Geopolitics and politics

Dragana Trifkovic: Russophiles in civilian

Dragana Trifkovic, Director General of the Center for geostrategic studies

Relations between Serbia and Russia, although they should be very close, are limited by numerous obstacles that do not allow rapprochement. It is clear that Serbia lacks sovereignty and that the Serbian leadership makes numerous concessions to the West at the expense of state and national interests, in order to preserve its power. The most obvious example is the Kosovo policy of the ruling regime, which practically implemented on the ground everything that the West demanded in order to legalize this false state. This can include setting the classic border between Kosovo and the rest of Serbia, integrating the police and judiciary of Serbia into the system of independent Kosovo, shutting down Serbian institutions on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, etc. All this was realized by the regime in Serbia by signing anti-constitutional agreements with the West and their implementation (Brussels Agreement, Washington Agreement, Franco-German plan). However, what is a phenomenon for study is that many "patriots" who wrap themselves in Serbian and Russian flags and Kite icons at every opportunity to prove their patriotism have not reacted at all to such moves by the regime of Aleksandar Vucic, although these are moves that are fundamentally important for Serbian national interests. On every occasion, they found an excuse not to react, as well as to soften the criticism of others or discredit those who criticize, in order to protect the regime of Aleksandar Vucic.

All the while, these patriots pointed to other problems and deterred the public to the disastrous moves of the ruling regime in Serbia. This is during the mass protests of 2020. in Belarus, they launched an initiative in front of the informal and unregistered organization all-Serbian Slavic movement, coordinated by a certain Ranko Gojkovic, to organize political support for Alexander Lukashenko, which represents direct interference in the politics of a foreign country. To the suggestions of others that support for the defense of Kosovo and Metohija should be organized because it directly concerns us and that we should not ignore our own problems and interfere in others, there were no reactions. For some reason ал and the work of Aleksandar Vučić was protected at all costs. In any case, when two years later Aleksandar Vucic made a shameful decision to impose sanctions on Belarus at the request of the EU, none of these "defenders" of Lukashenko reacted. Of course, because this would be directly directed against Aleksandar Vucic and his policy of double standards. None of these patriots in civilian life ever raised a voice against the arrest of Serbs volunteers in Serbia, who are fighting in the Donbass, although they allegedly declare themselves pro-Russian. No, because the same would contradict Aleksandar Vucic's policy. Neither of these" patriots " reacted to the fact that Aleksandar Vucic sending weapons у Украјину које убија руске цивиле. Оваквих примера је много. И сви они говоре о неискрености и подмуклости. Такво понашање је потпуно у складу са интересима српске дубоке државе која већ годинама ради на негативној селекцији кадрова и замени оних који су посвећени српским државним и националним интересима, одговарајућим патриотским глумцима. У српско-руским односима њихов задатак је да изјављују љубав Русији, патетично уздишу над српском судбином, оплакују српско јунаштво, подсећају на НАТО бомбардовање и обојену револуцију и убеђују руску страну како је Србија јадна, слаба и окружена НАТО земљама, те не може ништа да предузме. Ту се њихова мисија завршава. Осим јадиковања и изјава љубави они никада неће предузети нешто конкретно како би приближили српско-руске односе или не дај Боже коментарисали погубну политику српског режима што би разјаснило зашто не можемо да сарађујемо са Русијом. Пре ће кривац бити чак и Владимир Путин који све време пружа руку сарадње Србији, него Александар Вучић. Увек је неко други крив, Американци, НАТО, „сатанисти“ како наводе, али никад нисмо ми, наша неискрена политика и режим без којег тај исти „зли“ Запад никада не би могао да реализује косовску независност например. То говори о томе да они иако се ките иконама, заправо нису ни верници јер по речима апостола „вера без дела је мртва“. Исто тако се понаша и њихов штићеник Александар Вучић који се представља као велики пријатељ Русије, а истовремено шаље оружје у Кијев.

Although this is a generally known thing, even to Russians who cannot be deceived by patriotic actors, the reason to establish the facts once again was pisania Ranko Gojkovic in the Russian media, who presents a series of untruths and twists the facts, in order to conceal the essence.

As if someone gave him the right to distribute certificates of patriotism, he suggests that the pseudo-liberal associates of the Russian media in Serbia should be replaced with pseudo-patriotic ones. The differences between them are essentially non-existent because both are related to the Serbian deep state and the ruling regime.

Gojkovic in the Russian media states "These are Igor Damjanovic, Vesna Weizovic, Miodrag Zarkovic, Sergei Belous... we apologize if we have unjustly forgotten someone... these serious journalists, great patriots and Russophiles, proven Friends of Russia, do not have access to Russian media – Sputnik and RT – only liberal journalists who can work there can work.they receive huge salaries from Russia, while the aforementioned true patriots and Russophiles barely make ends meet..." said Gojkovic. Again love and pathetic, already a standard pattern written in the manuals from the spa. Damjanovic works for Vucic's obscure shop Informer, Zarkovic on Halm Cast which he turned into a platform for sowing discord between Serbian volunteers in Donbass and the attack on Dejan Beric, White for Vucic's lobby group in Russia gathered around the Balkan portal, whose head Oleg Bondarenko he criticized the Russian president for launching SVO etc.

Not to go into the details of the role of the aforementioned persons, who are dedicated to the criticism of anyone who criticizes Aleksandar Vucic or his policy, including Serbian volunteers in Donbass such as Dejan Beric, should also be borne in mind that they also critically refer to Russia (e.g. about the command of the Russian army in the zone everything that can be classified as a discredit of the army), but they always find an excuse for Aleksandar Vucic or at least silence his disastrous moves. Gojkovic fears that"pro-Western experts around the pro-Western liberal proclamation want to form a transitional expert government". In this case, it is possible to expect a full cleansing of state structures from Patriots and Russophiles, as it was in Montenegro during the time of Milo Djukanovic.

I am not convinced that Gojkovic is not aware of the fact that patriotic personnel from political structures were purged precisely during the time of Aleksandar Vucic, who, like no one before that, fell on all patriotic parties and individuals. During the full twelve years of the rule of the disguised radical Vucic, the National intelligentsia was largely destroyed, as well as all patriotic parties. Most patriotic intellectuals and leaders of patriotic parties, Vucic bought with money from the state budget of citizens or found them suitable jobs in the system.

The first was the dissolution of the Democratic Party of Serbia in 2016. the year in which Vucic carried out the coup and brought to its helm Milos Jovanovic, a French student. The first move by Jovanovic after taking over the DSS was to make me illegitimate disable from the party. This was preceded by behind-the-scenes games in which my parliamentary term suffered, but unlike Gojkovic who whispers over his fate, I did not complain about it. After that, I was offered a position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, which I did not accept, because it was clear to me that the goal was to become an official Patriot. That is, like other official Patriots, I turn a blind eye to the violation of the Constitution, the surrender of Kosovo and Metohija, the sending of weapons to Ukraine, etc. and I act as if everything is in the best order with us, but there is someone else to blame for our fate. The reason for my exclusion from the political party is that I have a clear relationship with Russia, especially the conflict in Ukraine, he wrote. Rostislav Ishchenko former high-ranking advisor in the state structures of Ukraine. Instead of accepting a job for silence, I submitted criminal complaint against Vučić for treason, together with respected intellectuals, academician Kosta Čavoški, professor Milo Lompar, Dr Marko Jakšić and professor Dejan Mirović.

Gojkovic tendentious since it is not the Democratic Party of Serbia, which Vucic has adopted, that is guilty of this, but supposedly my "subversive" activity in" patriotic " parties. He further states the "doors" with which I cooperated until Vucic and that party completely destroyed it. I ended my cooperation before it happened, in 2020. year, because I correctly estimated that, as in the case of the DSS, the system took over the party through official associates and blackmailed personnel.

And finally the experience with the "movement for the defense of Kosovo and Metohija" led by brought Milos Kovic, a scholarship holder of Soros and the British Foreign Office, is a repeated scenario from patriotic parties where the regime takes control over their own to manipulate the patriotic public and discredit patriotism. The Strategic Culture Fund was also shut down after the regime inserted its official "patriotic" personnel into the organization. It is interesting why the" verified " Patriot Gojkovic is not persecuted by the regime in Serbia or the Western media, as it is case with me?

The" professional " assessments of an inexperienced person with a high school diploma, about the activities of the Center for geostrategic studies, which has an international reputation, are really not worth looking at. It is clear that Gojkovic does not see as a problem that the system and regime in Serbia destroyed all patriotic organizations, he even denies it by protecting British, French and Soros scholars, but points to some other danger to the system "hold the thief!“. And as the crown of his manipulation, he states that I support a "proclamation" with which I have never had any contact or given any support to that organization. In public appearances on television with national frequency, I have repeatedly raised doubts about the vague policy of the "proclamation". But machinations and manipulations are something in which the official Patriots have perfected themselves. As a proof of his "purity" Gojkovic stated that he organized the anti-LGBT parade (organized by Vucic), and it is known that the anti-LGBT parade was also led by Vucic's people led by his father. Anđelko Vučić. As is generally known to everyone in Serbia, Vucic always organizes both liberal and patriotic events, entertainment for everyone. Finally, the" sacrifice "of Gojković and his" bread", or rather, grudging, should not be worried, as long as his brother lucrative business with state-owned companies thanks to his connections with the regime. Public manipulation is widely expressed in relation to Serbian-Russian relations, which are a special sphere of interest for the Western centers of power. However, the Patriots in the civilian population did not recognize that the time has come when all masks fall. However, many of them realized that they should distance themselves from Vucic, and even began to criticize him, which they had not done for the past twelve years. Instead of distributing licenses for patriotism, false accusations and helpless whining about fate, it would be wiser for the official Patriots to collect humanitarian aid and take it to the Donbass. Maybe that's how they can atone for their sins.

4. February 2025.

Source: Center for Geostrategic Studies


Rostislav Ishchenko: Serbia as Ukraine, politicians promise one thing and do the opposite – Center for geostrategic studies

Dragana Trifkovic: I was expelled non-statutarily because of my public condemnation of the collaboration of DSS with SNS / Chronicle

Live Čavoški, Lompar, Trifković, Mirović, Jakšić Podneli filed a criminal complaint against Vučić (VIDEO) | СРБИН.info

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Rostislav Yachenko. Ukraine: Politiki obeщaют одно, а делают поспологное |

Uns:: News:: "the spirit of the mother of Russia in Serbia" : a former Dveri and DSS official had access to a site claimed to be controlled by the Russian service



About Центар за геостратешке студије

Center for geostrategic studies is a non-governmental and non-profit association, founded in Belgrade at the founding assembly held on 28.02.2014. in accordance with the provisions of art.11. and 12. Law on associations ("Official Gazette of Rs", no.51/09). for an indefinite period of time, in order to achieve the goals in the field of scientific research of geostrategic relations and preparation of strategic documents, analysis and research. The association develops and supports projects and activities aimed at the state and national interests of Serbia, has the status of a legal entity and is registered in the register in accordance with the law. The mission of the Center for geostrategic studies is: "we are building the future, because Serbia deserves it: the values we represent are established through our history, culture and tradition. We believe that without the past there is no future. For this reason, in order to build the future, we must know our past and cherish our traditions. True values are always grounded, and the future cannot be built in a good direction without that foundation. In a time of disruptive geopolitical change, it is crucial to make wise choices and make the right decisions. Let go of all imposed and distorted ideas and artificial urges. We firmly believe that Serbia has enough quality and potential to determine its own future, regardless of threats and limitations. We are committed to the Serbian position and the right to decide our own future, bearing in mind the fact that historically there have been many challenges, threats and dangers that we have overcome. “ Vision: the Center for geostrategic studies aspires to become one of the world's leading organizations in the field of geopolitics. He also wants to become a local brand. We will try to interest the public in Serbia in international topics and gather all those interested in protecting state and national interests, strengthening sovereignty, preserving territorial integrity, preserving traditional values, strengthening institutions and the rule of law. We will act in the direction of finding like-minded people, both in the domestic and in the world public. We will focus on regional cooperation and networking of related NGOs, both at the regional and international level. We will launch projects at the international level to support the repositioning of Serbia and the preservation of territorial integrity. In cooperation with media houses, we will implement projects that are focused on these goals. We will organize education of interested public through conferences, round tables and seminars. We will try to find a model for the development of the organization that would enable the financing of the activities of the Center. Build a future together: If you are interested in cooperating with us, or to help the work of the Center for geostrategic studies, please contact us by e-mail:

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