La geopolítica y la política

Nabil Toumeh: Ukrainian tragedy led by a comedian

Dr. Nabil Toumeh Syrian MP and businessman
Which servant of America, who played the role of the President of Ukraine, who, upon his success, was said to have attained the presidency by chance, is it reasonable?
I wonder …
A trilogy imposed by the necessity of accomplishing any dramatic or comedic work, a movie or a play whose dimensions meet within virtual or realistic places with the help of a specialized quantity that reaches it or its results to the viewers who judge the idea and its performers, but the most important is who plays the roles, especially the starring role, that is, the star,  It is not necessary for the writer of the text to be present at the place of operations, but the presence of the actor is an absolute necessity, and the director is far from him, following up on the performance and the quality of implementation of what is required of him.
If everyone is in the service of the actor, who is often at odds with what he performs, but he wears the role or plays it, and whenever his performance is good, he receives approval, interaction, attention and applause, and if he fails, he is farther away and receives censure and reprimand, and he may lose opportunities or be excluded from them, and if we return to  The actor and we stayed in his orbit, we find him wearing his role, and asа soon as he finishes, he takes him off, and returns to his personality that he was, and we have not seen an actor who assumed a role and stayed on him, crying and his essence laughing, and the opposite is true, so you do not know the seriousness of his comic, except for the director.
What prompted me to write this title is what is happening now in Ukraine, because the only actor who played the role of the head of the Ukrainian state was Zelensky, the Ukrainian actor, and most of humanity followed clips from that comedy, the Hollywood director, as he liked the idea and insisted on transforming it, and even continuing to perform his role, but  Officially, he turned the table on the heads of its owners, and depicted this comic character as a major role in it, and appointed him president of Ukraine for the same purposes, which is the representative of the same Jacobite faith and hateful in the depths of the Russian Federation, even though he carried its language, and his housemaid says: He  It took him a while to master the Ukrainian language.
Someone might say: There is an actor who came to power, and I say yes, in the United States of America, and he is President “Reagan” 1981-1989, a third-class cowboy representative, but his choice was a political decision within his country, and he did not succeed in his representative roles, but he  His role in his presence, and the difference as the head of a superpower proved that the choice of Zelensky carried malicious and strategic goals, and all the conditions for success were created for him to implement the plans of the American director and screenwriter in his deep state, and his position was supported by more than qualitative extras, his surroundings from the countries that revolved in the orbit of the Soviet Union  , which was forcibly entered into the NATO system, through carrots and sticks, and behind it stands the system of Western European countries;  France, Germany, Britain, Italy, and Zelensky, the actor, considered America’s warhead in Europe, and the goal is the Russian Federation since his arrival on May 20, 2019 after the success of his series, „The Servant of the People“;  Which servant of America, who played the role of the President of Ukraine, who, upon his success, was said to have attained the presidency by chance, is it reasonable?
Let’s see how former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko commented on Zelensky’s campaign: „The presidential term of five years is not a farce that we can pass on if it is not funny, nor is it a horror movie that is easy to stop,“ and added, „I want to remind everyone that it is not a joke,  It is an election for the position of commander in chief.”
Yes, let us admit that the West, led by America, penetrated the Russian Federation in Ukraine, and it was proven that they worked on the Ukrainian people, and prepared them to deliver Zelensky, who was carefully programmed, and opened the doors of the world to him for his success.  He talks morning and evening with world leaders with arrogance and arrogance in his simple military uniform, who tried to put the sign of the cross on his military jacket. Has anyone noticed this?  And why did he quickly return to his situation without her?  Did any of you ask why he continues, he and who is with him?  Is it because he is with his prime minister and many ministers of the Jewish religion, and that global Zionism with the deep state in America and Britain protect him strongly while he represents his role, and represents the tip of their spear in the face of the Russian Federation, for which historical Zionism has a hidden hatred, because of what Tsarist Russia did to the Jews?
It is true that the Earth of our planet is a great theater, and that every person who lives on it has a role, but Zelensky’s role has become remarkable, and those interested in peace and world peace should stop and study it, and I say: So far he is a successful actor through what the director prepared for him, and the script is going as they want  Today, more than ever, the Russian is required to reveal this triumvirate by defeating them.
May 9, 2022

Acerca de Центар за геостратешке студије

Centro de estudios geoestratégicos es una organización no gubernamental y sin fines de lucro, fundada en Belgrado en la asamblea fundacional celebrada en 28.02.2014. de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el art.11. y 12. La ley de asociaciones ("Gaceta Oficial Rs", no.51/09). por un período indefinido de tiempo, con el fin de alcanzar los objetivos en el campo de la investigación científica de geoestratégica de las relaciones y la preparación de documentos de estrategia, el análisis y la investigación. La asociación desarrolla y apoya proyectos y actividades dirigidas al estado y a los intereses nacionales de Serbia, que tiene el estatuto de una persona jurídica y que está inscrita en el registro, de conformidad con la ley. La misión del Centro de estudios geoestratégicos es: "estamos construyendo el futuro, debido a que Serbia se lo merece: los valores que representan, son establecidas a través de nuestra historia, cultura y tradición. Creemos que sin pasado no hay futuro. Por esta razón, con el fin de construir el futuro, debemos conocer nuestro pasado y valorar nuestras tradiciones. Los verdaderos valores están siempre conectados a tierra, y el futuro no se puede construir en una buena dirección, sin que la fundación. En una época de trastornos cambio geopolítico, es crucial para tomar decisiones sabias y tomar las decisiones correctas. Vamos a ir de todos los impuestos y distorsionada ideas y artificial insta. Creemos firmemente que Serbia tiene la suficiente calidad y el potencial para determinar su propio futuro, independientemente de las amenazas y limitaciones. Estamos comprometidos con el serbio posición y el derecho a decidir nuestro propio futuro, teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que, históricamente, han sido muchos los desafíos, las amenazas y los peligros que hemos superado. " Visión: el Centro de estudios geoestratégicos aspira a convertirse en una de las principales organizaciones del mundo en el campo de la geopolítica. Él también quiere convertirse en una marca local. Vamos a tratar de interesar al público en Serbia en temas internacionales y reunir a todos aquellos interesados en la protección del estado y de los intereses nacionales, el fortalecimiento de la soberanía, la preservación de la integridad territorial, la preservación de los valores tradicionales, el fortalecimiento de las instituciones y el estado de derecho. Vamos a actuar en la dirección de encontrar personas de ideas afines, tanto en el ámbito nacional y en el mundo público. Nos centraremos en la cooperación regional y la creación de redes de relacionadas con las Ong, tanto a nivel regional e internacional. Vamos a lanzar proyectos a nivel internacional para apoyar el reposicionamiento de Serbia y la preservación de la integridad territorial. En cooperación con los medios de comunicación casas, vamos a implementar proyectos que se centran en estos objetivos. Vamos a organizar la educación del público interesado a través de conferencias, mesas redondas y seminarios. Vamos a tratar de encontrar un modelo para el desarrollo de la organización que permitan la financiación de las actividades del Centro. Construir un futuro juntos: Si usted está interesado en cooperar con nosotros, o para ayudar a la labor del Centro de estudios geoestratégicos, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros por e-mail:

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