Geopolitics and politics

International Day of solidarity with the Palestinian people in Moscow

Dragana Trifkovic, Director General of the Center for geostrategic studies

Delegations of the Serbian center for geostrategic studies and the Russian political and information magazine "persona strany" visited the Embassy of Palestine in Moscow on 29. International Day of solidarity with the Palestinian people. We are witnessing Israel's establishment of the apartheid system and its complete disregard for international law for decades, and now it is carrying out an open aggression that has elements of genocide against the Palestinian people.

Photo: Center for geostrategic studies and Perosna strany in the Embassy of Palestine

The International Day of solidarity with the Palestinian people is celebrated on the 29th. November 1977. year, when it was established on the proposal of GS UN. Thirty years ago, 29. November 1947. the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on the partition of Palestine into Palestinian and Israeli parts. After the Six-Day War in 1967. Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza, as well as the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt) and the Golan Heights (Syria). Egypt managed to regain the Sinai Peninsula during the peace process initiated by the United States in 1977. years, while other territories remain occupied by Israel. The UN in November 1967. Resolution 242 calls for the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the occupied territories and respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of each state in the area. In contrast, since the takeover of the territories of the West Bank and Gaza, Israel has begun aggressively settling these territories and building illegal settlements while destroying Palestinian homes.

A further escalation of the conflict occurred 6. in October last year, Hamas under unclear circumstances attacked Israel from the Gaza sector, and the Israeli leadership then launched a ground operation in which Palestinian civilians were the biggest victims.

Photo: Syrian Ambassador to Russia Nye Bashar Jafari,

Dragana Trifkovic, Ruslan Pankaratov, Elizaveta Abramova

The ambassador of the state of Palestine to the Russian Federation, NYE Abdel Hafiz Nofal, on the eve of the International Day of solidarity with the Palestinian people, said that the situation in Gaza is terrible: "45 thousand dead, many wounded who cannot receive medical attention. No medicine, no doctors, no hospitals, no schools, no mosques. Humanitarian aid cannot reach Gaza. Over 250 food and humanitarian aid trucks are not allowed to enter the Palestinian enclave, where the famine is already beginning.“

Not only does Israel not allow humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people, but the US obviously does not allow peace to be established in the area, as it has so far vetoed the conflict 49 times in the UN. The United States unconditionally supports Israel violating international law and applying the law of force, without paying attention to the opinion of the world community. In many countries around the world, especially in the West, mass protests are taking place in support of the Palestinian people.

Photo: Dragana Trifkovic and MMA fighter Jeff Monson, who moved from the US to Russia 5 years ago.

After receiving a Russian passport, he decided to give up his American passport.

The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Joave Galant as war criminals, but EU countries one by one refuse to comply, although Spain, Canada and Ireland have supported justice, despite warnings from the United States. According to Ambassador Abdel Hafiz Nofal, "Saudi Arabia planned to hold a peace conference on the Palestinian issue, but this initiative was stifled by a chorus of Western pro-Israel voices."

The ambassador noted that the Palestinians have lived in peace with the Israelis for years and do not want Israel to disappear from the geographical map of the world: "Israel wants to destroy the Palestinians. The number of victims among our people in response to the terrorist attack 7. October is disproportionate. The question of the existence of Gaza itself is acute.”

Russia's influence in the Middle East has been increasing in recent years, especially since 2015. the year it reached an agreement to provide assistance to Syria in the fight against terrorists. Palestine also hopes for Russian assistance in achieving peace.

Russia has taken the initiative and plans to hold an international peace conference on the situation in the Middle East, and Chinese President Xi Jinping, in connection with the day of solidarity with Palestine, expressed support for such a conference. But we see that Israel, with the support of the United States, continues its aggressive actions in the Middle East, trying to destabilize the entire region (bombing Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen). It is only a matter of time before the "proxy" war of the West loses its effect, as is the case in Ukraine. It remains unclear whether the West will then be ready to sit at the negotiating table with Russia and China and make a deal on indivisible security, or whether it will drag the world into a nuclear war.

At the Embassy of Palestine in Moscow 29. in November, many people gathered in support of the Palestinian people, including representatives of the diplomatic corps, public and political figures and representatives of different faiths.

Photo: Ruslan Pankratov, NYE Abdel Hafiz Nofal, Dragana Trifkovic

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin took part in the ceremony where he read the text of the congratulatory telegram of the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the president of the state of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas.

Alexander Pankin on behalf of the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation stated the following:

"Russia is watching with concern and empathy what is happening in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation, especially in the Gaza Strip. The root causes of this tragedy are clear to all. We talk about this constantly and at all levels: peace and stability in the Middle East is impossible without a just solution to the Palestinian issue.

The most important task of today, given the current catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip, is to end the suffering of the people living there as soon as possible, to return life in the enclave, as well as in all occupied territories in general, to normal. Russia, of course, will not stand aside – we will continue to do everything possible to end the armed conflict and create the conditions for its comprehensive settlement on a generally recognized international legal basis.

Our country immediately responded to the plight of its Palestinian friends. Since the beginning of the escalation in the Gaza Strip in October 2023. in the year, on behalf of the president of the Russian Federation, more than 800 tons of humanitarian aid – food, medicine and basic necessities – were delivered to Egypt for subsequent delivery to the enclave. Such assistance will be provided in the future.

Russia appreciates the truly friendly nature of relations with Palestine and the openness and trust of bilateral political dialogue. The leadership of Russia and personally the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin pays great attention to the further development and strengthening of our partnership in all areas. Another confirmation of this, as stated in the congratulatory message of the president of Russia, were the meetings of the heads of state in August in Moscow and "on the sidelines" of the BRICS summit in October in Kazan. We hope that the president of Palestine will be able to visit the Russian capital in May 2025. to celebrate the 80th anniversary. anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Photo: Embassy of Palestine in Moscow, International Day of solidarity with the Palestinian people

Achieving a comprehensive and just solution to the Palestinian problem remains one of the central tasks of the world community. The path to this goal lies through the end of the Israeli occupation and the creation of an independent Palestinian state. As we mark today the International Day of solidarity with the Palestinian people, we once again show our support for their legitimate aspirations.

A successful move towards statehood is impossible without the consolidation of all Palestinian political forces on the platform of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. The ongoing split in the Palestinian ranks over accumulated disagreements and contradictions plays into the hands of the opponents of the two-state solution. We remain firmly committed to continue to assist in reaching a national agreement and reconciliation and restoring the unity of the Palestinian people.

One of the priority tasks on the agenda of our bilateral relations is to intensify business interaction. We hope that the next meeting of the Intergovernmental Russian-Palestinian Commission on trade and economic cooperation, to be held in Moscow in just a week, will give the necessary impetus to further strengthen Russian-Palestinian ties.

Photo: Embassy of Palestine in Moscow, International Day of solidarity with the Palestinian people

We manage to maintain fruitful cooperation in the cultural and educational sphere. We are pleased that today a large number of young Palestinians are being educated in Russian educational institutions of different majors, both on the cost of the budget of the Russian Federation and on the basis of contracts.

In recent years, a number of projects have been implemented in Palestine that have become symbols of Russian-Palestinian Friendship. Among the most significant of these are the reconstruction of Star Street, which is part of the historical and religious center of Bethlehem, the construction of a multifunctional center in Bethlehem, and the construction of the Russian Museum and Park Complex in Jericho. New initiatives are being implemented: in Birzeit, near Ramala, a "competence center" is being created through the Russian Ministry of labor for the professional training of modern qualified personnel according to World skills standards. We intend to continue active work in this direction.

We believe that through joint efforts we will approach the day when the Palestinian people will finally have the opportunity to live in their own country, and Palestine itself will become a full member of the international community, an important component of the system of peace and security in the region.

“I wish our Palestinian friends well-being, prosperity and a peaceful sky above their heads."

Source: Center for Geostrategic Studies

  1. December 2024.





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