Written By: Srđan Škoro
In a desperate attempt to draw attention to itself, the Serbian opposition in the Assembly has resorted to the old tried radical methods. With the difference that instead of Šešelj's wrappings, pouring water, pulling microphones, throwing shoes, cursing, rolling on the floor, she went one step further. Milos Jovanovic, who, by the way, likes to present himself as some kind of right-wing man, as a Law School professor showed an enviable skill in throwing smoke bombs, previously hidden under a jacket, and spraying some spray that they claim is pepper. Be careful, professor of law, by setting an example to others, allow yourself to behave this way. Does this mean that tomorrow students who might follow his example will tolerate and give a better grade in the exam, if instead of knowledge, pepper spray in his eyes or a smoke bomb in his lap.
One of the prominent leaders of the Green Left Front, who almost until yesterday pointed out that a student had brought a fire extinguisher into the assembly hall and poured it on political opponents and all others who came under attack. Wanted as a child Sugarloaf did not drop the appliance until it was emptied, thus pushing established environmental standards and boundaries.
The uncrowned leader of the Serbian opposition and recently the star of the podcast that even members of his party do not watch, in a general commotion, covered with huge amounts of red black smoke, used the opportunity for a showdown with his childhood friend and associate Dejan Bulatovic. From whom, as many claim, he bought the party and with whom, together with Borko Stefanovic and Marinika Tepic, he made a political offer to the people, convincing us that only they can change Serbia for the better. Bulatovic, let's not lie, while he was one of Dragan Djilas ' closest associates and now, while he was one of Aleksandar Vucic's greatest messengers, he was and remains a person from the bottom of the hat.
But this does not mean that those who pretend to want the change of such evil and evil authorities should allow themselves to be part of this and such a precipice. Nowhere, especially in the National Assembly. Well, it's not a barn, nor is it pink's Co-op. At least we believed it wasn't. The abnormal behavior of members of the SNS cannot be changed by even more abnormal statements of certain representatives of the opposition. In such a competition, every battle is lost in advance, because the SNS, relying on previous radical abominations, possesses an inexhaustible reservoir of all the abnormal that exists in this society.
Thus we reached the unborn Gavrilo who won the color revolution, the stroke of an SNS MP for which Vucic and Brnabic were diagnosed faster and better than all doctors, the bunga bunga dances the former Palm bridle, numerous umbrellas brought on a sunny day to the assembly hall where important matters should be decided on to some students who camp in the same SNS tents in the Pioneer Park, in the shadow of the presidency and Vucic himself, want to show the whole world that they only want to learn, mainly pathology and thereby further support the regime. As the main leader of the latest counter-revolution announced by Vucic, a medical student from Doboj appears, who is unofficially, probably for a reason, already widely called The First Lady of Serbia.
What have the days actually shown us, including the fight in front of the town hall? First of all, with the help of the opposition, Vucic managed to completely push the magnificent gathering of students and the rebellious people in Nis into the background. By the joint performance of the authorities and the opposition, of which we are all witnesses, the regime is constantly trying to shift from the role of proven abusers to those who suffer violence, to become some kind of false victims from the cold-blooded executioners of the past. At the same time, those who present themselves to this people as the opposition gain undeserved space in the media and the public, which they have completely lost through the successful actions of the students. The vain, limitless and vassal opposition, supported by the regime that brings them back into the political game with a constant negative campaign, consciously compromises the spirit of the successful student protests that led to the fall of the government and tries in advance to defame and senseless the announced large protest rally scheduled for 15. March.
This is how it was in N1. Martha
No matter what they do, they will not succeed. This government led by Vucic and such a narrow and clumsy parliamentary opposition are already just an ugly past. This is more than normal for everyone.
For more than three months, magnificent images of students and the rebellious people left Serbia, which delighted the whole world by attracting the attention of a Madonna, and now, with the combined action of the authorities and the opposition, reports went as if we were in a suburb of a war zone or in a lunatic asylum taken over by patients determining therapy for the whole people.
The smoke signals publicly sent by the opposition to Vucic are aimed at the status quo, because none or others respond to any change. In particular, they do not like what students who are unreservedly supported by the people do, because they abolish both by their actions, and they do not want to allow it themselves and are ready to do everything in order to preserve their well-played System in which only they are good, and for the people who ask you.
Students and all those who support them. From what will happen in the coming weeks, much will depend on the further fate of Serbia. The grandfather and grandson who used simple solutions to disperse Vucic's private security in front of the city assembly proved that anything is possible. The mind and reason of the people will not allow the loose smokescreen of the authorities and the opposition to lead us back on the wrong track. One roof was enough.
See you 15. in Belgrade!
Source: Smoke signals Vučić - Uncensored
10. March 2025.