La difesa e la sicurezza

Helping by any means possible: How Europe provides aid to the Ukrainian wounded and what it gets in return

By Security Committee of the Center for Geostrategic Studies

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the amount of wounded AFU soldiers has been growing. The exact losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are not being disclosed by Kyiv, yet the footage displayed in the media shows a huge amount of wounded coming from the frontline. Frequent use of artillery allows the Russisan Army to cause signtificant damage. As a result of artillery battles sanitary losses of Ukraine are tremendous. Moreover, due to the specifics of artillery damage, many of the wounded have burns, shrapnel wounds and barotrauma. At the same time, postponed evacuation leads to the development of infected pathogens and various suppurative infections.

Actively helping Ukraine with weapons and finances, as well as launching a program to receive refugees, the EU at the beginning of the war paid less attention to helping treat the wounded. However, quite soon, when the Ukrainian healthcare system and military medcare systems were almost paralyzed, the EU had to take care of the Ukrainian wounded. One of the first hospitals where mass hospitalization of fighters from Ukraine began was the Luizenhospital in Aachen (Germany), where more than 100 Ukrainian soldiers were treated by the beginning of December 2022.
In most cases, these are people with complex injuries, complicated by blood poisoning, bone fractures and other injuries. Recently shown on Moldovian TV channels, the film “With Your Own Eyes” tells about the wounded, who ended up in Germany, and their frotline stories. For many of them, according to the doctors, this hospital in Aachen was the last chance to survive. Crushed bones, broken nerve fibers, blood poisoning after a long evacuation for many of them, for example, a fighter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine named Feldman, meant that they could only survive thanks to long-term anti-infection therapy, a weekly course of which cost more than 10,000 euros. Given the large number of complex injuries in the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine evacuated to the EU, experimental treatment protocols are actively being tested on them. In the abovementioned  interview with Moldovan journalists, Feldman said that he was given a new, experimental drug, not yet certified in the European Union. That is caused by lack of experience with such kinds of wounds, and, on the other hand, serves to recoup the huge costs of the treatment by contributing to medical reseach. Moreover, the difficult sanitary situation in Ukrainian hospitals is forcing Ukraine’s partners to study the effect of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which in the field of front-line medical centers are killing more and more Ukrainian soldiers. At the same time, medical missions on the territory of Ukraine itself are becoming more dangerous due to incessant shelling. The US has scaled back its network of research labs and some of the medical research is being moved to Germany. 

However, the EU’s colossal spending on Ukraine should bring some benefits to the European states. Moreover, it is obvious that a couple more months of confrontation in the context of Russia’s buildup of its artillery and missile power will lead to the need to open the doors of more hospitals for the Ukrainian wounded. For the opportunity to survive, many of them will have to go through expensive treatment and rely on the professionalism of the doctors and local funding.
The exact number of Ukrainian wounded in the EU is unknown. In fact, this is has two sides to it: if it is admitted that their number is reletively small, it would mean that Europe willingly helps with weapons, but is not ready to deal with the wounded. If it is proudly announced about tens of thousands of hospitalizations in European hospitals, many questions will arise. Firstly, this would be an indirect recognition of the huge losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Secondly, as those people with the most difficult cases who are sent to hospitals in the EU and Germany and need expensive treatment, which is provided at the expense of the EU citizens. Even a hundred wounded at Luizenhospital, receiving extremely expensive therapy, in need of prosthetics, artificial bones and other expensive medical procedures, would cost the Germans, or rather the EU budget, a dozen or two million euros.
In addition, in recent months, the load on European hospitals has most likely increased due to “foreign volunteers”, which are appearing more and more on the Ukrainian fronts. Back in November 2022, Poland began to admit losses among the „volunteers“ who went to defend Ukraine. However, Warsaw is silent about sanitary losses. Meanwhile, they are probably large, while the Poles clearly prefer to evacuate their wounded to Poland instead of leaving them in overcrowded Ukrainian hospitals.
Thus, almost 11 months of military confrontation between Russia and Ukraine have already passed. The EU and Washington have numerous programs of military and financial assistance to Kyiv, but there is no unified system for rapid evacuation of the wounded who need serious treatment, however, even without this, the burden on European hospitals is increasing. 

January 8, 2023 


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Centro per geostrategica studi è un non-governative e non-profit, fondata nel Belgrado, il fondatore dell'assemblea tenutasi il 28.02.2014. in conformità con le disposizioni di cui all'art.11. e 12. Legge sulle associazioni ("Gazzetta Ufficiale della Rs, n.51/09). per un periodo indeterminato di tempo, al fine di raggiungere gli obiettivi nel campo della ricerca scientifica di geostrategica relazioni e preparazione di documenti strategici, di analisi e di ricerca. L'associazione sviluppa e sostiene progetti e attività finalizzate allo stato e gli interessi nazionali della Serbia, ha lo status di una persona giuridica ed è iscritta nel registro, in conformità con la legge. La missione del Centro per la geostrategica studi è: "stiamo costruendo il futuro, perché la Serbia merita: i valori che ci rappresentano sono stabiliti attraverso la nostra storia, cultura e tradizione. Crediamo che senza passato non c'è futuro. Per questo motivo, al fine di costruire il futuro, dobbiamo conoscere il nostro passato e custodiscono le nostre tradizioni. I veri valori sono sempre a terra, e il futuro non può essere costruito in una buona direzione, senza che fondazione. In un momento di dirompente geopolitica cambiamento, è importante fare le giuste scelte e prendere le decisioni giuste. Lasciate andare le imposte e le idee distorte e artificiale sollecita. Crediamo fermamente che la Serbia ha abbastanza qualità e le potenzialità di determinare il proprio futuro, indipendentemente dal minacce e limitazioni. Ci siamo impegnati per il serbo posizione e il diritto di decidere il nostro futuro, tenendo conto del fatto che, storicamente, ci sono state molte sfide, minacce e i pericoli che abbiamo superato. “ Visione: il Centro di studi geopolitici aspira a diventare una delle principali aziende mondiali nel campo della geopolitica. Anche lui vuole diventare un marchio locale. Cercheremo di interesse pubblico, in Serbia, in temi internazionali e di raccogliere tutti coloro che sono interessati nella protezione dello stato e degli interessi nazionali, il rafforzamento della sovranità, preservando l'integrità territoriale, mantenendo i valori tradizionali, il rafforzamento delle istituzioni e dello stato di diritto. Possiamo operare in direzione di trovare persone che la pensano come, a livello nazionale e nel mondo pubblico. Ci si concentrerà sulla cooperazione regionale e la rete di Ong legate ai, sia a livello regionale e internazionale. Ci sarà il lancio di progetti a livello internazionale per sostenere il riposizionamento della Serbia e la conservazione dell'integrità territoriale. In collaborazione con media case, ci sarà la realizzazione di progetti che sono focalizzati su questi obiettivi. Possiamo organizzare l'educazione del pubblico interessato, attraverso conferenze, tavole rotonde e seminari. Cercheremo di trovare un modello per lo sviluppo dell'organizzazione, che consentano il finanziamento delle attività del Centro. Costruire un futuro insieme: Se siete interessati a collaborare con noi, o per aiutare il lavoro del Centro di studi geopolitici, vi preghiamo di contattarci via e-mail:

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