Drago Vučković: How can our small economy survive and develop?

By: Dragoš Vučković, economic expert of the Center for geostrategic studies

Usually in our country, the rapid development of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs (SMEs) is justifiably linked to our entry into the transition process, in which they have become a significant economic factor, today with over 360,000 entities, employing about 930,000 workers. This means 99.9% of the total number of business entities, which carries over 2/3 of the total number of employees of the non-financial business sector (NFPs) or a share of the total employment of 44%. Their contribution in gross domestic product (GDP) is almost 30%, almost double that in NFPs , share in exports 40% and in imports 55%.

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Danijela Petković: dramaturgy of Nikolaj Koljada or real life?

Danijela Petković, president of the culture committee of the Center for geostrategic studies

Is theatre life or are artists playing life? Is the present described in classical literature or contemporary dramaturges write the future? Who are the artists, do they share the fate of the so-called Russian "Leech man" or the fate of the characters is shared by all the thinking people of modern society, already drowned by globalism? How does the "lishniy čelovek" of modern society live and pass? Who are these people and are we able to recognize them in the store, on the street, in the infirmary, in the bureau? Is grandma's Pension their bread and would a poor student of time Dostoyevsky make such a compromise? How much is the life or thought of the people of a society of neoliberal capitalism worth?

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Milankovic's time: past, present and future

У Свечаној сали Грађевинског факултета у Београду, 28. маја је одржан скуп под називом „Време Миланковића: прошлост, садашњост и будућност“ поводом обележавања 145. годишњице рођења једног од највећих српских научника двадесетог века, Милутина Миланковића. Свечани скуп је окупио је бројне угледне званице, професоре, студенте и поштоваоце лика и дела овог великана.

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Who (really) was Dr. Ibrahim Rugova (1944−2006. Mr.)?

Written by: Dr Vladislav B. Sotirović

Current 2024. Mr. Marks the 80th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, one of the key shptar politicians who in 1990.- after the break-up of the SFRY, they worked wholeheartedly but secretly to break the territorial integrity of Serbia and, unfortunately, with the direct help of the West in this, they succeeded. Who (really) was Dr. Ibrahim Rugova? 

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St. Paul: 11. May-a symbol of the invincibility of the Serbian people

Written By: Paul Jeremic

The rapid collapse of the Yugoslav Royal Army in the April War gave the impression of invincibility and absolute military supremacy of the Nazi military machinery. However, a group of Yugoslav officers managed to evade capture, and refused to acknowledge the capitulation of the army. This group, led by General Staff Colonel Dragoljub Mihailovic, arrived on Ravna Gora 11. Maja and guided by Njegoš's verses: "Al' tirjanstvo step by the neck, bring it to the knowledge of rights, that is the most sacred human duty”, founded an organization called “Yugoslav army in the Fatherland”. In this way, the anti-fascist character of the Royal Army and the Serbian people was best expressed, which received its first organized resistance movement in less than a month since the end of the war.

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