La geopolítica y la política

Western media sees spies and saboteurs everywhere

By Patrick Poppel, expert at the Center for Geostrategic Studies in Belgrade

An article entitled “Spies and Saboteurs” was published in the NZZ (Neue Züricher Zeitung). This choice of words reminds us very much of the time of the Second World War. A Russian agent is now suspected behind every corner in Europe. There were even reports of planned attacks by the Russian secret service on German soil. But most of the allegations concern disinformation and cyberattacks that are intended to destabilize Germany from Russia.

This article in the so-called “quality medium” is not an isolated case in the media world of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Just a few days ago there was a scandal in Austria because an employee of the secret service was accused of working as a spy for Russia. Whether this is true or not, this person was immediately shown to be close to the opposition FPÖ party. In many Austrian media, bizarre connections to other political figures were described, without being able to prove this. The target of this report was clearly not this “agent” but the opposition party.

This anti-Russian opinion formation now flanks the anti-democratic and totalitarian developments, as there is already discussion in Germany about banning a party (AFD) that does not correspond to the mainstream.

The role of the systemic media in manipulating the political landscape must be questioned more closely in the future. Especially because they are financed by public structures. These media create an atmosphere in society, which is used as a basis for discussions in parliament and even changes in laws.

But it’s not just the media that is working against the opposition. There are now also demonstrations against the opposition in Germany, which are massively supported by the state media. These “protests against the right” must be analyzed as an artificially created movement. State-funded media, cultural associations and artists are gathering people here to take to the streets against the opposition.

The AFD in Germany and the FPÖ in Austria are repeatedly described as pro-Russian and individuals there have often been asked to explicitly distance themselves from Russia. Apart from that, these political forces cannot be described as pro-Russian, as they include many transatlantic politicians.

We have to ask ourselves why such a major campaign is now being organized against the opposition. The answer is that the system can no longer explain its own incompetence and work against the state’s sovereign interests. Only when you point your finger at someone do three fingers point back at you.

Fear of Russian espionage and sabotage is currently at a peak in Europe. It is expected that this situation will not change soon. This fear has existed in Eastern Europe for years, but now the West is also mired in this paranoia.

It is important to the media in the West to create threats and enemy images. Russia is currently the target of this propaganda. But in the future it could also become a different state. Just as people are afraid of Russia’s spies today, tomorrow they might be afraid of China’s economy or Africa waking up.

Europe is in a difficult situation due to geopolitical changes. And systems that get into trouble often tend to act irrationally. These are difficult times for the political opposition and happy journalists in Europe. Anyone who doesn’t follow the mainstream is excluded and attacked in the media.

However, these political and media instruments could also be just the beginning of further development. The first arrests have already been made and the investigation is continuing. The search for “enemies of the state” will not stop. In this context, one should just think about who the enemies of democracy are here.

Such a division in society never existed in Western Europe, even during the Cold War. Since the beginning of the Ukraine conflict in 2014, the mass migration in 2015 and the ongoing climate hysteria, society in the West has been divided into two groups. These two groups have no common points of contact with each other.

This is a very dangerous domestic political development. And the current media propaganda is not helping to ease the mood between the government and the opposition. It will only achieve the opposite and divide society even further.

The defamation of the opposition through these espionage scandals is a new stage in the political struggle and allows us to see exactly how cooperation between Western secret services, lobbyists, governments and the media works.

Source: InfoBrics

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Centro de estudios geoestratégicos es una organización no gubernamental y sin fines de lucro, fundada en Belgrado en la asamblea fundacional celebrada en 28.02.2014. de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el art.11. y 12. La ley de asociaciones ("Gaceta Oficial Rs", no.51/09). por un período indefinido de tiempo, con el fin de alcanzar los objetivos en el campo de la investigación científica de geoestratégica de las relaciones y la preparación de documentos de estrategia, el análisis y la investigación. La asociación desarrolla y apoya proyectos y actividades dirigidas al estado y a los intereses nacionales de Serbia, que tiene el estatuto de una persona jurídica y que está inscrita en el registro, de conformidad con la ley. La misión del Centro de estudios geoestratégicos es: "estamos construyendo el futuro, debido a que Serbia se lo merece: los valores que representan, son establecidas a través de nuestra historia, cultura y tradición. Creemos que sin pasado no hay futuro. Por esta razón, con el fin de construir el futuro, debemos conocer nuestro pasado y valorar nuestras tradiciones. Los verdaderos valores están siempre conectados a tierra, y el futuro no se puede construir en una buena dirección, sin que la fundación. En una época de trastornos cambio geopolítico, es crucial para tomar decisiones sabias y tomar las decisiones correctas. Vamos a ir de todos los impuestos y distorsionada ideas y artificial insta. Creemos firmemente que Serbia tiene la suficiente calidad y el potencial para determinar su propio futuro, independientemente de las amenazas y limitaciones. Estamos comprometidos con el serbio posición y el derecho a decidir nuestro propio futuro, teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que, históricamente, han sido muchos los desafíos, las amenazas y los peligros que hemos superado. " Visión: el Centro de estudios geoestratégicos aspira a convertirse en una de las principales organizaciones del mundo en el campo de la geopolítica. Él también quiere convertirse en una marca local. Vamos a tratar de interesar al público en Serbia en temas internacionales y reunir a todos aquellos interesados en la protección del estado y de los intereses nacionales, el fortalecimiento de la soberanía, la preservación de la integridad territorial, la preservación de los valores tradicionales, el fortalecimiento de las instituciones y el estado de derecho. Vamos a actuar en la dirección de encontrar personas de ideas afines, tanto en el ámbito nacional y en el mundo público. Nos centraremos en la cooperación regional y la creación de redes de relacionadas con las Ong, tanto a nivel regional e internacional. Vamos a lanzar proyectos a nivel internacional para apoyar el reposicionamiento de Serbia y la preservación de la integridad territorial. En cooperación con los medios de comunicación casas, vamos a implementar proyectos que se centran en estos objetivos. Vamos a organizar la educación del público interesado a través de conferencias, mesas redondas y seminarios. Vamos a tratar de encontrar un modelo para el desarrollo de la organización que permitan la financiación de las actividades del Centro. Construir un futuro juntos: Si usted está interesado en cooperar con nosotros, o para ayudar a la labor del Centro de estudios geoestratégicos, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros por e-mail:

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