов получают лишь одностороннюю информацию, почти пропагандистско-проправительственную. Но зато можно радоваться, что и в России, и в Сербии люди с российским гражданством получают денежную помощь от сербского государства во время этой зловещей пандемии, пусть даже это и лоббисты Александра Вучича, которые почему-то вступают в дискуссию со мной на темы сербской политики вместо самого президента Сербии или членов его правящей партии. Но когда они в своих текстах (не)злонамеренно забывают некоторые факты из ближайшей сербской политической истории, считаю своим человеческим долгом им о них напомнить, просто для всеобщего развития.

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НАТО у стилу рекеташа нуди помоћ на Балкану

Dragana Trifkovic REGNUM

НАТО је заинтересован да стави читав Балкан под своју контролу и у том циљу предузима низ активности. Управо је идеја о НАТО интегрисаном Балкану кључна за војно-политичке циљеве алијансе. Суштински, поједине државе бивше Југославије по својој снази и свом положају не би требало да буду предмет интересовања алијансе, али ако их посматрамо кроз идеју интегрисања целог простора, јасно је због чега НАТО показује толико интересовање.  Прва бивша југословенска република која је приступила НАТО била је Словенија 2004. године, а затим Хрватска 2009. Пут до пуноправног чланства одвијао се кроз сарадњу ових држава са НАТО кроз разноразне програме.

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