La géopolitique et de la politique

Escaping the Meat Grinder: Avalanche of Refugees from Soledar

By Ano Develay for TID

As is usually the norm in this conflict zone, we had not received prior notice as to the day’s schedule.

Our vehicle worked its way to a district outside Donetsk called Shakhtersk which bore the stigmata of nine years of shelling. The grim landscape of desolation stretched for miles on end until suddenly our convoy arrived at a nondescript location where a small crowed had gathered obviously in anticipation of our arrival.


We were greeted by a burly man whose washed blue eyes pierced through you like lasers. He presented himself as Alexander SHATOV, the mayor of Shakhtersk.

He explained that in the wake of the liberation of the town of SOLEDAR, dozens of civilians keep arriving every week looking to escape what has repeatedly been described as a human meat grinder.

We made our way inside the building where we were greeted by a small group of civilians obviously traumatized by what they’d just gone through. Haggard eyes characterized most of these men and women as for most of them, the immediacy of danger had subsided but remained ever present.


Old babushka listened intently with hopeful some would say grateful, eyes despite most of the assembly wearing Covid-19 hygienic masks.

In a corner of the quickly-arranged room a mound of emergency supplies was being tended to as staff kept coming in and out with what seemed like an endless flow of emergency packages and rations.

SHATOV proceeded to explain to the refugees that they “had nothing to fear… You will be provided with everything you need until we get you relocated to suitable housing.”

Some in the crowd did seem worried about the fate of some of the people whom they had not seen ever since arriving.

“What happened to X, Y and Z?”, they kept asking. Others expressed anguish at their mobiles having been taken away from them upon evacuation. SHATOV explained that this was protocol and that they’d get their phones back as soon as “processing was complete”.

The war rages and it is not out of the ordinary to understand that security is of the utmost concern for enemy infiltrators could very well masquerade as civilian refugees in order to convey sensitive information to “the other side”. Nothing could then be more damaging for the Russian military than being confronted with optics bearing on their inabilities to protect civilians. In this war where media is front and center in the vying for the proverbial “hearts and minds”, Russia has adopted since the beginning of the Special Military Operation a decidedly opposite approach than the US as relates to humanitarian considerations.

Rather than the “shock and awe” of grim memories used against Iraq and other “third rates” military powers (dixit the Pentagon), the Russian Federation has always privileged a rather cautious strategy akin to “clear and build” as witnessed in Mariupol and an increasing number of locations throughout the “denazified and demilitarized” areas of the Donbass.

One of the refugee overcame his reticence to talk to us as everybody else appeared unwilling to get on record even with their faces blurred.

The man’s gaunt appearance did not diminish his steely resolve to share with us a glimpse of the horror he had managed to escape.

He confided that Ukrainian nationalists’ presence was rampant in the city. That despite the overall complexion of the fight there bearing on a decisive Russian advantage, these “search and destroy” parties were feverishly searching for trophies (Russian soldiers).

He explained that he had ventured out of the basement where he and his family were holed up in order to see how he could help out neighbors amid the ruins.

He happened to stumble onto a Russian serviceman who’d suffered a bullet-hole injury and who was quickly turning pale owing to the loss of blood.

He recounted how he stepped into the open to drag the soldier back into his basement where he and his kin arranged for a summarily-devised tourniquet. He told how he wasn’t too optimistic about the soldier’s survival prospect as the sement did not provide for sterilized environment and of most significant import, the extermination squads were being heard banging on nearby doors, threatening anyone caught sheltering the enemy of the most severe punishment.

In what must have seemed like an eternity, the man and his family attempted to stay as quiet as possible “as we expected them to burst through the doors at any moment”, until eventually the rescue party came under the shape of the Wagner group.

“The Musicians” had finished playing their partition in SOLEDAR.

Arnaud DEVELAY is a lawyer specializing in international humanitarian and criminal law. He began his career in 2005 under the mentorship of former United States Justice Minister Ramsay CLARK by defending former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his companions. He then participated in the defense of Ilitch RAMIREZ SANCHEZ (CARLOS) before spending the last two years in the Syrian Arab Republic reporting on the deleterious effects of the CAESAR sanctions regime.



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À propos de Центар за геостратешке студије

Centre pour les études géostratégiques est une organisation non-gouvernementale et à but non lucratif de l'association, fondée à Belgrade à l'assemblée générale constitutive tenue le 28.02.2014. conformément aux dispositions de l'art.11. et 12. La loi sur les associations ("journal Officiel de la Rs", non.51/09). pour une période de temps indéterminée, afin d'atteindre les objectifs fixés dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique, des relations géostratégiques et la préparation de documents stratégiques, de l'analyse et de la recherche. L'association développe et soutient des projets et des activités visant à l'etat et aux intérêts nationaux de la Serbie, a le statut d'une personne morale et qu'il est inscrit dans le registre conformément à la loi. La mission du Centre d'études géostratégiques est: "nous sommes la construction de l'avenir, parce que la Serbie mérite: les valeurs que nous représentons sont établies par le biais de notre histoire, de la culture et de la tradition. Nous croyons que sans passé il n'y a pas d'avenir. Pour cette raison, afin de construire l'avenir, nous devons connaître notre passé et à chérir nos traditions. Les vraies valeurs sont toujours mis à la terre, et l'avenir ne peut être construit dans une bonne direction, sans que de la fondation. Dans un moment de perturbations sur les changements géopolitiques, il est essentiel de faire les bons choix et prendre les bonnes décisions. De laisser aller de toutes imposées et déformé les idées et artificielle des pulsions. Nous croyons fermement que la Serbie a suffisamment de qualité et de potentiel afin de déterminer son propre avenir, peu importe les menaces et les limites. Nous nous engageons à la position serbe et le droit de décider de notre avenir, en gardant à l'esprit le fait que, historiquement, il ya eu de nombreux défis, les menaces et les dangers, que nous avons surmonté. “ Vision: le Centre d'études géostratégiques aspire à devenir l'une des plus importantes organisations mondiales dans le domaine de la géopolitique. Il veut aussi devenir une marque locale. Nous allons essayer d'intéresser le public à la Serbie dans les questions internationales et de rassembler tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la protection de l'état et des intérêts nationaux, le renforcement de la souveraineté, de la préservation de l'intégrité territoriale, la préservation des valeurs traditionnelles, le renforcement des institutions et de l'état de droit. Nous allons agir dans le sens de trouver des personnes partageant les mêmes idées, à la fois en interne et dans le monde public. Nous mettrons l'accent sur la coopération régionale et la mise en réseau des organisations non gouvernementales, à la fois au niveau régional et international. Nous allons lancer des projets au niveau international pour soutenir le repositionnement de la Serbie et de la préservation de l'intégrité territoriale. En coopération avec les médias, nous allons mettre en œuvre des projets qui mettent l'accent sur ces objectifs. Nous allons organiser l'éducation du public intéressé par des conférences, des tables rondes et des séminaires. Nous allons essayer de trouver un modèle pour le développement de l'organisation qui permettrait le financement des activités du Centre. Construire ensemble notre avenir: Si vous êtes intéressés à collaborer avec nous, ou pour aider le travail du Centre d'études géostratégiques, veuillez nous contacter par e-mail:

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