Written By: Igor Pshenichnikov
Washington and Belgrade jointly intend to seize Russian assets in the Serbian oil company
Washington has hidden support...
Пише: Диогенис Д. Валаванидис, председник «Центра за заштиту хришћанског идентитета» и председник Одбора за верска питања «Центра за геостратешке студије»
Dragana Trifkovic, Director General of the Center for geostrategic studies
The geopolitical struggle will continue on all fronts. First because of need...
Information Service of the people's movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland"
Closure of the Tax Administration of the Republic of Serbia in Kosovska Mitrovica as well as insurance...
Dragana Trifković, Director General of the Center for geostrategic studies
The geopolitical struggle for resources has been talked about for decades. There are many scientists...
Written By: Igor Pshenichnikov
Washington, through the hands of official Belgrade, is trying to deprive Russia of its stake in Serbia's largest oil and gas company...
Written By: Srđan Škoro
By uttering various nonsense every day, Aleksandar Vucic persistently tries to direct the focus of the public towards himself, in order to stop it...