Geopolitics and politics

Boban Hrvac: Maduro against Venezuela's self-proclaimed President

Boban Hrvac, expert at the Center for geostrategic studies

At the helm of Venezuela, and to the displeasure of the neocons and their servants for the next six years, unless someone sets out to betray him and collect the пот 25 million on a US wanted warrant, there will be Nicolas Maduro Moro, as in his two previous terms.

On January 10, Venezuelan officials and high-profile guests from many countries were sworn in last June with 51% of the vote by President-elect Nicolas Maduro Moro. The election in this country was characterized by Jimmy Carter, now deceased, as the best and most just of all that he had observed in his life, and he had seen many. Indeed, everything was organized on a digital platform that could only be accessed after a double check of voters ' identities, and the results in real time poured into the Central Election Commission, which was in charge of counting the votes and announcing the results, which it did by announcing that the winner was Nicolas Maduro Moro with 51% of the votes. This was not agreed by the opposition led by Maria Corina Machado and her presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzales Urrutia, who claimed to have won 70%. The opposition set up a website in the UK and posted some results there that no one could verify and confirm. Maduro and his aides requested an arbitration by the Supreme Court, which after several weeks upheld the results and Maduro's victory. The court called Urutia several times with a request to provide evidence, but he did not appear but went through several embassies and eventually, through the Spanish embassy, went into exile. Spain gave him refuge and he stayed there until the beginning of this year as the date for the inauguration of the newly elected president approached. However, he did not appear in Venezuela, but went to the United States, where he met Biden, and then toured some other countries in South America and on that campaign in Panama for safekeeping. proof of his victory. In the United States, President-elect Trump refused to meet him. It already has one double President ,Guaido, the“president of the square“, so it does not need a third, i.e. Guaido 2.0.

After that, Urutia was surrounded by a dozen former presidents of Latin American countries, which is another bad move, since they are people who were not valid even their own countries. His last stop was Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, where he reported "very close" and ordered military and police forces as "commander-in-chief" to cancel service to Maduro and his crew. The military and police disobeyed the "order" and expressed loyalty to the newly-installed President Maduro. And why does Urutia dare not enter Venezuela? Because the Supreme Court accused him of undermining the state and after failing to answer several repeated calls issued a reward of one hundred thousand dollars for his "bringing to justice". Meanwhile, Cora's Machado was blowing dust wherever and wherever she went, and was supported by mainstream media from the U.S. and vassal states. Until recently,she had been hidden from the public, and before her inauguration she appeared to organize rallies of her followers throughout the state claiming that her party had won seven million votes.

However, as can be seen in the videos that circulate on the internet, including those filmed with the help of drones, in the Square in her neighborhood, where the mostly better-off citizens live, to whom her family also belongs, 4000 gathered. In Madrid and other cities in the West, the number of Venezuelans who left the country when Venezuela imposed more than a thousand sanctions and gold in the UK was hijacked, as well as PDVSA refineries in the US and much more that caused a major crisis. These protesters under the influence of the opposition for all the blame of "dictator" Maduro, not sanctions, nor Corina Machado and Gonzales Uruti who are now calling for new sanctions and military intervention against their own state and the people they are allegedly fighting for. From the last rally, a lot of lies, fake photos, video attachments were published, and the news that Korina Maćado was arrested and disappeared. The news went around the world at lightning speed, and it appeared after an hour with the usual statement that looked more like a poorly written patriotic song than a speech by a politician. And that, like the earlier speeches, is full of pathetic, bad acting, misbehaviour and, of course, lies. All in all project Guaido 2.Oh is gone. But that's not the end. The undermining of Maduro's power, which some like to call the regime, will continue. That is confirmed by the fact that the US announced a на 25 million reward for "Maduro's head". The minister of the interior, justice and peace, Diosdado Cabello, and the minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino Lopez, are worth 15o million.

Why is that? The answer lies in the fact that Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world, and there is gold, diamonds, rare metals and very important water resources, that is, everything that is so called.the collective West is in short supply. That Maduro enjoys the support of the majority of the people is confirmed by footage of the avenues and squares full of people who came out to celebrate his victory. It should also be said that Venezuela is living better despite sanctions, that it has the largest economic growth in South America. This has been contributed by ever better and more comprehensive relations in all areas with China, Iran and, of course, Russia, as an old and proven friend. There are also Cuba and Nicaragua, which have pledged to join forces in defense in case an invasion of either of them is launched.

Source: Center for Geostrategic Studies

17. January 2025.



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