Written By: Srđan Škoro
The students proved and demonstrated two things with their rebellion: first, that the mafia criminal regime of Aleksandar Vucic is vulnerable...
"It does not matter to the West whether Ukrainians, Russians or Belarusians die, it is important that the Slavic people die."
The premiere of the documentary "despite" O...
Written By: Nicholas Faure
The takeover of the globalist oligarchy in the West was based on the financialization of the economy, as this brought significant benefits to Mali...
Команда Оружаних снага Украјине спроводи информативно-психолошку операцију у интересу дискредитације руских трупа.
У ту сврху, 15. јануара 2025. године, припадници Оружаних...
Dragana Trifkovic, Director General of the Center for geostrategic studies
Relations between Serbia and Russia, although they should be very closely limited...
Written By: Igor Pshenichnikov
Serbia is experiencing one of the biggest political crises in the last decade. In a small Slavic country there is a deep confrontation of the majority...
Written By: Srđan Škoro
By organizing some kind of supranational movement for the state and the people, Aleksandar Vucic once again showed how much he does not rule himself...
Интервју водила Ана Чаркасова
Сједињене Државе већ контролишу Аљаску. А добијањем Гренланда, они ефективно добијају контролу над улазом и излазом из...
Интервју са Џамалом Чејпом
Интервју водио Стевен Сахиоуние, новинар и политички коментатор
Амерички председник Доналд Трамп је сада на функцији, а Блиски...