La géopolitique et de la politique

Ukraine in the third world war in pieces

by Emanuel Pietrobon and Juan Martin G.Cabañas

Ukraine is a battlefield and also a negotiating table. An area of dispute of the „Clash of Civilizations“ predicted by Samuel Huntington in the near but distant 1996. Ukraine is where it all ends and starts. It’s where Eurasianism ends (the dream of a Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok) and is where the new chapter of the perpetuum bellum begins between the extremes of the West: North America and Russia.  And it is, above all, a key theatre of operations of the „Third World War in pieces“.

In Ukraine a new chapter is being fought of what Pope Francis had already called „Third World War in pieces“ in 2014. History proved that the present Summum Pontifex was right: those conflicts that exploded like wildfire across the planet were part of a wider hegemonic confrontation between blocs.  Geopolitical blocks that in 2022, after eight years of germination alternating with latency phases, began their tectonic shocks.

Analysts fear the „internationalization of the conflict,“ but the truth is that it is already global. In a way, it has always been. But it officially became global when Ukraine created a Foreign Legion, began to receive weaponry from NATO, and when Russia assembled its own platoons of loyalists, with its own debts with Kiev.

From the Peripheries to the Core: some scenarios

The Third World War in pieces, or „Great Powers competition“, entered a new stage in which there is an increase in the presence of the conflict „from the Peripheries to the Cores„.

The peripheries, that is, the marginalized, the laggards of globalization, the satellites, the disputed land fringes, the States on the margins of the great empires, the remnants of colonial times. The peripheral States had been the ones overwhelmed in the recent years by civil wars, coups and hybrid operations in the pre-war period in Ukraine. Kazakhstan was the latest example recently. And it is the peripheral states that will experience a crescendo of instability in a hypothetical post-war period (or temporary truce).

For example, the Atlantic is a “suburb” with lots of powder kegs to explode, is the scenario where the Moscow-Beijing axis would try to move its pieces with bold, but predictable, reactions to the Western advance (AUKUS in the Indo-Pacific and NATO in Eastern Europe) into the respective „neighbourhoods“ of Russia and China. The logic of these „Revisionist Powers“ will be very clear: if they do not have the right to have their own Areas of Influence, nor the United States should have the “right”. The „Monroe doctrine“ in the XXI century might be put to the test.

To be short, the Atlantic could become as geo-relevant as the Indo-Pacific is today. This is suggested by some events that happened in 2021: the renewed Russian support for Latin American political forces with critical stances to Washington; the official arrival of China in Nicaragua; the wave of instability that affected the French dominions in Latin America; and last but not least, the striking Chinese endorsement of Argentina’s claim to sovereignty over the Malvinas-Falklands Islands.

A different world

The „total economic war“ against Russia is the symbol of the new globalization that is emerging: a “Globalization in Compartments“ of several rails, and at several speeds, with compartments of micro and macro regional nature. A process led by the Trump administration, which has been speeded up by the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent war in Ukraine.

In the new model of globalization that is emerging, regional integrative processes such as the European Union (EU) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) are articulated but at the same time they are decoupling (in a kind of competition among continental projects).

A globalization and regionalization with a more progressive de-dollarization would be another example… this implies that Europe and Asia could be two increasingly separate blocs

In this hypothetical „Globalization in Compartments“, after the recent events in Ukraine there’s the possibility that Russia –de facto– will become a part of the Asian bloc (perhaps the dream of Eurasianism, the dream of a Europe extended from Lisbon to Vladivostok, died on 24 February 2022, or at least it will not be possible to restore for a long time).

Changing geopolitical realignments

As globalization is changing, so is the formation of blocs, poles and alliances at the international stage.  There’s a risk that the times of moderation and passive neutrality may be closer to the end. Even Switzerland, absent from the two world wars, has broken a centuries-old tradition of neutrality by condemning Russian action in Ukraine.

We live in troubled times, of geopolitical realignments through the choice of sides, surely the Great Powers will ask for tests of loyalty to the peripheral countries. Some will respond firmly, while others „will change their team’s jersey“ unexpectedly. Only a few days ago, the Biden administration initiated an attempt to approach Maduro’s Venezuela, which was vilified years ago by the North-Americans. Tomorrow there can be several cases of other „rivals“ to seduce. Tomorrow everything is possible: the Great Powers, the Core zones are few, the Peripheries are numerous.

One thing is certain: the war in Ukraine has changed many things; the cards on the table have been scrambled.

By appealing the Russian leadership to direct military intervention in the dispute, they have crossed the Rubicon and have dragged the world, conscious of it or not, into unexplored scenarios whose nature, like the Owl of Minerva, will only be better understood with the passage of time.


1. April 2022. 



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Centre pour les études géostratégiques est une organisation non-gouvernementale et à but non lucratif de l'association, fondée à Belgrade à l'assemblée générale constitutive tenue le 28.02.2014. conformément aux dispositions de l'art.11. et 12. La loi sur les associations ("journal Officiel de la Rs", non.51/09). pour une période de temps indéterminée, afin d'atteindre les objectifs fixés dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique, des relations géostratégiques et la préparation de documents stratégiques, de l'analyse et de la recherche. L'association développe et soutient des projets et des activités visant à l'etat et aux intérêts nationaux de la Serbie, a le statut d'une personne morale et qu'il est inscrit dans le registre conformément à la loi. La mission du Centre d'études géostratégiques est: "nous sommes la construction de l'avenir, parce que la Serbie mérite: les valeurs que nous représentons sont établies par le biais de notre histoire, de la culture et de la tradition. Nous croyons que sans passé il n'y a pas d'avenir. Pour cette raison, afin de construire l'avenir, nous devons connaître notre passé et à chérir nos traditions. Les vraies valeurs sont toujours mis à la terre, et l'avenir ne peut être construit dans une bonne direction, sans que de la fondation. Dans un moment de perturbations sur les changements géopolitiques, il est essentiel de faire les bons choix et prendre les bonnes décisions. De laisser aller de toutes imposées et déformé les idées et artificielle des pulsions. Nous croyons fermement que la Serbie a suffisamment de qualité et de potentiel afin de déterminer son propre avenir, peu importe les menaces et les limites. Nous nous engageons à la position serbe et le droit de décider de notre avenir, en gardant à l'esprit le fait que, historiquement, il ya eu de nombreux défis, les menaces et les dangers, que nous avons surmonté. “ Vision: le Centre d'études géostratégiques aspire à devenir l'une des plus importantes organisations mondiales dans le domaine de la géopolitique. Il veut aussi devenir une marque locale. Nous allons essayer d'intéresser le public à la Serbie dans les questions internationales et de rassembler tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la protection de l'état et des intérêts nationaux, le renforcement de la souveraineté, de la préservation de l'intégrité territoriale, la préservation des valeurs traditionnelles, le renforcement des institutions et de l'état de droit. Nous allons agir dans le sens de trouver des personnes partageant les mêmes idées, à la fois en interne et dans le monde public. Nous mettrons l'accent sur la coopération régionale et la mise en réseau des organisations non gouvernementales, à la fois au niveau régional et international. Nous allons lancer des projets au niveau international pour soutenir le repositionnement de la Serbie et de la préservation de l'intégrité territoriale. En coopération avec les médias, nous allons mettre en œuvre des projets qui mettent l'accent sur ces objectifs. Nous allons organiser l'éducation du public intéressé par des conférences, des tables rondes et des séminaires. Nous allons essayer de trouver un modèle pour le développement de l'organisation qui permettrait le financement des activités du Centre. Construire ensemble notre avenir: Si vous êtes intéressés à collaborer avec nous, ou pour aider le travail du Centre d'études géostratégiques, veuillez nous contacter par e-mail:

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