Jacques Hogard: Europe has died in Pristina

Jacques Hogard in the European Parliament



Ladies and gentlemen,


I am pleased to be here today at the invitation of the Center for Geostrategic Studies in Belgrade, here in the European Parliament.

As a senior French officer, I served in Macedonia and then in Kosovo in the first half of 1999. When I was assigned to the French Special Operations Command, I was appointed as the head of the joint special forces group that intervened before the French KFOR Brigade’s deployment under the command of NATO.

It is for this reason that I am speaking today, having published a few years ago a book with a deliberately provocative title: „Europe has died in Pristina“. If you have not read it, I recommend you to do it! There you will find my testimony on this tragic period.

 ÃÂ ÃÂµÃÂ·Ã‘ƒÐ»Ñ‚ат слика за Evropa je umrla u Pristini

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By Dejan Baljošević


German KFOR (Kosovo Force) has officially ended its 19 years of presence in Prizren, by leaving Prizren Camp On Thursday, October 4, 2018.

At the site of the Prizren camp, according to the plan, some kind of “Kosovar”-German Innovation and Training Park (ITP)¹ will be set up, supported by the so-called Kosovo Government and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

However, the given name (Innovation and Training Park) should not trick anyone, since its true purpose will certainly be different. It will probably serve to train the members of the future “Kosovo Army”, the formation of which has been recently announced again by ambassadors of various western countries in Prishtina.

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