Конференција у Аустрији: Кршење верских права, напад на Украјинску православну цркву

Аустријски огранак Центра за геостратешке студије организовао је 22. јула у Бечу конференцију на тему кршења верских права са посебним освртом на Украјинску православну цркву у контексту актуелних дешавања.

У Украјини, пред очима целе светске заједнице, украјинске власти уништавају Украјинску православну цркву. Ово је заједничка акција режима Зеленског и ПЦУ (Православна црква Украјине), која је под патронатом Цариградске патријаршије, као и самог патријарха Вартоломеја. Храмови су конфисковани, а свештенство Украјинске православне цркве је подвргнуто насиљу и прогону. Сведоци смо насилног заузимања једног од најстаријих центара православног света Кијево-печерске лавре и њених светиња, навели су организатори конференције.

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Soft Power, Multilateral International Institutions, and Resources

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic


If we are taking into consideration the relations between IR and diplomacy, founded on the contractual relations between the states, it can be argued that soft power in this case mostly depends on the ability of the state authorities to build and maintain international institutions. From the time after 1945, as consequences of the bloody result of WWII, international, transnational, and supranational multilateral institutions and organizations became valued by the international community more and more primarily as a certain mechanism of the rule of international law for the sake to preserve the stability and functioning of the international system in global policy and IR. State authority can achieve soft power within the framework of institutional power, by designing institutions, agenda-setting, or creating the will of the coalition as a whole – like the policy of the USA within NATO, for instance.

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US mainstream media easily spread fake news about Russian mutiny

By Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

Three weeks after Evgeny Prigozhin’s „march for justice“, Western media outlets remain unable to explain what really happened on June 24th. American journalists and officials do not seem to understand the causes and consequences of the event, failing to create a coherent, useful narrative.

When Prigozhin announced his mutiny on the night of June 23, the West received the news with a combination of surprise and hope. At first, comments were avoided, as there was no way to correctly assess what was happening in Russia. However, Western enthusiasm at the mere possibility of a scenario of political instability in Moscow was undeniable. This became even clearer throughout the 24th, when various media outlets began to spread fake news that Russia would be entering civil war and that Putin could suffer a coup d’état.

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Western-supplied weapons “all burned” in Ukrainian failed counteroffensive – NYT

By Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

More and more evidence show the absolute failure of the „Ukrainian counteroffensive“. According to a major Western media outlet, around 20% of Kiev’s [NATO-supplied] weapons were destroyed by the Russian armed forces during the first two weeks of the Ukrainian counterattack. Sources believe that this military disaster led the Ukrainian authorities to „pause“ the operation, given the high casualty rate.

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The Factors of Soft Power’s Influence on Politics

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic

It is already at least two last decades worldwide recognized that soft power became an extremely significant instrument in both politics and diplomacy in the hands of many states but especially those whom we can call as great powers as they are the most influential on global politics and international relations. However, the crucial question arises: What are the focal factors which directly contribute to the increasing impact of soft power in contemporary diplomacy and consequently international relations? Among many such factors, there will be presented the top three concerning their importance of influence.  

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Китай – победитель в войне на Украине

Анализ П.Поппеля – Центр геостратегических исследований (Белград)

При рассмотрении украинского конфликта с 2014 года и особенно с начала российской спецоперации геополитический анализ сосредоточен почти исключительно на Западе и России.

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Western analysts support NATO’s direct participation in Ukraine

By Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

Western analysts are encouraging NATO’s direct participation in the conflict. On July 8, foreign affairs commentator Simon Tisdall published an article in The Guardian called „Defeat for Ukraine would be a global disaster. Nato must finally step in to stop Russia„. He argues that Ukraine’s entry into NATO should be accelerated, with a process similar to the one that guaranteed Finland’s accession. According to him, this is the proper way to avoid Kiev’s defeat and the failure of the „counteroffensive“, since the direct support of the alliance supposedly would make a Ukrainian victory possible.

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Позив младим људима из Србије: „Светски фестивал младих“ прилика за упознавање Русије и стицање новог искуства

Центар за геостратешке студије позива све заинтересоване младе људе из Србије да конкуришу за учешће у светском форуму младих, који ће се одржати у марту следеће године. 

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Turkey makes a mistake by releasing Ukrainian neo-Nazis

By Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

The Turkish government violated a deal it had with the Russian Federation and freed Ukrainian neo-Nazi prisoners, sending them back to Kiev. The measure is extremely dangerous, as it shifts Ankara to a more active pro-Washington and pro-Kiev position in the current conflict. With this, Turkey becomes unable to provide a place for talks and negotiations, in addition to reinforcing its rivalries with Moscow.

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War And War Crimes: A Very Short Academic Approach

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic

After WWII, there was a growing number of significant non-state actors in international relations (IR) like the OUN or various specialist agencies connected to it. Nevertheless, two key developments stimulated the growth of such organizations after WWII:

А. The realization that building cooperation and collective security was a much wider task than merely deterring aggressors in traditional attacks on fixed international order. It, therefore, involved finding ways of agreeing on international policy in a variety of practice areas.

B.  The increasing coverage of international law includes new foci, including, human rights, social justice, natural environment, and regarding warfare – war crimes.

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