Written By: Dane Čanković
The influence of evil, the source of which is Satan himself (and can it be anyone else), is indestructible in human society....
Diogenis D. Valavanidis, chairman of the Religious Affairs Committee of the"Center for geostrategic studies"
The Daily newspaper "Politika" from Belgrade, is 20. February...
Written By: Diogenis D. Valavanidis
the Center for the protection of Christian identity and
president of the council for religion of the Center for geostrategic studies
You don't have to be big...
Пише: Драгана Трифковић, генерални директор Центра за геостратешке студије
Напомена: текст је објављен у књизи посвећеној сећању на Ебрахима Раисија у...