СНС уништава бање Анемију и Чиготу – Циљ да их купи Миленијум тим

Претходних месеци стигла је наредба из врха СНС где је здравственим установама практично забрањено да пацијенте шаљу центрима у Чиготи и Анемији. Реч је о две бање на територији општина Чајетине и Ивањице. Прилив пацијената који се шаљу на рехабилитацију свео се на петину уобичајеног броја. Разлог који запослени помињу на изглед делује бизарно, а то је, по изјавама запослених, зато што директори ових установа нису по вољи директорке РФЗО Сање Шкодрић, за коју се тврди да координише свим акцијама. Међутим, радници оправдано стрепе да је у питању сценарио који је виђен у Врањској бањи, коју је на крају купио Миленијум тим – изјавио је Милош Парандиловић, народни посланик и председник Новог лица Србије.

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Boban Hrvac: Miley, The Liberator or the Tomb of Argentina?

A month ago, the "throne" of Argentina was entered by Javier Miley (Javier Milei).The word "throne" was used because immediately after Miley was declared the winner in the second round of the election, he began to act as if he were sovereign, not caring about the three-part separation of powers, the Constitution, the Senate and other democratic institutions, passing decrees and a set of 300 laws covering reforms and deep setbacks in almost all areas of life, many of which are contrary to the promises made in the election campaign and harm the already impoverished people. 40% of Argentines live on the brink of poverty.

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Vladislav B. Sotirovic: Special Features of the Region of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

The Middle East was the home of the earliest civilizations in the world’s history. The first urbanizations and literacy started there. The region of the Middle East usually covers the territories from the eastern littoral of the Mediterranean Sea up to India in the East. In a broader sense, geographically, the region encompasses territories of the East Mediterranean and Central Asia but many Americans followed by other Western academicians, politicians, and journalists regard as a single region the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

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Dragana Trifkovic: The US is coordinating the actions of both the Serbian government and the Serbian opposition

Mass protests have begun in Belgrade. Opposition members and their supporters, who disagree with the results of the recent parliamentary elections, have taken to the streets, blocking roads and attacking government buildings. Law enforcement agencies are responding by trying to contain the unrest. The situation is heating up.

According to experts, an attempt is being made to stage a coup in Serbia on the model of Ukraine’s Maidan in 2014. Most experts believe that the actions of the Serbian opposition are coordinated by Brussels and Washington.

Is a political revolution possible in Serbia?

The director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, Dragana Trifkovic, gave the Public News Service her own take on the issue:

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Neytralitet Австрии находится порозой

Патрик попель, австрийский геополитический аналитик Эксперт Центра геостратегических исследований (Белград

How many people in the world do not know what time in the world do not know what time in the world do not know what time in the world do not know what time in the world do not know what time in the world do not know what time in the world is going to fight for neutrality. On May 15, 1955, the Soviet Union signed a treaty with the Federal Government of Austria, which meant that Austria was not divided and could extend its life as a sovereign state.

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Igor Radošević: Rio Tinto admits that the state has deceived the people

The lithium controversy in Serbia has been going on for years. The current government, representing the interests of Rio Tinto, has been convincing the citizens of Serbia for years that lithium is a historical chance, while on the other hand, it avoids admitting that the consequences of lithium processing will be devastating for the water, land and future of the citizens of Serbia.  

Under the pressure of December protests and the blocking of the highway near the Gazela bridge, the state "officially" withdrew from all projects related to the excavation of lithium in Serbia, and thus allegedly put an end to this topic. Is this the end of the Rio Tinto saga? It's not. This is just the beginning. It is time to analyze this problem by the following points:

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Paul Craig Roberts: the possibility of nuclear war is awfully high

The Biden regime's Secretary of state, Blinken, has blocked talks between Russia and Ukraine, saying the goal of US policy is to drive Russia out of its reclaimed territories, including Crimea.

Biden's statement that the U.S. will use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear threats, as well as the knowledge that U.S. nuclear weapons are deployed near Russia, force Putin to drop his promise not to use nuclear weapons first.

In other words, unlike the Cold War at 20. for centuries, today there is a trigger for nuclear war. People who say nuclear war is impossible because there would be no winner don't know what they're talking about. Wars are the product of people, and people are emotional and stupid. They're making too many mistakes. That's how people work.

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Lucas Leiroz and Raphael Machado – From polarization to Ukrainization: who benefits from Brazil’s social chaos?

The recent Brazilian presidential elections drew worldwide attention. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was elected to a new term after years out of the political arena. Jair Bolsonaro lost by a small margin, showing he still has political strength and popularity, contradicting the data presented by main institutes, whose polls pointed to an „easy“ victory for Lula.

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Dejan Mirovic: Artificial analogy between Ukraine and Kosovo

By Dejan Mirovic, 

In connection with the tragic events in Ukraine, in Serbia and in the West, in a Russophobic context, an artificial analogy is made between the NATO aggression against the FRY in 1999 and the war in Ukraine, as well as the secession of the so-called Kosovo and the independence of the DNR and LNR. However, the legal facts show that this is not true. On the contrary, there is room for a completely different comparison. NATO, major Western countries and the so-called Kosovo for more than 20 years, do not respect the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which is binding on all States under international law.

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