Geopolitics and politics

Boban Hrvac: Miley, The Liberator or the Tomb of Argentina?

A month ago, the "throne" of Argentina was entered by Javier Miley (Javier Milei).The word "throne" was used because immediately after Miley was declared the winner in the second round of the election, he began to act as if he were sovereign, not caring about the three-part separation of powers, the Constitution, the Senate and other democratic institutions, passing decrees and a set of 300 laws covering reforms and deep setbacks in almost all areas of life, many of which are contrary to the promises made in the election campaign and harm the already impoverished people. 40% of Argentines live on the brink of poverty.

The people soon realized that the emperor was naked and that since the election promises were fulfilled only that Argentina would not join the BRICS. therefore, thousands of citizens took to the streets to protest. Argentines are easily moved to protest, but only when it reaches the nail. In the meantime, most are turned to the game, especially football, so what Messi (formerly Maradona) does is more important to them than what the government does. That is why they have survived a dozen bankruptcies, and the United States is on the threshold of a new one. Will The Economist Miley manage to avoid this by his measures? Doubts have a place when it is seen that it is guided more by ideological rather than economic parameters, pointing out that it will not have any relations with communists, with countries of authoritarian regimes such as China, Russia, Cuba, even Brazil and some other countries of Latin America. He defines himself as an anarcho-capitalist, a libertarian. His party is called."Freedom of the advance."(Freedom advances). The word "freedom" is the one most often used, and with it often the one denoted by the middle finger. He's not a stranger to swearing at rallies and appearances on TV. He acts like he's at a concert, which is no surprise when he's known to be involved in rock music and football.

His decrees provided for less and less freedom, which is reflected in restrictive measures regarding the right to express dissatisfaction with protests. Under pressure from the public, Article 351 of the law regulating this matter was repealed. A set of proposed laws, known as the omnibus is called the" law on the basics and guidelines for the freedom of Argentines" (Ley de Bases y Puntos de Partida para la Libertad de los Argentinos).

At campaign rallies, Miley waved a Macola and a chainsaw on which his last name was written as if it would cut an Argentine Gordi knot woven from countless knots created by previously incompetent and corrupt authorities, as well as a noose from huge debts. "Better a plug than a debt," the late Drago Kalajic would say.

The light at the end of the tunnel and the possibility of overcoming the crisis Milej sees in the dolarization. And now that the de-dollarization of the world is in full swing. However, the US shows little enthusiasm in this direction, so the introduction of the dollar will have to wait, unless the Argentine economy completely sinks, and more conditions are created for this. Not only does he emphasize that he does not want to have anything to do with communists, Miley insulted the leadership and people of countries that are Argentina's biggest trading partners. That is why China suspended the тран 6.5 billion transaction, and that sum would help pay off some of the IMF's debts. Miley applied for a new loan from the IMF, so he was granted.4.7 billion. "Call the IMF for suicide," said Dragoš Kalajić. But even that is not enough for this "Liberator", so he continues to shoot himself in the knee by allowing his foreign minister to host a delegation of Taiwan, which could cost his country to stop purchases of major export products of soybeans and meat by China, which would be a terrible blow to the weakened Argentine economy.

The new government has devalued the peso by 55%, so now one dollar is worth 800 pesos. Inflation is 214.4% and continues to rise, so it is projected to reach as high as 300% in the middle of the year.

One way to reduce the debt, the new government believes, is to reduce the administration, so five to seven thousand civil servants were fired. Miley also ordered the abolition of most ministries, but this weakens the state, which opens up the possibility of its place being taken by mafias and corrupt people, as happened in Ecuador, which is now trying to solve the problem with a state of emergency and an army on the streets.

The omnibus also envisages the privatization of everything, Land, Natural Resources, state-owned enterprises, the national airline, radio and television, Railways, the health sector, etc. and even the abolition of the central bank, which, as Putin recently warned, would mean the loss of a large part of sovereignty. It is unclear whether his advice will be respected.

Argentina abandoned joining the BRICS, which we consider the biggest mistake, given the development and financial opportunities that the group has. On the other hand, the BRICS did us a favor because it is difficult for us to imagine a summit of serious statesmen among whom sits a hysterical uncouth neoconservative, a globalist with a lack of home-schooling whom compatriots nicknamed "The Madman" (Loco).

It is impossible in one text to list all the challenges facing Argentina and the measures, many of which are questionable, intended to be implemented by the new government, which wants to bind its state exclusively to the United States and Israel, which for Miley is a model state, as is the American political system. As if he had never heard of Kissinger, that being an enemy of America is dangerous and being a friend is fatal.

Unions are 24.January scheduled a general strike dissatisfied with the proposed legal provisions on labor relations according to which probationary work is extended from three to eight months, opens the possibility of dismissal of workers without compensation and other disadvantages for employees. In the meantime, the Senate debates the proposed laws, and Miley in Davos, with the Swabians and the society, devises plans.

Daniel Edulin, writer of the book "Tavistock" claims that Miley produkt, the child of this notorious Institute, so if that is true, we should not be surprised by the actions of Javier Miley. The Monroe Doctrine is still very much alive.

21. January 2024.







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