Economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies: hot summer and even hotter autumn 2021. year

After a time distance of over half a year from my texts on this site, "one look at 2021. year " from December 2020. and " the grim and ominous winter of 2021. "in March of this year, I thought it was time for a new cross-section and a summary of the current predictions of economic and political developments, both world and ours. The order of topics covered has been partially corrected, and the latest cross-section of the economies of the non-Western world, primarily Russia and China, is now given within the first chapter. In general, on a significant scale, the predictions proved to be accurate and realistic, except obviously the pace and dynamics of certain economic and political developments and events in the world and in our country, but certainly, on a predominantly large scale, it was conditioned by the prolonged effect of the ongoing pandemic, the movement of which is almost impossible to predict. All odds are that the announced tectonic earthquake dynamics will only prolong within a year of the forecast, i.e. spring and summer 2022., with a completely unclear timeline, perhaps, in some forms, and until the year 2025. What is certain, these tectonic changes will change the existing world beyond recognition, bringing a completely new constellation of World Economic and political power, which will certainly reflect on the Balkans and Serbia itself.

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Milos Zdravkovic: Humiliated France

Rarely did France know of such humiliation. Australia on Thursday (16th). September) announced the cancellation of the 56 billion euro contract signed in 2016. about the delivery of 12 submarines of the latest generation, in favor of British and American technology.

The French Foreign Policy Centre, Ke Dorsey, complained of "very bad news for disrespecting the word" and a "serious" decision in terms of international politics.

"A one-sided, brutal, unpredictable decision that looks a lot like what Mr. Trump did," said Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Europe and foreign affairs, visibly angry at the American ally who just took the contract of the century from him. French.

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Milos Zdravkovic: Afghanistan has failed mission and lesson for the future of the West

The withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan has led to a strengthening of the Taliban and uncertainty in the region, which Russia, China, India, Pakistan and Iran keep a watchful eye on, especially as neighboring countries, such as Russia in Tajikistan, have military bases, open or hidden defense partnerships, as well as great ambitions in the economy.

Experts from all meridians agree that the great powers fear the destabilization of this belt in Central Asia, but that they also have great hopes for the new situation.

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Economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies: War and ideology or towards a healthy and contemporary concept of development

The overall World socio-historical development so far has shown us several legislatures, regardless of all the imbalances and turbulences that it was accompanied by. Even in our studies, despite the still vibrant post-Tito state, we were taught that the only true path to socio-historical development is evolution, not revolution, with all its problems and illogicities that it inevitably carries with it. Then, for a long time, in my master's thesis, I dealt with the second legality, i.e. the impossibility and unreality of skipping the stages of Social Development (slavery, feudalism, capitalism, socialism), which, as a rule, bring about an inevitable reversible process, i.e. a return to an earlier stage. I was based on, then very popular, developing countries, although later this legality was confirmed, not only in US, but also in developed, at that period, socialist countries. In parallel with this thesis, I was also preoccupied with the very challenging process of convergence, that is, the permeation, the stage of socio-historical development, which later proved to be another of the important legalities of this process. With the set, of course, we, the elderly, in the 1980s and 1990s, were able to follow the sad collapse of socialism at the time, which was most reflected in the economic field, and the glittering victory of Western capitalism, so we wondered where we went wrong, persistently following Marx.

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Драгана Трифковић: Крим је дао наду Србима да и Косово може да се поврати

Интервју Драгане Трифковић, директора Центра за геостратешке студије за Baltnews

  • 2018 године сте посетили Крим као члан комисије иностраних посматрача. Да ли је то био ваш први долазак на полуострво? Ако није, да ли сте осетили неке промене од када је Крим у саставу Руске Федерације?

На Криму сам први пут боравила 2015. године у делегацији Демократске странке Србије и партије Двери, која се том приликом састала са руководством Републике Крим. Након тога сам сваке године посећивала Крим где сам учествовала у раду многобројних форума и конференција. Последњих година од реинтеграције Крима у састав РФ, на Криму су се одвијале веома динамичне дипломатске активности усмерене ка развоју међународне сарадње.

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Economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies: the grim and ominous winter 2021. year

On the eve of the last New Year, on this site called "One look at 2021", I gave my geo-economic and geo-political predictions of the main currents, with special reference to Serbia. Considering that, in the meantime, both official and unofficial basic economic indicators of economic developments for the past year, as well as expectations for this current one have been published in the world and in our country, I considered it expedient to do one cut-off at the end of the first quarter of the current year. All the more so that on both of these world scenes, as well as in our country, there continued the interesting gibberish, which I announced in the previous article. To make the comparison with the previous work as good as possible, I did not change the order of current topics and events.

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Владимир Зотов: Косово – это Россия: как Москве не похоронить себя на Балканах

Некоторое время назад президент Сербии Александр Вучич провёл встречу с посредником ЕС в переговорах сербских властей с косовскими сепаратистами Мирославом Лайчаком, по итогам которой заявил, что Запад ждёт от Сербии признания Косово. То есть Белграду, по-видимому, уже не удастся «съехать» на полумерах, которые подразумевают фактическую легализацию независимости южного сербского края при отсутствии её формального признания. ЕС и новая администрация США явно не в восторге от ухищрений сербских властей, всерьёз надеющихся получить в обмен на признание Косово что-то хоть сколько-нибудь существенное, даже если речь идёт буквально о нескольких населённых сербами деревнях. Сербия должна признать Косово безо всяких условий. Неоднократные заявления Вучича, согласно которым в результате сдачи региона «недовольными должны остаться обе стороны», не встречают сочувствия у американских и западноевропейских партнёров президента Сербии. США и ЕС явно считают, что «недовольными» должны остаться только сербы, и никто другой.

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Владимир Зотов: Косово је Русија – како да Москва не покопа саму себе на Балкану

Пре извесног времена председник Србије Александар Вучић састао се са посредником Европске уније у преговорима српских власти и косовских сепаратиста Мирославом Лајчаком, после којих је изјавио да Запад од Србије очекује да призна Косово. Тачније, Београду изгледа више не полази за руком да се „вади“ на полумере које подразумевају фактичку легализацију независности јужне српске покрајине уз одсуство њеног формалног признања. ЕУ и нова америчка администрација очигледно нису одушевљене домишљатошћу српских власти, које су се озбиљно надале да ће за признање Косова добити бар нешто суштинско, макар неколико српских села. Србија треба да призна Косово без било каквих услова. Вучићеве узастопне изјаве о томе да после предаје покрајине „незадовољне треба да остану обе стране“ не изазивају саосећање код америчких и западноевропских партнера српског председника. САД и ЕУ очигледно сматрају да „незадовољним“ треба да остану само Срби и нико више.

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Professor Burns diplomas: "I work as a cashier and Wheelwright, at night I am a lecturer and I write"

Yes, last year is exactly where the name says it – in the past. Since then, I have lived exclusively in the present moment, as well as the heroine of my novel "Forever Now". When asked if I am sorry, yes, I am sorry that the wind that day did not blow louder and carry the flame where it should, but then it would not be freedom of speech, but vandalism, which as a rule does not carry anything good. I've got the baptistery left, that's quite enough.

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