Geopolitics and politics

Paul Craig Roberts: why Europe makes itself irrelevant

Written By Paul Craig Roberts

Readers want to know why the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and European leaders – in fact, non – leaders, deceivers, bad leaders-want war with Russia over Ukraine. My answer is they don't want to.

What would we fight with? According to European "leaders", they have already given all their weapons to Ukraine and have nothing to fight with. The only way Europe can send any money to Ukraine is to force the EU central bank to print euros for sending to Ukraine. Moreover, the structure of NATO forces depends on the United States. Without the United States, Europe lacks a force structure capable of supporting war. Trump rejected war with Russia and read the Green act of rebellion. If Putin doesn't make a fantastic mistake, I expect the conflict to end.

Perhaps what is happening with Europe is that EU governments, after sending so much money and weapons to Ukraine, with claims that Ukraine has won and will win, want to be able to say that Trump sold Ukraine to avoid accountability to the deceived population of Europe. They can blame Trump for denying Ukraine and NATO victory.

The stories of Europe sending peacekeepers to Ukraine are nonsense. Putin intends to reach a solution that will bring the event to an end, not a ceasefire with the European "peacekeepers". Trump cannot reach a solution if he sides with the EU against Putin. If Trump and Putin don't accept peacekeepers, that can't happen.

Here is one thought. Trump sees economic growth as based on opportunity. He sees more opportunities in business deals with Russia, India, China, the rest of Asia and Africa than he sees in Europe. Trump understands that sanctions and arming the dollar have produced BRICS and the search for an alternative to central bank reserves and international payments. In order to preserve the role of the dollar as a reserve currency, Washington needs to stop bullying. Trump, like Putin, wants deals that work for everyone, not Wars. In a world where the dollar is not used as a weapon against other countries, BRICS is not necessary.

Trump views tariffs in a different way than indoctrinated free market economists. Tariffs do not prevent trade. They ensure that countries have something to trade with. Moreover, tariffs are a consumption tax, not a tax on factors of production such as labor and capital. And as I emphasize, tariffs instead of income taxes eliminate the resurrection of the form of slavery established in 1913. the year when the government obtained partial ownership of the work of every working citizen.

We have little to lose by supporting Trump and keeping him focused on our agenda. we should not add problems because of Ukraine, or because of Israel, or some other un-American interests. There are enough unsolved threats, such as artificial intelligence and the creation and release of another virus, to throw Trump's plan out of balance.

Life is a challenge. Making good decisions is hard. Let's try to change in order to face real challenges and make good decisions. Trump gave us an opportunity we haven't had in a long time. Be grateful for that.

Translation from English: Center for geostrategic studies

Source: Why Is Europe Making Itself Irrelevant" |

10. March 2025.


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