Vladislav Sotirovic: On Ukraine’s Statehood and Borders

The German occupation forces were those who have been the first to create and recognize a short-lived state’s independence of Ukraine in January 1918 during the time of their own inspired and supported anti-Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917−1921. As reoccupied by the Bolshevik Red Army, the eastern and southern parts of the present-day territory of (a Greater) Ukraine joined in 1922 the USSR as a separate Soviet Socialist Republic (without Crimea). According to the 1926 Soviet census of Crimea, the majority of its population was the Russians (382.645). The second-largest ethnic group was the Tartars (179.094). Therefore, a Jew V. I. Lenin has to be considered as the real historical father of the Ukrainian statehood but also as of the contemporary nationhood. Ukraine was the most fertile agricultural Soviet republic but particularly catastrophically affected by (Georgian) Stalin’s economic policy in the 1930s which neglected agricultural production in favor of the speed industrialization of the country. The result was a great famine (Holodomor) with around seven million people dead but the majority of them were of ethnic Russian origin.

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Вилијам Енгдал: Давос и завера украденог писма

Чувена кратка прича Едгара Алена Поа Отето писмо, погодна је за описивање програма Клауса Шваба, оснивача пре неких 50 година данашњег глобално утицајног Светског економског форума у Давосу (Davos World Economic Forum – WEF) – Скривеног на увид свих. Шваб је 2020. године објавио књигу под насловом Велико ресетовање која позива светске лидере да искористе „прилику“ пандемије Covid -19 да фундаментално реорганизују глобалну економију у дистопијску верзију технократске Агенде УН 2030. одозго према доле. За оне који желе стрпљиво да истражују, Швабов WEF открива запањујући степен актуелне глобалистичке агенде за технократски тоталитаризам. Развијао је посебно одабране кадрове за спровођење ове агенде током три деценије, уз помоћ одабране глобалне „школе кадрова“ за „будуће лидере“. У ствари, то је оно што бисмо могли назвати Давос коминтерном, агенти промовисани широм света да би се инфилтрирали у врхове политичких кругова и гурали злокобну агенду ресетовања Давоса.

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Vladimir Sotirovic: why should Russia be respected in international relations or has the West "finished" with Russia?

Reborn Russia

After the dissolution of the USSR in 1991, Russia and Russian studies including Russian language, culture and history became for a long time not very popular fields of study as well as occupations in the West compared to the Cold War (1949).−1989. G). The reason for this trend was the deep belief in the West that it simply "ended" with Russia as a great power after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the disappearance of both the USSR (Soviet Russia) and the Warsaw Pact. However, geopolitical strategists in the West and primarily in NATO and the Pentagon have overlooked one thing: the Soviet Union has disappeared, but not Russia itself, which has been since 2000.- and experienced a constant military-political and economic-financial renaissance after the disastrous years (decade) of Boris Yeltsin's rule and his Euro-Atlantic liberals. It was believed after 1991.- Mr. that Russia's influence in world politics and international relations has been definitively eliminated and, therefore, Western universities have abolished chairs, programs and Centers for the study of Russian culture, language and history as practically unnecessary in the geopolitical sense.      

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Marina Dimitrijević: Iračani su narod kojim odiše ljubav, čistota, čast i gostoprimstvo

Marina Dimitrijević Maka, srpska je glumica koja je istaknuta, uz glumu kojom se bavila, kako po Srbiji tako i po velikom delu Bliskog istoka, i u bavljenju treningom javnih nastupa. Završila je master umetnosti i medija, te je direktor umetničkog programa televizije Tesla.

Nakon nedavnog boravka u Iraku posetili smo je u Beogradu te napravili intervju gde ćemo nastojati približiti tu zemlju ljudima u Srbiji i na Balkanu. Marinina sjajna izvedba u Vavilonu predstavlja izuzetan uspeh jedne mlade glumice, a koji bi morao biti pozitivna i optimistična poluga za uzor drugima. Posebno, država Srbija je dužna ljudima koji ostvaruju iznimne rezultate barem nekada osigurati vidljivost i reprezentativnost.

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Новак Ђоковић као икона слободног избора

Светлана Максовић је правник и генерални секретар Центра за геостратешке студије у Београду. Она не крије негодовање када говори о случају српског тенисера за француски портал Boulevard Voltaire. За њу је „случај Ђоковић веома озбиљан случај који наглашава лудило новог света чија је главна особина правна несигурност за све”.

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Rio Tinto is a betrayal of Serbia

Rio Tinto, the exploration and excavation of lithium, the envisaged adoption of new laws that should enable the seizure of private property and the entire current problems that brought Serbia to the brink of civil war, are just a drop in the sea of problems that the state faces. That drop threatens to be the one who poured over the glass. This question is much larger and more significant than the average citizen can imagine.

This is a question of security, protection of classified information of interest to the Republic of Serbia, a question by which classified information was handed over to a foreign company, which is why, if there is a state, someone must be held responsible for treason.

Let us try to interpret the legal regulations to confirm these difficult words.

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Economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies: where has our modern economic thought gone?

Since the beginning of the publication of my articles on this site, followers and readers have been able to notice that I almost regularly touched on this very painful topic of ours, especially in the article "war of ideologies or towards a healthy and contemporary concept of development" from March this year. If the somewhat troubled and war-time of the 90s was in some way a justification for all our economic wanders and stumbles, and transitional in the first two decades of this century deeply delimited by a neoliberal concept that had to be strictly applied; what about our current economic thinking, when, in an Interreg of a kind of World realignment, we witness the breaking of leading economic concepts and the birth of several new ones at the same time? Is it possible that our economic thought still remains a difficult prisoner of the deeply fallen Western neoliberal concept, where, apart from the honorable exceptions of Jovan Dušanić, Nebojša Katić and some of our economists, almost no one must complain about some new economic idea, and especially the desperately needed new concept of our development? Does not every intellectual, in this case an economist, who washes his hands from economics, even politics, that is, from the most important issues of his society, people and state, in fact renounce his own intellectual identity, but also his civil identity, by understanding these key issues alien to others? - as paraphrased by one of our authors.

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Спомена Милачић: Дечија посла у Будимпешти

He Said, " Remember Me."

Премијери Мађарске, Чешке Републике, Словеније као и председник Србије недавно су, 23. септембра  у Будимпешти потписали заједничку декларацију у којој се истиче да пад наталитета у побројаним земљама не би требало решавати приоритетно мигрантима те да: „Повећање броја европске деце јесте кључно за очување европске хришћанске културе и других верских традиција за друге генерације“ (из заједничке декларације“).

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Драгана Трифкович: Косово — новый Афганистан в центре Европы

Террористы нас не остановят» — эти слова произнес недавно президент США Джо Байден в Белом доме после того, как в аэропорту Кабула произошла серия взрывов, в которых погибло 13 американских солдат. Кадры из аэропорта в столице Афганистана приходили ужасающие, но не более, чем ранее показанные видеозаписи, где видно, как люди падают с американского транспортного самолета при взлете.

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Dragana Trifkovic: Kosovo-a new Afghanistan in the center of Europe

Dragana Trifkovic Regnum

"Terrorists will not stop us," said US President Joe Biden of the White House after a series of explosions caused bloodshed at Kabul airport. Among the dead were thirteen American soldiers. The images from the airport in Afghanistan were horrifying, but no less frightening than the previously seen scenes of people falling off an American transport plane in flight.

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