Kiev producing weapons abroad

Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

Russian high-precision attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure are already making Kiev’s domestic weapons production unviable. A local top official recently said that the Ukrainian defense industry is already fleeing abroad in order to try to escape the consequences of the fighting. With the constant Russian strikes, the industry is forced to look for new countries to continue its production of weapons to supply the neo-Nazi troops.

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Dragana Trifkovic: Global Changes and Security, The Balkans in Search of Stability

The international conference entitled „Balkan of Peace, Security, Cooperation and Partnership“ was organized on September 21. in Sofia under the auspices of Bulgarian President Rumen Radev. The event was organized by the Strategic Institute for National Policy and Ideas, the Balkan Transport and Infrastructure Forum and the National Association for International Relations.

Conference participants signed the Appeal for peace and equal security in the Balkans.

Dragana Trifković, general director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, spoke on the topic: Global Changes and Security, The Balkans in Search of Stability. Here’s her speech in full:

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We, representatives of non-governmental organizations from the Balkan countries, participants in the International Conference „The Balkans – for Peace, Security, Cooperation, and Partnership“, which took place in Sofia on 21 September 2023, having discussed the current situation in our region and the factors that directly and immediately affect it, we have come to the common understanding that our countries and peoples are facing unprecedented new challenges and opportunities.

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Xavier Moreau: The Vladivostok forum goes indeed far beyond a question of regional development

Interview with Xavier Moreau

Vladivostok September, 2023

Xavier Moreau is a French businessman and political-strategic analyst based in Moscow. A Saint-Cyrien and graduate of the Sorbonne (Paris IV) in the history of international relations, he runs the geopolitical analysis website Stratpol.

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Russia’s Asian pivot

By Thierry Thodinor

To appreciate St Petersburg – the city of my heart – you’d better not be allergic to Tchaikovsky or sailing marine. Vladivostock requires you to raise your heartbeat to the level of a Ramones concert and be prepared to board a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

What is being built there is the new Rome of the Asia-Pacific, nothing less than the European capital of the Far East.

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Драгана Трифковић: Глобалне промене и безбедност, Балкан у потрази за стабилношћу

Драгана Трифковић, генерални директор Центра за геостратешке студије, учествовала је у раду Међународне конференције Балкан – за мир, безбедност, сарадњу и партнерство. Конференција је одржана у Софији 21. септембра у организацији Стратешког института за националне политике и идеје (СИНПИ), Форума за балкански транспорт и инфраструктуру (ФБТИ) и Националног удружење за међународне односе (НАИМО). Форум је организован под покровитељством председника Републике Бугарске, господина Румена Радева, а отворила га је потпредседница Републике Бугарске, г-ђа Илијана Jотова. Излагање Драгана Трифковић, преносимо у целости:

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Драгана Трифковић, у име Центра за геостратешке студије из Србије, потписник је Апела за мир и једнаку безбедност на Балкану. Текст Апела преносимо у целости. 

Ми, представници невладиних организација из балканских земаља, учесници Међународне конференције „Балкан – за мир, безбедност, сарадњу и партнерство“, која је одржана у Софији 21. септембра 2023. године, разговарали смо о актуелној ситуацији у региону и фактора који на њега директно и непосредно утичу, дошли смо до заједничког схватања да се наше земље и народи суочавају са новим изазовима и могућностима без преседана.

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Conferencia internacional: los Balcanes para la paz, la seguridad, la cooperación y la asociación

Sofía es de 21 años. en septiembre, la Conferencia Internacional "los Balcanes para la paz, la seguridad, la cooperación y la asociación", fue organizado por la Estratégica Instituto para las políticas nacionales y las ideas (SINPI), el foro de los Balcanes de transporte e infraestructura (FBTI) y la Asociación Nacional de relaciones internacionales (Naimo).

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Ukrainian conflict a testing ground for US

By Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

Once again, it seems clear that Ukraine is just one part of America’s ambitious war plans. According to Western media, American experts are „taking notes“ of the reality of combat with electronic warfare in Ukraine. The objective is to make the Ukrainian battlefield a „testing ground“ for electronic warfare techniques that can serve US interests in other conflicts – such as a possible confrontation with China in the future.

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Collective Security and the System of OUN in International Relations (IR)

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic

An idea of effective collective security is the foundation of the OUN. Fundamentally, collective security has to be a system to protect global peace and security through the common agreement and activity of all nations. Therefore, the focal idea of the concept of collective security is to institutionalize a permanent arrangement of the balance of power in which the whole international community has to agree to oppose any armed aggression by any member state. The very theoretical logic of the concept of collective security is double:

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