By Dragana Trifkovic

Serbian President Vucic’s policy of appeasement towards Greater Albanian irredentism and chauvinism, in the NATO occupied region in southern Serbia,  in the name of ‘peace’ and ‘respectability’ in the eyes of the EU and NATO, has approached its final point. 

The assassination of Ivanovic could not have happened if the Serbian government hadn’t  agreed to relinquish the police and security apparatus to the illegal occupational puppet government controlled from DC and Tirana. As Trifkovic previously wrote, Serbia attempts to further appease US ambitions in the Balkans precisely at an historical juncture when US hegemony shrinks and global multipolarity rises. – J. Flores

By Dragana Trifkovic 


[The Kosovo region of the Republic of Serbia is under US-NATO military occupation, with a puppet Albanian separatist government nominally in control. This has been the situation for nearly 20 years. – ed ] 

“Now that the global circumstances have changed, and when the United States and NATO are losing their influence, and while the powers that are in favor of preserving Kosovo and Metohija – such as Russia and China – are strengthening, we are nevertheless pursuing a policy of complete surrender.”

The aim of the internal dialogue conducted by the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, should be to distribute responsibilities and to be the cover for the final surrender of Kosovo and Metohija.


The government constantly assures us that it will never recognize Kosovo as an independent State, but here we must point out the following: they are not expected to announce to the public that Kosovo is an independent State and that we recognized it as such. Nobody is asking for such a clear acknowledgment from them. The problem is that they are instigating the independence of Kosovo by implementing their policies, without clearly defining and communicating to the public what they are actually doing. 

NATO occupying forces inspect the ‘work’ of their Albanian terrorist comrades who shelled this Orthodox church in Kosovo

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