Pavle Jeremic: all-Serbian Council-cheap marketing trick and drawing public attention

Written By: Paul Jeremic

There are 8 in Belgrade. in June, in the guise of the latest event, which was supposed to bring together and bring all Serbs together, the old radicals who managed to sell and tear apart everything Serbian in the last thirty years gathered. While kurti's paramilitary terrorist regime and Albania opened the borders between the so-called Kosovo. "Kosovo" and Albania, and the international community ridicules the performance of the president at the United Nations, Vucic and Dodik celebrate their alleged victory in Belgrade. Their false nationalism, which in fact is only a cover for the enrichment and sale of national interests, has been reduced to pure marketing and absolute control of public space.

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People's movement of the Fatherland: electoral engineering

Information Service of the people's movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland"

On the second of June of this year, the north of Kosovo and Metohija was quite empty. A large number of its citizens, whose place of residence was changed by Aleksandar Vucic's regime in the previous period, rushed primarily to Belgrade to perform their civic duty and to vote there. This is the main reason why this part of Kosovo has been abandoned.

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Dragana Trifkovic: Double Erdogan

Dragana Trifkovic, Director General of the Center for geostrategic studies

A few days ago, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said that Turkey is in favor of seeking diplomatic ways to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. We will remember that they are in Turkey in spring 2022. negotiations between Moscow and Kiev were organized in 2019, which ended in failure thanks to London, after the then British prime minister Boris Johnson urged Kiev not to sign anything with the Russian Federation and to keep fighting. Although Western countries, like Turkey, are in favor of achieving peace in Ukraine, it is clear that their actions are fundamentally different from rhetoric. Minsk agreements on the cessation of hostilities in Ukraine (2014-2015) year.), It served the West only to buy time to further strengthen Ukraine's armed forces. This was confirmed by the former chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, which clearly says that when the West "Orwellian" talks about peace, it is actually waging war ("war is peace, freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is power" by George Orwell in 1984). In this connection, the collective West has lost any credibility to speak and negotiate peace as a party that encourages conflict and does not respect international law. But is Turkey different from the West on this issue and can Turkey be trusted?

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National movement "Fatherland": Serbdom in Lear and collective betrayal

Information Service of the people's movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland"

The national movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland" strongly condemns the adoption of the resolution on Srebrenica in the United Nations, which effectively declares the entire Serbian people to be genecid. This resolution is of a more political character and aims to unitarize Bosnia and Herzegovina, calling into question the competences of Republika Srpska with the intention of turning it into a community of Serb municipalities.

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Bulgarian priests and believers against the co-ordination of their bishops with Ukrainian schismatics

Five bishops of the Bulgarian Orthodox church (three metropolitans and two bishops) for the first time Su 19. Maya 2024. he servedand with representatives of the schismatic "Orthodox Church of Ukraine", although Saint sthe U.S. never made a decision about possible stupAnia in communion with schismaticsMa.

Do sservicea it came at a time when Bthe Hungarian church has no PAtriarchbecause it is in Marti PAtriarch neophyte. Metropolitan Nicholas of Plovdiv, who served with the sectarians PCUhe is one of the leading names in the upcoming elections for patriarch, for whosezbor Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople showed great interest.

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Paul Craig Roberts: why did democracy fail in the United States?

Written By Paul Craig Roberts

Throughout my life, what I have noticed is that Republicans define patriotism mainly in terms of opposing foreign enemies. This was most pronounced during the long cold war with the Soviet Union. It is certainly true that we should be on guard against foreign enemies, but we must not be so on guard to create enemies where there are none or refuse to defuse tensions and replace hostile relations with cooperative ones as President John F. Kennedy once did. Kennedy said he intended to do so before he was assassinated and as President Trump intended to do so before the Russia accusation prevented him.

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