La géopolitique et de la politique

US, UK Want to ‘Keep Barrier Between Russia and Rest of Europe’ – Scholar

By Sputnik

The US has recently announced the expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats in solidarity with the UK over the Skripal case. Sputnik discussed the issue with Dragana Trifkovic, head of the Belgrade-based Center for Geostrategic Studies.

The US is responsible for encouraging hysteria against Russia, and the UK „has proved to be a reliable partner in that,“ political analyst Dragana Trifkovic believes.

„The United States and the UK are acting synchronously against Russia in order to prevent cooperation between the EU and the RF, or the unification of Europe, because Russia is certainly an eastern part of Europe,“ Trifkovic told Sputnik.

According to the expert, the steps taken by the UK government discredit the country on the global stage.

READ MORE: Moscow Vows Response to Expulsion of Diplomats From European States, US, Canada

She also added that Washington uses „every opportunity to turn the topic away from internal problems in search of external enemies.“

In Trifkovic’s opinion, Washington’s behavior can be explained by US dissatisfaction with the current situation in which they have lost their status as being the only world power and doesn’t want to recognize the fact that „other countries have the right to decide about their own fate.“

„Instead of understanding their mistakes that are more than obvious today and try to overcome at least their own vanity, the United States try to forcefully get things done. I’m afraid it’s very dangerous for everyone, especially for those who do not want a conflict,“ Trifkovic stated.

Commenting on the Skripal case, the analyst noted that the timing of the scandal ahead of the presidential election in Russia was „very interesting.“

READ MORE: Ambassador Slams US Decision to Expel 60 Russian Diplomats, Close Consulate

„There are many examples of special operations carried out by Western countries, which are now fully divulged. Where are Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction? Who set the bombs at Markale in Sarajevo? Where are Assad’s chemical weapons? It’s all part of the same tactics and I think the world is tired of it. I think that the interest of the US and the UK is to keep a barrier between Russia and the rest of Europe since they cannot move it further East,“ the analyst concluded.

Over a dozen EU member states — including Germany, France, Denmark and Italy — announced diplomatic sanctions against the Russian Federation on Monday in response to the poisoning of ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury on March 4. UK Prime Minister Theresa May has accused Russia of orchestrating the attack and expelled 23 Russian diplomats as a punitive measure.


The US and Canada also announced their own steps in response. On Monday, US President Donald Trump has ordered 60 Russian diplomats to be expelled as the West continues to blame the Kremlin for the attack.


Sergei Skripal, 66, and his daughter Yulia, 33, were found unconscious, slumped on a bench outside a branch of the Zizzi restaurant chain in Salisbury, a cathedral city in the west of England.

The Russian side has strongly rejected the accusations and offered assistance in the investigation. However, Moscow’s request for samples of the chemical substance used to poison Skripal was denied. Moscow also expelled UK diplomats and ordered the British Council to stop its activities in Russia in response to the UK move.

The views and opinions expressed by Dragana Trifkovic are those of speaker and do not necessarily reflect Sputnik’s position.

26. March 2018. 

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