La geopolítica y la política

Dragana Trifković: As they lose on the fronts, the Western powers have intensified terrorism

Dragana Trifković, general director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies

Numerous conflicts in the world are deepening and intensifying, which on the one hand corresponds to the American doctrine of the clash of civilizations, but on the other hand, the collective West is weakening economically, militarily and politically, thereby reducing the possibility of turning the situation in its favor by creating controlled chaos. The process of global repositioning has entered a dangerous phase when the power centers of the collective West, not wanting to lose the levers of power, show their readiness to go all the way in world destabilization. There for, there is a danger of opening new fronts, in addition to the existing ones, where Ukraine and Palestine currently have a particularly high intensity of conflict.

Western powers are also working intensively to destabilize Central Asia, Balkans as well as the Caucasus.

The war in Palestine is not developing in favor of the Zionist regime, which has shown a great weakness of the military and intelligence forces, and on the other hand has directed aggression against the civilian population, which is causing strong reactions and condemnation throughout the world.

The United States of America, which is the main sponsor of this regime, is primarily driven by its own interests and due to the weakening of its own positions, it will be ready to sacrifice its allies. American strategist Henry Kissinger once said, „Being America’s enemy is dangerous, but being America’s friend is disastrous“. This should be borne in mind by all the strategic partners of the USA, including Europe.

In this regard, I think that Israel has no future and that the US itself will deny them aid at a certain point. It is much more important for US plans to preserve relations with the structures of radical Islam, through which they are trying to destabilize Russia and China as the two biggest geopolitical rivals. It should also be borne in mind that the actions of the US in the Middle East have led to an increase in anti-American sentiment. Since the escalation of the conflict in the Gaza Strip on October 7 last year, the US military has been attacked more than 140 times in Syria and Iraq, including rocket attacks. The main adversaries of the US in the Middle East are the forces of the resistance axis, which have consolidated and are applying good tactics in the fight against the US occupation forces. These actions lead to the displacement of American forces, which will be forced to evacuate, but they will try to maintain certain mechanisms of influence, as is the case in Afghanistan.

As they lose on the fronts, the Western powers have intensified terrorism as the main means by which they think to prevent geopolitical changes. So we have a problem today with international terrorism, organized by certain Western countries, as well as extremist terrorist structures controlled by them.

Therefore, the common task of all of us is to fight against international terrorism as well as to stop and prevent military conflicts.


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