Драгана Трифковић: Запад користи и Србију и Косово као оружје против Русије

Драгана Трифковић за азербејџански GLOBALinfo

На територији Косова и Метохији је поново дошло до ескалације сукоба између српског становништва и сепаратистичких косовских власти. Услови у којим Срби на Косову и Метохији живе су неприхватљиви. Наиме они су изложени континуираној тортури која се над њима спроводи. За то највећу одговорност сносе међународни фактори који контролишу ову територију, у првом реду КФОР односно НАТО. Неопходно је подсетити да је 2004. године у присуству КФОР-а извршен погром над српским становништвом. За то су косовски Албанци имали одобрење од Запада.

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Paul Craig Roberts: the possibility of nuclear war is awfully high

The Biden regime's Secretary of state, Blinken, has blocked talks between Russia and Ukraine, saying the goal of US policy is to drive Russia out of its reclaimed territories, including Crimea.

Biden's statement that the U.S. will use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear threats, as well as the knowledge that U.S. nuclear weapons are deployed near Russia, force Putin to drop his promise not to use nuclear weapons first.

In other words, unlike the Cold War at 20. for centuries, today there is a trigger for nuclear war. People who say nuclear war is impossible because there would be no winner don't know what they're talking about. Wars are the product of people, and people are emotional and stupid. They're making too many mistakes. That's how people work.

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We Are Being Put in Chains

By Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D.

The Center for Geostrategic Studies organized from December 6-8 the International Online Conference: The Reanimation of Fascism in the 21st Century in Europe and the Possibility of its Prevention.

Among the eminent speakers was the American professor Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, whose speech we publish here below.

My appreciation to those with the foresight to organize this conference.

I limit my remarks to definite clarity. By "fascism" I assume we mean not strictly economic corporation between government and private business, but the over-riding of citizens' values and opinions by powerful groups in control of governing. We mean by fascism the ignorance and suppression of popular opinion.

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The Prospect of Nuclear War Is Getting too Close for Comfort

By Paul Craig Roberts

Biden Regime Secretary of State Blinken has blocked negotiations between Russia and Ukraine by declaring it is US policy to drive Russia out of the reincorporated territories, including Crimea.

Biden’s announcement that the US will use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear threats, and the knowledge that US nuclear weapons are deployed close to Russia are forcing Putin to abandon his no first use of nuclear weapons pledge.

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Paul Craig Roberts: they put us in chains

The Center for geostrategic studies organized an international online conference from December 6-8: The revival of fascism at 21. century in Europe and the possibility of its prevention

Among the eminent speakers was American professor Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, whose address we convey in full.

Thank you to those who were willing to organize this conference.

I limit my remarks to clarity of definition. By "fascism" I suppose we mean not only the economic corporation between government and private business, but the predominance of the values and opinions of citizens by the powerful groups that control governance. By fascism we mean ignoring and suppressing public opinion.

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The 2002 Bush Doctrine and the Pandora Box of the Preemptive War

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic

Originally, the Bush Doctrine was a political phrase with the aim to describe the US foreign policy goals during the 43rd US President George W. Bush (Bush Junior), 2001−2009. The doctrine had four basic standpoints. All of them were centered around American military superiority after the Cold War 1.0 as the US being the only global hyperpower in international relations.

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Искуства са прве линије фронта: Ексклузивни интервју са рањеним руским војницима

Делегација Центра за геостратешке студије коју су чинили Драгана Трифковић, генерални директор Центра за геостратешке студије из Србије, Ден Ковалик, професор хуманитарног права из САД и Арно Девалеј, правник из Француске, посетила је болницу у којој се опорављају рањени руски војници, који су учествовали у војним дејствима у Донбасу.

Циљ ове посете је био да из разговора са војницима сазнамо о њиховим искуствима на фронту и мотивима због којих су решели да учествују у специјалној војној операцији (СВО).

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Dragana Trifkovic: The visions of a stock market speculator are unacceptable to Serbia

Continuing our new project called “Soft power – a destructive tool of the collective West against Russia”, Infopress.am spoke with Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies from Belgrade, Serbia.

— After the color revolution of 2018, which, as the “leaders” of this revolution declared, was supposed to lead Armenia to the flourishing of democracy and unprecedented economic growth, Armenia not only didn”t become more democratic, but was subjected to unprecedented military aggression, the echo of which can still be heard. It is well known that the main scriptwriter and financier of such color revolutions all over the world is the so-called “Soros Foundation”. Tell us how things were in Serbia in terms of the introduction of Soros agents into various structures and what consequences did this lead to?

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Milo Lompar: government actions will lead to Kosovo independence and sanctions against Russia

The decision of the Serbian authorities, led by Aleksandar Vucic, to gradually abolish Serbian tablets in the area of Kosovo and Metohija should be understood as another step in the systematic removal of the latest contents of Serbian Statehood, said Milo Lompar, a professor at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade. 

Lompar told beta that the decision to gradually abolish Serbian plates is" the latest moment in a ten-year continuity " and that the actions of the Serbian authorities will lead to Kosovo's independence and sanctions on Russia.

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DONBASS: THE WAR ON REMEMBRANCE – Impressions by Arnaud Develay

We has just received the news that another shelling had taken place.

To be sure, the school we had just left had been hit for the umpteenth time with a 155 mn caliber NATO-made missile during the morning hours. The quasi-totality of the windows frames were covered with wood-panels which bore witness to the almost frantic desire of the NATO-supported Kiev regime to not only target the most vulnerable but also impede the transmission of remembrance in an attempt to eradicate the future.

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