Information Service of the people's movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland"
The latest developments in the north of Kosovo and Metohija show a wide and real expansion of the regime in Pristina into the territory inhabited by Serbs. The closure of banks, the post office, the expulsion of the dinar left a large number of Serbs without their jobs. But that's not all. With the help of the chauvinist government in Pristina, Albanians are increasingly infiltrating northern Kosovo and Metohija, especially northern Kosovska Mitrovica.
Through the anti-Serb privatization agency and with the help of the government in Pristina, the office space in which Serbs lived and worked is occupied and their ethnic composition is changed. Albanians in the northern part of the city of Kosovska Mitrovica are opening Mass cafes, supermarkets, pharmacies, post office and other facilities of the self-proclaimed Republic Of Kosovo. The main goal is to suppress the Serbs in order to leave their primordial territories as soon as possible. The government in Pristina has decided to build more than 200 houses for Albanians in the northern part of the city of Kosovska Mitrovica in order to achieve ethnic supremacy in favor of Albanians. Unfortunately, all this is happening before the eyes of both Belgrade and the European Union who are doing nothing to prevent this ethnic engineering.
Bathers from Pristina and other cities of the southern Serbian province are brought to Gazivode Lake, which are then guarded by Rosu police officers while bathing. At the same time, an organized campaign was carried out to demolish the cottages of Serbs on the shore of Lake Gazivode.
The national movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland" calls on Serbs throughout Kosovo and Metohija, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, not to move and not to leave their native homes. He calls on them to remain calm and reminds us that we have been since 1999. we had a much more difficult and dangerous situation over the years, so we didn't leave. Nothing is over until it is over. At the same time, the National Movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland" calls on them to boycott all these cafes, supermarkets, pharmacies, post offices because they are not there for coexistence but for the exodus of Serbs. It is illusory that Albanians are opening their trade in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and that no such Serbian Trade exists in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, Pristina and other cities of Kosovo and Metohija.
July of 1999. in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica there were no more than 500 Serbs, so we stayed and survived and multiplied. We have achieved this only through a persistent struggle that we must continue today. It's better than ’99. that's why we have to endure. What distinguishes the current and current position of the Serbs is that we had the support of both the state and the church at the time, and unfortunately we do not have any today. In the 12 years of Aleksandar Vucic's rule, he handed over much that smelled of the state of Serbia to the separatists.
These days Serbian driving licenses have ceased to apply in Kosovo and Meothia. None of the senior officials of the Republic of Serbia have spoken out because of the abolition of this official document of the Republic of Serbia. Neither the president of Serbia, nor the prime minister of Serbia, nor the minister of police of Serbia. This is not how Serbia is defended. More than six and a half thousand Serbs have accepted driving licenses of the self-proclaimed Republic Of Kosovo for their bare existence, for which they are thanked by Albin Kurti. Shame and shame on the Government of India. The president of Serbia is obliged to explain to the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija why he forced 580 Serb police officers from the north of Kosovo and Metohija to remove police uniforms, to return long and short pipes and to show them what the state of Serbia has, what Serbs have with whom and what he has personally. In the place of Serb police officers in the same number came exclusively Albanians, thus facilitating the expansion of separatists into these primordial Serbian areas.
Yesterday, the temporary Council of Serb municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija was brutally and aggressively raided by the police. One should not be too clever to conclude that this is an agreement made in the Brussels-Pristina-Belgrade triangle, i.e. Macron-kurti-Vucic in order to implement the Ohrid Agreement. According to the French-German proposal, Serbian municipalities are parallel institutions and are in conflict with item two of this proposal, which states that Serbia and Aleksandar Vucic accept the territorial integrity, integrity and independence of Kosovo and Metohija. This is a classic example of how Territory is given for the presidency. The proof that the entire raid was agreed between Macron, Kurti and Aleksandar Vucic is the monitoring and assistance of EULEX police to the police who violently break into the premises of the mentioned institutions.
The national movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland" calls on Serbs today to give full support and capacity to the fight of the Serbian people from Western Serbia against lithium mining. It is amazing, but it is true that today Kosovo is defending itself in misery. Aleksandar Vucic, having renounced the southern Serbian province, now set out to exhaust and poison the rest of Serbia in the first place, Western Serbia. Maybe that's normal, though. For what binds him to the Battle Of Kosovo, what binds him to the mother of Jugovic, Tsar Lazar, what binds him to the Battle of Mišar, to the priest Luka Lazarevic, to CER, to Suvobor... but nothing at all. Coming from Čipuljić to Bugojno, he only cares about one thing about Serbia, and that is to rob it and collect as much money as possible. And he's been doing it for 12 years. And it is certain that both lithium and Rio Tinto are fought not out of pure love but out of naked interest.
You're not digging, master. We won't let you. You've made everyone sick and tired.
31. August 2024.