Written By: Kirill Semenov
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was 11. in October on an official visit to Serbia, where he spoke with the president...
Written By: Igor Pshenichnikov
Official Belgrade is demonstrating an increasingly open inclination towards the United States and the West. The scandal over the public rejection of the president of Serbia continued...
Diogenis Valavanidis, president of the Center for the protection of Christian identity
and chairman of the Religious Affairs Committee of the Center for geostrategic studies
Photo By Diogenis Valavanidis
Патрик Попел, стручњак Центра за геостратешке студије из Београда
Прошле недеље десио се историјски догађај у Аустрији. Слободарска партија (FPÖ) добила...
Written By: Stefan Brakus
Located near the port city of Constanta in Romania, on the western coast of the Black Sea, Mihail International Airport...