Sabotage of the Nord Stream could lead to the collapse of NATO

Sabotage of the Nord Stream, an economic blow to Europe

The Nord Stream sabotage has opened up a debate around the world, and many participants in these debates are demanding that the case be fully investigated in accordance with international law.
Professor Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University in the USA recently spoke at the UN Security Council about the case of sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. He believes that the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline on September 26, 2022 is an act of international terrorism and a threat to peace.
American journalist Seymour Hersh claims that the US blew up the Nord Stream gas pipeline with the help of Norway.
The Russian Federation demands that the UN form an independent commission to investigate the sabotage.
The United States denies involvement in the case.

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Саботажа Северног тока, економски ударац Европи

Саботажа Северног тока, економски ударац Европи

Саботажа Северног тока отворила је дебату широм света, а многи учесници ових дебата захтевају да се случај у потпуности истражи у складу са међународним правом.

Професор Универзитета Колумбија у САД Џефри Сакс недавно је у Савету безбедности УН говорио о случају саботаже гасовода Северни ток. Он сматра да уништавање гасовода Северни ток 26. септембра 2022. представља акт међународног тероризма и претњу миру.

Амерички новинар Сејмур Херш тврди да су САД уз помоћ Норвешке дигле у ваздух гасовод Северни ток.

Руска Федерација захтева да УН формира независну комисију за истрагу саботаже.

Сједињене Државе поричу умешаност у случај.

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When lying becomes a profession or Why Grozev hates Russia?

We are witnessing a frequent orchestrated anti-Russian campaign that went beyond all limits of reality, as well as the persecution of all individuals whose opinion deviates from the established narrative of the mainstream media. Many independent intellectuals are under the attack of fierce propaganda for expressing their own views, which have led them to various blacklists and being exposed to constant threats.

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German leadership desperate to stop Hersh’s Nord Stream expose investigated

By Stephan Ossenkopp

The bad news is that the German government is preventing any steps to deal with Seymour Hersh’s revelations in the Nord Stream bombing case. Neither the governing coalition parties – Social Democrats, Liberals and Greens – nor the largest opposition party, the Christian Democrats, are demanding immediate action for independent investigation and transparency in this serious case of terrorism. Proving whether Sy Hersh is right and his source report is true can only be achieved through an international investigation that puts enough pressure on Germany, but also on Sweden and Denmark, to release and share relevant data on activities in the Baltic Sea during the last nine months. I don’t think that the accused, i.e. the USA, Norway and NATO, will do this. The pressure has to come not only from Russia, but also from China, India, other powerful emerging countries and multilateral institutions such as the United Nations, but also from the rapidly growing BRICS+ group.

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Истраживање: Када лагање постане професија

Заједничка продукција Центра за геостратешке студије и Телевизије Славија инфо: Зашто Христо Грозев мрзи Русију?

Сведоци смо учестале оркестриране анти-руске кампање која је превазишла све оквире реалности, као и прогона свих појединаца чије мишљење одудара од устаљеног наратива мејн стрима. Многобројни независни интелектуалци су на удару жестоке пропаганде због изношења сопствених ставова због којих су доспели на разне црне листе и изложени су сталним претњама. Из тог разлога решили смо да се позабавимо онима који предњаче у прогону слободне мисли и истражимо шта стоји иза тога. 

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US keeps sending tens of billions to Kiev despite ongoing banking collapse

By Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

It has been over a year since the political West started boasting about Russia’s „inevitable collapse“. The mainstream propaganda machine would make one think that Russia shouldn’t even exist anymore, as by now its currency should have been „worth less than toilet paper“, economic activity in single digit percentage of what it used to be before February 24, 2022, and the banking system essentially nonexistent. The Russian people were supposed to be starving, angry, resenting President Putin, eventually deposing him in a „democratic uprising against authoritarianism“ and begging Washington DC and Brussels to „come and save them“.

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The Malvinas feud as a Global Constant

By Juan Martin G.Cabañas

As an event gets bigger, it’s more likely that interesting things will happen behind the scenes, that is, in unplanned activities.

The seventh meeting of G20 foreign ministers in India in 2023 confirms this. Bilateral meetings between Qing-Jaishankar, the Blinken-Lavrov dispute, and the meeting between Santiago Cafiero and James Cleverly, during which the former notified the latter of the end of the Foradori-Duncan agreement.

On March 2, 2023, by rescinding the Foradori-Duncan agreement, the Argentine government de facto reopened one of the most important territorial disputes in the Western Hemisphere, perhaps the most important, and did so in the most theatrical way possible: at the G20, the main North-South dialogue platform.

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