Geopolitics and politics

Germany: after Christmas market attack, AfD on offensive

Written By: Nicholas Faure

Things are accelerating in Germany two months before the federal elections in February 2025. While ardent Elon Musk believes that only the populist and identity party AfD (Alternative for Germany) can save Germany, the government and media have launched a counter-fire attributing to the "extreme right" an attack by a Saudi At A Christmas market in Magdeburg! In this article – written before the attack – Nicolas Faure (our correspondent Polémia from Germany, not to be confused with the host of the YouTube channel Sunrise) analyzes the electoral outlook on the eve of the German federal election in 2025. He also recalled in a timely manner that Germany is the only Western (?) a democracy in which the main opposition party is accompanied by special services. Which opens the way for many manipulations.

German Federal Election 2025: Weidel on the offensive
End of 2021. in the year, 63% of Germans surveyed favored the federal government led by the SPD, a much higher score than the CDU/CSU at the time. The SPD, FDP and the Greens then agreed to form a coalition, the German federal red-green-yellow tricolour, (Socialists, Greens and FDP), which in Germany is commonly referred to as the "Ampel – coalition".

Initially, the ruling coalition had an acceptable rating.

This was followed by a Russian attack on Ukraine and a highly controversial debate about German military assistance to Ukrainian soldiers. This period also corresponds to the beginning of the energy crisis in Germany, the rise in prices due to record inflation and the end of the covid pandemic.

Even if the popular weekly Sonntagsfrage, launched by various public opinion polling institutes, does not fully reflect the future behavior of voters in Germany today, this remains an important and regular indicator of the German political climate.

In the long run, from the beginning of Ampel until now, the three stakeholders have experienced a significant decline in popularity.

The SPD fell from 26 to 16%, the Greens from 16 to 14%, and the FDP's "soft" right from 12 to 4%, with many of its voters turning to the AfD. Sara Wagenknecht's Alliance has a chance to enter the Bundestag by staying stable at 5%, distancing itself to the left of Die Link which delay to 3%.

Great popularity for Ampel as of 2022. year
Just before the recent break-up, Ampel had recorded extremely low support rates: 85 percent of Germans were dissatisfied, compared to 14 percent satisfied. This was not historically low, but the fifth worst performance by the federal government in decades.

Only the AfD can save Germany

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk December 20, 2024

AfD is still in a very good position
According to poll results, AfD is heading for its best result so far in federal elections. It should continue to advance in this next election, and this should allow it to come in second place in the event of a new election, immediately ahead of the SPD.

Moreover, the AfD has already proposed its candidate for chancellor for the first time in the party's history. Weidel, Party and parliamentary group leader Alice Weidel, must lead the National Right-wing political party in the 23rd general election. February: she is rated 21 percent for the Office of Chancellor, equal to socialist Boris, whom voters would rather than Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU candidate) for this position.

Weidel spoke at the Bundestag, firmly giving lectures to the entire Ampel government, while laying out broad drafts of the policy she would pursue once as chancellor:

"AfD wants to leave the EU and the eurozone, demands a strict anti-immigrant policy, calls for rapprochement with Russia, wants to restrict abortion rights and strengthen traditional family models," she insisted.

She added: "We are the second force in the national-level polls and from that we clearly derive the demand for government. »

AfD co-president Tina Hrupala said in September that he was giving up running for Chancellor and assured Weidel of his support.

He added: "We see ourselves as a team with a striker and federal spokesman Tina Hrupal as a liberal! »

In any case, the AfD's coming to federal power, though unlikely, might be welcome.

There is a surge of populist and identity parties everywhere in Europe, from North to South. This is a strong trend. Irrevocable without doubt. But the capacity of the resistance system is powerful: demonization, slander, censorship, police provocations, judicial repression. And for good reason: Germany remains the only democratic country in the world where the opposition party – AfD – is still overseen by an internal intelligence service, in this case the "Bundesverfassungsschutz", an organization entirely subordinate to successive governments!

Source: Allemagne: après l'attaque du marché de Noël, l'afd à l'offensive

Translation from French: center for geostrategic studies

29. December 2024.


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