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Su Центар за геостратешке студије

Centro per geostrategica studi è un non-governative e non-profit, fondata nel Belgrado, il fondatore dell'assemblea tenutasi il 28.02.2014. in conformità con le disposizioni di cui all'art.11. e 12. Legge sulle associazioni ("Gazzetta Ufficiale della Rs, n.51/09). per un periodo indeterminato di tempo, al fine di raggiungere gli obiettivi nel campo della ricerca scientifica di geostrategica relazioni e preparazione di documenti strategici, di analisi e di ricerca. L'associazione sviluppa e sostiene progetti e attività finalizzate allo stato e gli interessi nazionali della Serbia, ha lo status di una persona giuridica ed è iscritta nel registro, in conformità con la legge. La missione del Centro per la geostrategica studi è: "stiamo costruendo il futuro, perché la Serbia merita: i valori che ci rappresentano sono stabiliti attraverso la nostra storia, cultura e tradizione. Crediamo che senza passato non c'è futuro. Per questo motivo, al fine di costruire il futuro, dobbiamo conoscere il nostro passato e custodiscono le nostre tradizioni. I veri valori sono sempre a terra, e il futuro non può essere costruito in una buona direzione, senza che fondazione. In un momento di dirompente geopolitica cambiamento, è importante fare le giuste scelte e prendere le decisioni giuste. Lasciate andare le imposte e le idee distorte e artificiale sollecita. Crediamo fermamente che la Serbia ha abbastanza qualità e le potenzialità di determinare il proprio futuro, indipendentemente dal minacce e limitazioni. Ci siamo impegnati per il serbo posizione e il diritto di decidere il nostro futuro, tenendo conto del fatto che, storicamente, ci sono state molte sfide, minacce e i pericoli che abbiamo superato. “ Visione: il Centro di studi geopolitici aspira a diventare una delle principali aziende mondiali nel campo della geopolitica. Anche lui vuole diventare un marchio locale. Cercheremo di interesse pubblico, in Serbia, in temi internazionali e di raccogliere tutti coloro che sono interessati nella protezione dello stato e degli interessi nazionali, il rafforzamento della sovranità, preservando l'integrità territoriale, mantenendo i valori tradizionali, il rafforzamento delle istituzioni e dello stato di diritto. Possiamo operare in direzione di trovare persone che la pensano come, a livello nazionale e nel mondo pubblico. Ci si concentrerà sulla cooperazione regionale e la rete di Ong legate ai, sia a livello regionale e internazionale. Ci sarà il lancio di progetti a livello internazionale per sostenere il riposizionamento della Serbia e la conservazione dell'integrità territoriale. In collaborazione con media case, ci sarà la realizzazione di progetti che sono focalizzati su questi obiettivi. Possiamo organizzare l'educazione del pubblico interessato, attraverso conferenze, tavole rotonde e seminari. Cercheremo di trovare un modello per lo sviluppo dell'organizzazione, che consentano il finanziamento delle attività del Centro. Costruire un futuro insieme: Se siete interessati a collaborare con noi, o per aiutare il lavoro del Centro di studi geopolitici, vi preghiamo di contattarci via e-mail:

Marco Filippi: The use of artificial intelligence has become increasingly prevalent in many areas

In times of crisis, such as the one we have experienced with the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in many areas. AI has been used to help us track the spread of the virus, develop new treatments, and even predict outbreaks. However, as we continue to rely more and more on AI, we must also consider the risks associated with its use.
While we are speaking war rages across easter europe, and there are immediate threats to the global security like the potential war subsequent the potential crisis on the Taiwan Area between China and Russia. 

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Will Germany tolerate deindustrialisation or join the Global Security and Development Initiative?

By Stephan Ossenkopp, Analyst and journalist, Schiller Institute, Berlin, Germany

Vienna Security Round Table „Security Policy Challenges for Europe in 2023“

Germany is currently on a path of isolation and destruction. If this sounds overly dramatic, let me put some of the elements in perspective.

In the energy sector, competitively priced natural gas and oil from Russia, coupled with reliable German technology in nuclear, coal and gas-fired power plants, has allowed Germany to enjoy a systemic advantage that has made possible a broad productive middle class, high-quality export products and a world-class industrial base. But with the energy transition – the phase-out of nuclear power, the planned phase-out of coal and gas, and the boycott of cheap Russian energy imports – this advantage has completely evaporated. No matter how many solar panels and windmills the government mandates.

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Круглый стол по вопросам безопасности в Вене «Вызовы политики безопасности для Европы в 2023 году»

Международный круглый стол «Вызовы политики безопасности для Европы в 2023» состоялся 30 марта 2023 г. в Вене, при поддержке Венской ассоциацией ученых и Центра геостратегических исследований. В мероприятии приняли участие политики и эксперты из Германии, Италии, Франции, Сербии, Польши, Сирии и Австрии.

30 марта представители оппозиционной Австрийской партии свободы выразили недовольство выступлением Владимира Зеленского в парламенте Австрии и покинули заседание. Депутаты этой партии считают, что на лицо прямое нарушение австрийского нейтралитета. Президент Австрийской партии свободы Херберг Кикль заявил: «Как нейтральная страна, Австрия предоставляет слово президенту страны, которая находится в состоянии войны. Он распространяет украинскую, натовскую и американскую пропаганду».

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Vienna Security Round Table „Security Policy Challenges for Europe in 2023“

The international round table „Security Policy Challenges for Europe in 2023“ was held on March 30, 2023 in Vienna, in cooperation with the Vienna Association of Academics and the Center for Geostrategic Studies, with the participation of politicians and experts from Germany, Italy, France, Serbia, Poland, Syria and Austria.

This interesting discussion on the Ukrainian conflict, mass migration, energy supply and current events was chaired by Patrick Poppel, an expert at the Center for Geostrategic Studies and a political analyst in Austria.

On the same day, in the Parliament of Austria, the Freedom Party of Austria expressed its displeasure over Vladimir Zelenski’s speech via video link and left the session. MPs of this party believe that this is a direct violation of the Austrian neutrality. The president of the Freedom Party of Austria, Herberg Kickl, said: „As a neutral country, Austria gives its word to the president of a country that is at war. Then you could say that he is spreading Ukrainian, NATO or American propaganda here“.

The participants of the round table „Challenges of security policy for Europe in 2023“ supported this position of the Austrian politicians from the Freedom Party of Austria.

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Међународни округли сто „Изазови безбедносне политике за Европу 2023.“

Међународни округли сто „Изазови безбедносне политике за Европу 2023“ одржан је 30. марта 2023. године у Бечу, у сарадњи са Бечког удружења академика и Центра за геостратешке студије, уз учешће политичара и стручњака из Немачке, Италије, Француске, Србије, Пољске, Сирије и Аустрије.

Овом занимљивом дискусијом о украјинском сукобу, масовној миграцији, снабдевању енергијом и актуелним дешавањима председавао је Патрик Попел, стручњак Центра за геостратешке студије и политички аналитичар у Аустрији.

Истог дана у Парламенту Аустрије Слободарска странка Аустрије изразила је негодовање због говора Владимира Зеленског путем видео линка и напустила седницу. Посланици ове партије сматрају да је то директно кршење аустријске неутралности. Председник Слободарске странке Аустрије Херберг Кикл изјавио је: «Као неутрална земља, Аустрија даје реч председнику земље која је у рату. Онда бисте могли да кажете да шири украјинску, НАТО или америчку пропаганду овде».

Учесници округлог стола „Изазови безбедносне политике за Европу 2023.“ подржали су овакав став аустријских политичара из Слободарске странке Аустрије.

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Thirty-Three Years Since the First Post-WWII “Democratic and Multiparty” Elections in All Six Yugoslav Republics in 1990 and the Background of the Destruction of the Country

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic


It will pass 33 years since the first post-WWII “democratic and multiparty” elections in all six Yugoslav republics in 1990. Next year, however, not only that this country did not exist anymore but the Yugoslavs have been faced with a civil war as a result of the post-Cold War “democratization process”.

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Turkish-American divergences may hinder Erdogan’s reelection

Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts

US-Turkish differences are on the rise and incumbent president Recep Tayyip Erdogan might be facing his most difficult election in 20 years. Erdogan’s domestic problems are well known: the country now experiances a 55 percent inflation and last October it had reached a 25-year high of 85.5%. Turkey’s currency has also lost 60 percent of its value against the dollar since early 2021.

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Sino-Russian technological and military cooperation exponentially strengthens both superpowers’ capabilities

Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

After the end of the (First) Cold War and the start of what Francis Fukuyama dubbed the „End of History“, the world seemed firmly in the hands of the political West. For the next two to three decades, this resulted in one of the most disastrous and unstable periods in recent human history, with the political West ravaging much of the world, while most of the rest was held under near-constant self-defeating subservience.

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UK violates new red lines by sending depleted uranium weapons to Kiev’s neo-Nazi regime

Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

On March 21, UK Minister of State for Defense Annabel Goldie stated that London would supply Ukraine with weapons containing depleted uranium (DU). This type of technology, as well known, is extremely dangerous and has serious chemical, radioactive effects among its consequences. For Moscow, this is yet another provocation that violates clear red lines in the conflict.

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Viktor Medvedchuk: US aggression against Europe

Chairman of the political council of Opposition Platform, banned in Ukraine, Viktor Medvedchuk

After the victory in the Cold War and the subsequent destruction of the USSR, the model of relations between the US and European countries as allies, built during the Cold War, became unjustifiably costly for the US. 

US aggression against Europe began as early as 1999. At that time, the United States and the NATO bloc led by it bombed the civilian population of Yugoslavia, without UN Security Council approval, which is an act of aggression against a sovereign European state. One of the most ardent supporters of the use of armed force against Belgrade was current U.S. President Joseph Biden – a member of the Senate in 1999. The history with Yugoslavia showed that the US would no longer adhere to international law and could use armed force against any state as it saw fit.

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