How are we being listened to globally?

Written By: Draga Ivić

Was George Orwell really a visionary, or, as a talented journalist, did he already know what many do not know today? Learning from real models, Zamyatin and Huxley, he became one of the writers of a very rare genre – the dystopian novel.

Even in dividing the world in his book ”1984” he was not, at least allegorically, wrong. His last book deals with something that started in 1947. at the same time as he wrote the first fifty pages of this novel, which would turn out to be his last in his lifetime.

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Eastern Front 2.0: What is the difference between the eastern front of World War II and the present

Written By: Draga Ivić

On some portals we can see a separate topic called ”Eastern Front”, so we can often meet this syntax in the news.

Why did their editors choose to name the area where everything is taking place (as the Russians officially call it and represent it in the Security Council), i.e. occupation, aggression, etc., as the attacked side and its allies call it?

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What if there was no nuclear triad? What would a conventional war between the United States and the Russian Federation look like?

Written By: Draga Ivić

Овај сукоб био је периодично предмет тзв. стратешких ратних игара.Оне се одвијају у највишим војним врховима и штабовима. Имају за циљ да утврде генералне правце развоја војне мисли и праксе, али и предвиде или предупреде могуће исходе сукоба појединих страна.

Нажалост, једна од таквих игара је веома актуелна ових месеци и све више подећа на штабске припреме за могући сукоб.

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US destroyer Thomas Hadner attacked from Yemen with several drones; Iran warns of expansion of war

Јеменски побуњеници Хути дају све од себе да привуку међународну пажњу на себе и растерете притисак који трпи Појас Газе. У четвртак ујутро, неколико јуришних дронова лансирано је из области под контролом Хута на амерички разарач Thomas Hudner у Црвеном мору.

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The Ukrainian Counter-Offensive Continues to Falter

By Stefan Brakus

The Ukrainian Counter-Offensive as of the 10th August 2023

Kharkiv Front

Russian forces have been making rapid gains in territory in the direction of the city of Kupyansk in the Kharkiv region. Western media outlets have largely ignored these significant Russian advances not because the former deem it unimportant, but rather due to the Western media’s desire to not cause damage to the moral of Ukraine and its Western allies. To damage moral with regards to the Kharkiv Front would be extremely harmful in the face of a situation in which the Russians could very well reverse their territorial losses from last year’s successful Ukrainian counter-offensive against the Russians in Kharkiv. Russia’s advances in this area have been so rapid, the Ukrainians have not been able to set up effective defensive positions in order to stall the Russians.

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Biden’s inclusion of transgenders weakening US military

By Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

The confidence of the American public in its Armed Forces has plummeted to levels not seen in more than 20 years, according to a new survey published by Gallup on July 31. However, what the poll omits from its research is the role that the inclusion of transgenders in the US military has played in lowering American trust in this institution.

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