Mass protests have begun in Belgrade. Opposition members and their supporters, who disagree with the results of the recent parliamentary elections, have taken to the streets, blocking roads and attacking government buildings. Law enforcement agencies are responding by trying to contain the unrest. The situation is heating up.

According to experts, an attempt is being made to stage a coup in Serbia on the model of Ukraine's Maidan in 2014. Most experts believe that the actions of the Serbian opposition are coordinated by Brussels and Washington.

Is a political revolution possible in Serbia?

The director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, Dragana Trifkovic, gave the Public News Service her own take on the issue:

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic

There are many official and unofficial as well as academic and non-academic approaches and formal/informal definitions of politics and its functioning in society. However, as the most universal concept, it can be concluded that politics is simply the ability to direct and administer a state (in ancient Greek – polis or a city-state) or some other political organizations (like multilateral, international, supranational, etc.). In essence, the administration of the state or other political subjects is a matter of art.

The BRICS+ Forum

Global Transformation in Action: Values and Practical Priorities of a Multipolar World

The world is rapidly changing, and new centers of power are becoming more visible in the international arena. At the same time, the process of change is accompanied by military conflicts, political, economic, and social crises. But the main question remains open: on what principles should the future world order be built? What are the spiritual foundations and common values on which the global community will be able to focus under the conditions of the new model? How can the new model ensure fair cooperation and constructive development of the global community?

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