US Gov’t Redrawing European Borders According to Its Needs – Serbian Expert
In an exclusive interview with Sputnik, Serbian politician and expert in geopolitics Dragana Trifkovic shared her impressions of her recent visit to Crimea as a member of the Serbian Patriotic Block delegation and explained why Kosovo cannot become a member of the UN cultural agency (UNESCO).
Commenting on the current political situation over Russia’s Crimea, Serbian expert in geopolitics and the Director General of the Center for Geostrategic Studies in Belgrade Dragana Trifkovic drew geopolitical parallels between Crimea and Kosovo, stressing that since the collapse of the USSR, Washington and its NATO allies have been busy redrawing the borders of Europe at their own discretion.
„Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, the United States has been redrawing the borders in Europe according to their needs, starting from the Balkans. Serbia was bombed just because it did not voluntarily consented to the American occupation,“ Trifkovic told Sputnik.