Dejan Mirović: Vučić's danajski gifts always cost more than they bring benefits, as shown by the elections in Nikšić

 The famous anti-communist dissident from Ulcinj, Kaplan Burovic, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for making an allusion to the Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha in his novel. Because of the poem "Bojana", Burović was also imprisoned in Tito's prison. The smuggling regime of Milo Djukanovic dealt with intellectuals by similar methods. The year 2018. entry to Montenegro is prohibited to academician Matija Bećković, historians Antić and Raković, as well as the author of this article. President Vučić did not stand for the protection of his citizens. Apart from the press conference, he did nothing. Đukanović's regime, encouraged by such (in)reaction, in the style of its main ideologue Bebe Popović (who in 2003 banned the newspaper " Dan " in Serbia), bans entry even to musicians from the Belgrade trade union and Vlado Georgiev.

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Никола Милованчев: Заташкавање јасеновачких злочина

Written By: Nikola Milovancev

Поводом полемике проф. Владислава Сотировића и г. Златоја Мартинова, желео бих да укажем на неколико историјских података, али и да први пут обелоданим део сведочења сестре др Виде Бродар, која је водила истраживања на подручју јасеновачког логора 1964. године. Наиме, вођење тадашње комисије је поверено институту у Љубљани зато да би отпале сумње у објективност њеног рада.

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Dejan Mirovic: Vucic is a paper tiger

For weeks, the media and SNS officials announced the final showdown with Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, the alleged political leader of the Belivuk clan.

Following the detention of persons associated with Belivuk at the end of February 2021. The Courier announced that Stefanovic co-owned a restaurant in Belgrade with those persons. There are also pictures of Stephanie in that restaurant. Then, SNS official Darko Glisic indirectly accused Stefanovic of allegedly plotting to assassinate Vucic, stating that there were people from the SNS who Vucic had brought to the highest state offices and who, instead of thanking Him, decided to "thank him with a sniper and turn their gratitude into a sniper bullet". Minister Nedimovic announced that a session of the Serbian Security Council will be held at which it will be revealed who is the man from the top of the SNS who was preparing the assassination of the Serbian President.

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Nikola Milovancev: greetings from Boka Serbs to Prince Nikola and his greetings to Srpska Boka

Written By: Nikola Milovancev

In June 1867. Prince Nikola of Montenegro visited Boka Kotorska, which was then part of the Austrian Empire. Many Boka Serbs rejoiced at the Duke's visit. The expression of this enthusiasm was the song "Welcome,"composed by Jeronimo Fiorelli, and to the verses of Rist Milić "greetings to Prince Nikola I on arrival in Boka Kotorska". On the visit of the Montenegrin ruler, the Austrian authorities did not look with joy, so the poet published the verses with Fiorelli's notes anonymously (he signed with the pseudonym "... Ić". The song was printed far from Boka: in Novi Sad Danica, 10. (22) June of that year (Serbian newspapers in Austria were, almost all, until 1918. they were dating by the old calendar and not by the state). Fiorelli was less cautious and signed in Danica my last name.

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Is communism a great evil?

Written By: Dusan Nelki

Government pandemic. A man's gift to decide his own destiny is taken away from him. This gift, which legal Science describes with the concept of personal freedom, is denied to the majority of the human population, I am mistaken, it is denied to all. The illusion that these measures are exempt only those who restore power. When I look back on the past, I can see that this is not the first time. Personal freedoms, for the vast majority, were also denied in the slave system.

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Milos Zdravkovic: green transition instead of water engineer amateurs

Written By: Miloš Zdravković

The EU's climate strategy is far more subtle than it seems at first glance. Political games over Russian gas are justified by climate concerns, amateurs lobby for renewable sources-against coal... not asking engineers about the green transition will lead to a financial blow to consumers, not only citizens but also the economy. Russia resists this, without giving up coal, and Serbia's decisions will pave the way for the development of our country.

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Milos Zdravkovic: why Germany will not give up Nord Stream 2

Written By: Miloš Zdravković

In the cold waters off Bornholm, a Danish island in the Baltic Sea, a complex game of cat and mouse takes place. A fleet of Russian ships is rushing to complete the construction of Nord Stream 2, a 1,230 km long gas pipeline (two pipes with a capacity of 27.5 billion cubic meters each) that would double the capacity of direct gas delivery from Russia to Germany. It remains to build less than 150 km. meanwhile, the US government, new as well as old (Trump's) backed by sanctions legislation, targets companies involved, directly or indirectly in the construction of this pipeline. As the saga enters its conclusion, the fate of the pipeline may depend on the outcome of this race.

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Чеси и Пољаци не заборављају Србе

Независност тзв. Косова* проглашена је 17. фебруара 2008. године. То је тужан дан за цело српство и свету српску земљу, Косово и Метохију. Од тог дана сваке године ширина словенске душе се покаже у пуном светлу у виду наших пријатеља Чеха и Пољака.

Грађани Прага и Варшаве, престоница Чешке и Пољске, али и других градова у тим земљама сад већ традиционално прошетају улицама носећи транспаренте „Косово је Србија“ дајући тако подршку српском народу који је жртва западног режима.

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Горан Раичевић: Провоцирање српског народа

Written By: Goran Raičević

Одавно је наше новинарство погазило кодекс објективности и изгубило примарну улогу у информисању јавности на начин на који то налажу професионална етика, али и елементарна морална и васпитна начела. Стид и срам не постоје, а интерес налогодавца је примат који се брани до краја, па чак и када се истина у својој супротности оголи у целости. У времену када се лаж финансира и форсира, истина тешко долази до изражаја. Тако смо недавно имали прилику да на баналном примеру као што је резултат фудбалске утакмице, сазнамо да 2 и 2 нису исте вредности, него да је Звезда победила Милан резултатом 2:2?! Међутим, тема на коју желим да се надовежем је много озбиљнија од спортских резултата.

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Срби са КиМ: Све Вучићеве издаје

Председник Србије Александар Вучић у више наврата, имајући обичај да помало глуми наивну француску собарицу, практикује да пред медијима каже : ”Наведите ми, молим вас, шта сам ја то за време своје власти издао.”

Народни покрет Срба са Косова и Метохије „Отаџбина“ овим путем жели да подсети и грађане Србије а и Александра Вучића где је све издао:

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