La geopolítica y la política

Kiev lies by accusing Russia of crimes against Zaporozhye nuclear power plant

By Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

The Ukrainian government is repeatedly telling lies about the attacks on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP). The president of the regime made new unproven accusations against the Russian side about sabotage of the ZNPP, ignoring that it is his own troops that have been promoting terror in the area of the plant. As expected, the western media reports the neo-Nazi leader’s words as if they were true, leading the public opinion to believe that Moscow is deliberately trying to generate radioactive leakage in Zaporozhye.

On the night of July 4, the Ukrainian head of state published on his social networks an alarming message about alleged information he had received from his intelligence sources on a Russian operation to place „objects resembling explosives“ on the roof of the ZNPP’s facilities. According to him, this would be part of a plan to blow up the units and generate a nuclear accident.

Zelensky also claimed that the world is supposedly aware that Moscow is the „only source of danger“ to the ZNPP. According to the president, trying to stop Russia is a responsibility of the entire world, since the effects of radiation would be harmful to everyone. On the occasion, he once again unfoundedly accused Russia of having carried out the attack against the Novaya Kakhovka dam, even regretting the fact that he had not been able to „respond“ to the alleged maneuver.

„Now we have information from our intelligence that the Russian military has placed objects resembling explosives on the roof of several power units of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. (…) In any case, the world sees (…) that the only source of danger to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is Russia and no one else. Unfortunately, there was no timely and large-scale response to the terrorist attack on the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant. And this may incite the Kremlin to commit new evil. It is the responsibility of everyone in the world to stop it, no one can stand aside, as radiation affects everyone“, Zelensky said.

To corroborate Zelensky’s narrative, the Ukrainian authorities began to publish out-of-context images showing people supposedly shopping in supermarkets to stock up on food in their homes in the face of an eventual lockdown for radioactive reasons. Earlier, Kiev had launched a training program in its occupation zones to teach civilians how to deal with a nuclear tragedy.

Obviously, this is not the first time Zelensky has made this kind of accusation. Since last year, Kiev has considered Moscow responsible for all the attacks that take place at the plant. On the other hand, Russia makes it clear that it has no intention of destroying the ZNPP’s facilities, even taking public initiatives to show the world that it is the Ukrainian troops who sabotage the place.

For example, it was Moscow, not Kiev, that invited a team of international experts to the region last year, showing that Russians are not afraid of the truth about what happens there. In addition, the Russian troops also provided security to the foreign experts since Ukrainian soldiers allegedly tried to capture them to make “human shields”.

The problem is that Western media do not act honestly when reporting these cases, irresponsibly repeating the words of Ukrainian officials, even though they are evidently unrealistic. In the days following Zelensky’s „nuclear risk“ statement, Western newspapers helped to intensify global fears of a nuclear catastrophe by spreading the lying reports and even interviewing several biased, pro-Kiev „analysts“ to give credibility to the Ukrainian narrative.

For example, CNN interviewed experts to explain „how catastrophic Russian attack on nuclear plant would be“ and how they are supposedly „worried“ about it. In the same sense, according to the New York Times, the alleged Russian sabotage at the ZNPP would be the result of „despair“ on the part of Moscow in the face of the Ukrainian „counteroffensive“.

Interestingly, the western media ignored official reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) denying Ukrainian claims and stating that no “visible indications of mines or explosives” have been observed at the ZNPP.

Indeed, these Ukrainian accusations and the Western disinformation campaign on the topic only help to spread chaos, fear and anti-Russian hysteria around the world. Kiev has been trying for a long time to destroy the ZNPP’s facilities and now it may be closer to generating a nuclear leak, as the recent attack on Kakhovka affected the flow of water that supplies the plant’s reactors.

The regime believes that it could profit from a nuclear tragedy, as it hopes that this will “justify” a NATO intervention – or at least an exponential increase in the supply of heavy weapons to neo-Nazi forces in order for them to continue their aggression against Russia.

Now, Kiev is stepping up its alarmist propaganda about the plant because it hopes to be close to achieve the goal of creating a disaster. But Russian authorities continue to monitor the situation and are ready to act in time to avoid the worst scenario, even if that means escalating the attacks against Kiev to higher levels.

You can follow Lucas on Twitter and Telegrama.

Source: InfoBrics

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Centro de estudios geoestratégicos es una organización no gubernamental y sin fines de lucro, fundada en Belgrado en la asamblea fundacional celebrada en 28.02.2014. de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el art.11. y 12. La ley de asociaciones ("Gaceta Oficial Rs", no.51/09). por un período indefinido de tiempo, con el fin de alcanzar los objetivos en el campo de la investigación científica de geoestratégica de las relaciones y la preparación de documentos de estrategia, el análisis y la investigación. La asociación desarrolla y apoya proyectos y actividades dirigidas al estado y a los intereses nacionales de Serbia, que tiene el estatuto de una persona jurídica y que está inscrita en el registro, de conformidad con la ley. La misión del Centro de estudios geoestratégicos es: "estamos construyendo el futuro, debido a que Serbia se lo merece: los valores que representan, son establecidas a través de nuestra historia, cultura y tradición. Creemos que sin pasado no hay futuro. Por esta razón, con el fin de construir el futuro, debemos conocer nuestro pasado y valorar nuestras tradiciones. Los verdaderos valores están siempre conectados a tierra, y el futuro no se puede construir en una buena dirección, sin que la fundación. En una época de trastornos cambio geopolítico, es crucial para tomar decisiones sabias y tomar las decisiones correctas. Vamos a ir de todos los impuestos y distorsionada ideas y artificial insta. Creemos firmemente que Serbia tiene la suficiente calidad y el potencial para determinar su propio futuro, independientemente de las amenazas y limitaciones. Estamos comprometidos con el serbio posición y el derecho a decidir nuestro propio futuro, teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que, históricamente, han sido muchos los desafíos, las amenazas y los peligros que hemos superado. " Visión: el Centro de estudios geoestratégicos aspira a convertirse en una de las principales organizaciones del mundo en el campo de la geopolítica. Él también quiere convertirse en una marca local. Vamos a tratar de interesar al público en Serbia en temas internacionales y reunir a todos aquellos interesados en la protección del estado y de los intereses nacionales, el fortalecimiento de la soberanía, la preservación de la integridad territorial, la preservación de los valores tradicionales, el fortalecimiento de las instituciones y el estado de derecho. Vamos a actuar en la dirección de encontrar personas de ideas afines, tanto en el ámbito nacional y en el mundo público. Nos centraremos en la cooperación regional y la creación de redes de relacionadas con las Ong, tanto a nivel regional e internacional. Vamos a lanzar proyectos a nivel internacional para apoyar el reposicionamiento de Serbia y la preservación de la integridad territorial. En cooperación con los medios de comunicación casas, vamos a implementar proyectos que se centran en estos objetivos. Vamos a organizar la educación del público interesado a través de conferencias, mesas redondas y seminarios. Vamos a tratar de encontrar un modelo para el desarrollo de la organización que permitan la financiación de las actividades del Centro. Construir un futuro juntos: Si usted está interesado en cooperar con nosotros, o para ayudar a la labor del Centro de estudios geoestratégicos, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros por e-mail:

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