Svetozar Markovic or the fighter for people's and workers ' rights before communism над inspired by one book…
A year ago, I came across a Book Fair at the booth of the publishing house Portalibris. What I found particularly interesting there were books adapted to (in)modern-day readers. Small in scope but interesting in the selection of authors, epochs and lessons that can be carried out. For every recommendation. There are more or less known, but also completely unknown, and quality authors and them are especially worth giving a chance. The book about which I would like to tell you is "Serbia in the East", by Svetozar Markovic which pleasantly surprised me.
Што се тиче модерних правила на почетку излагања рећићу, nothing to declare или на српском, немам никакве везе лобистичко-финансијске природе са овом кућом, само мислим да заслужује да се помене такав квалитетан рад који се напаја у најважнијем месту за будућност и садашњост, у широким сликама, нијансама и џеповима затурене прошлости. У временима кад је још било идеја и идеала у држави и људима, када се у борбу ишло по унутрашњем осећају да се нешто мора урадити а не зато што су изгледи на победу поприлични. Када полтронство, бескичмењаштво и слугерај нису били неопходни услови за формални напредак, а у ствари за губљење душе. То се дешава последњих тридесет година (а и свих осамдесет), а интензивно и убрзано у последњих десетак. У земљи опхрваној црним хроникама, са седам стотина универзитетских професора који подржавају говор мржње према стожерном народу ове земље а равнодушни су и несолидарни ван својих интереса ни за шта друго (, by the continuous and "urgent" appeal of a man who has usurped every possible human and state law, and to a country where the opening of casinos is helped more than schools, and to a space that is irresistibly rushing into "progress". All this is happening under the shameless bat of the most unrestrained of all. By the plan from afar and long ago, and under the conductor's baton of the ambassador of a great power in decline, who is a true criminal, returned to the scene of the crime, this time more abominable, corrupt and arrogant than before ( It must have been the years that he and the president of that power have done their work, occasionally he does not know where he is or who he is, judging by the undiplomatic manner of treatment and statements that are mostly demands, which is not appropriate for diplomats or the place where he is, and about the respect of the host country, not to mention. Despite all this, our reaction is almost nonexistent. Who is the Constitutional Court on the issue of the Brussels Agreement and everyone else is pretending to be dead. He seems to be doing well in this space for now, because a huge number of people have lost hope and faith that anything can be done with the operations that have been going on for decades. Too much, formally, of ours has been handed over to him on a plate and faithfully serve him to the detriment of their own community. It's just before dawn, so we'll see. But let us move on, to give no meaning to nothingness, for the purpose of this writing is to burn the soul with kindness. We, the descendants of St. Sava, Karadjordje and Milunka Savić, today shackled without shackles, have no right to love chains and to find "advantages" for them to call life and humiliation wisdom.
How to freedom? The first step is the conscious fact that we have become a protectorate, a colony, and that we must do almost nothing essential good. We have to do everything from zero. The second step is learning about yourself and the world around you. It is only through knowledge that self-confidence and awareness are gained that the slave position and complete decomposition that they have intended for us are not what we want and will accept peacefully. A basketball player, known for blocking, who was hit by Darko Milicic, not in my house (! Or, according to our beautiful verse, Šantić: "all this way, up to Golgotha, and when you take our male lives, our graves will fight with you!”.
Today, Serbs sail on average between the" heavenly liturgy "of St. Nicholas of Serbia and the song" Our Days " by Vladislav Petkovic diss. These are top-notch works in which there are not too good descriptions for the core people of the Balkans or helm, although the first-mentioned work still ends positively for the Serbs after a lot of hardships and troubles. Why is that? Can we avoid all that the holy bishop prophesied between the two great wars? I don't know, but I know what can be helpful. We must look into our hearts and minds, and turn to the face and soul of God, looking into our surroundings. Not to repent papistically, with money for indulgence (or paid forgiveness of sins) and formally apologize to those who believe that it is normal to kill Serbs, but to understand that we should solve all solutions and problems first individually in ourselves and then as a large family, which we are among ourselves. And then we can't not get better!
I've read a lot of books, but I don't think I've read a lot of books, and I think I've read a lot of books, and I've read a lot of books, and I've read a lot of books, and I don't think I've read a lot of books, and I think I've read a lot of books. ( from the film "The Battle of Kosovo" and that I will be able to bring to you something that I think can be helpful. At least to realize that we have a continuity of the same patterns of behavior on different grounds, and that our present condition may be new and difficult for us, but for the history of a nation, it is all expected. We have never fundamentally changed, nor are our enemies and their views on us. Everything, even much harder, niggers and worse, we survived. And we will certainly continue when we see the back of another occupier. Sooner or later, the flame of hope will remain high on us! To quote The Black Man:
"I'm not afraid of a noose around the neck
and I will be hanged above my executioner.
On the gallows, in the sun, in the rain,
I will be dead higher than myself.
I'll be closer to the sun and away from the mud
and I will cry my tongue to my executioner.”
And after the verses, we are closer to the book, which was the immediate reason for recounting our own thoughts. This Is How Svetozar Marković described the state of law and justice and how not having them affected the spirit and character of the people. A lot can be felt today.:
"All conditions existed in Serbia, therefore, which destroyed the people's only sense of fairness and honesty. And the government thought that a sense of fairness could be replaced by written laws and secured by punishments!…
But no laws could replace the Serbian people with those notions of law that the people were increasingly losing. When people do not respect someone else's personality and other people's earnings, when there is a general desire for ungrateful enjoyment and when all the conditions show that only in this way can a man reach well-being, then laws are no longer protectors of rights; they become a bunch of forms that have no real contentwhich should be done only in an external form. Then there is a general tendency to invent right, to give injustice a legal form.”
Here are a few interesting relations, let's say, the authorities and the opposition of that time. If instead of Turkey and Russia, you say the EU and America, and instead of princes and opponents to him, today's sovereign and the so-called. Serbia against settlements, you will see that, both then and now without the support of a foreign factor, obviously little could or was more just to say, and wanted to say. The only difference, not small and not unimportant, is that at that time the state did progress, and today they say that it is progressing. How do I know, someone will ask? A voice from the crowd will reply, " I watched on TV!"we are the leaders of the region, yeah Шта What Have we got? The buildings we will not live in, the roads we will rarely drive on, we got a church and we got huge collections. What have we lost? Rule, ideal, right and justice, people, territories, good behavior, inner peace, institutions, knowledge, so to speak, everything.
"At the time when Serbia was still a Belgrade pashaluk, the power could be gained by the one who had the greatest confidence in the Turks. It was Prince Milos who ruled Serbia until Petronijević, Simić, Vučić, Garašanin and comrades gained greater confidence than he had with Turkey and Russia, who jointly wanted to maintain peace, order and submission to the Sultan in Serbia. That is why all the struggle of the nobles over power revolved mainly around the paschine lodges and it was carried out by intrigue, subterfuge, and covert murder. Such a struggle has horribly corrupted the Serbian elders, even those who were truly true heroes and leaders of their people, and even more horribly affected this struggle on the spirit of the people; it has crushed that enthusiasm for complete liberation that appeared in the first Serbian Uprising; it has suppressed that human pride that it is shameful to be enslaved, which had just begun to developed in Serbia. In this struggle, those disgraceful Serbian statesmen were brought up who betrayed state secrets and preparations for liberation to the enemies, only to gain power over the Serbian people through foreign this struggle, later those journalists were brought up who preached publicly that only under the shadow of the Sultan's cover could the Serbian people be happy.; there arose those poets who sang "ode" to the Sultan in verse and prose.”
The Life of the Serbs under the Turks is described extremely, so that the images themselves are created in front of the eyes. As today, so then, the veracity and accuracy of the description is on the conscience of the author, so you do not have to, and do not need to, perceive what Mr. Markovic presented as an irrefutable truth.
"The Serbian people in the Turkish state were all peasants. The most wealthy merchants and Nach Princes lived in villages. In the towns lived only Turkish sycophants and people's Globes. The real Serb fled as far away from the town as possible into the woods and gudura. This is the reason why the life of the people under foreign rule remained solid and unchanged for many centuries.. When the Turkish empire collapsed, the Serbian people had just extended their internal development where they had been stopped when they came under Turkish rule.”
End of quote.
As for the formal costs between Rajah, Serbs and Turks, the differences were huge, not to mention how cheap The Life of Serbs was. The ruler and the Cadiz and the priest of phanariot had to rest, and here's why.
"The qadi bought most of their seats from the Sheik-Il-Islam in Stambol, just as the pashas bought their seats from the Divan. There was one caddie sitting in each nahija in Serbia. They did not have salaries but were supported by the income brought to them by litigation, and other court affairs, such as purchases, marriage contracts, etc. But, of course, most of the income had to be paid by Christians. Kadija, as well as the Pasha, had to drain out of his position the money he had paid in advance in Stambol with as much pure income as possible, and therefore, of course, he was not allowed to gamble the right Turks, but only the Christians.…
The Turks are not subjects like Christians: they pay no taxes and only serve as soldiers to defend the Prophet's faith…
The Patriarchate of Constantinople ruled the church on the same principle as the Turkish Divan state. The dioceses were sold the same as in pasaluka.”
It was not easy to charge Pashas, Cadis and phanariot bishops, to be humiliated, disenfranchised and subjugated. It was a difficult time but there was an ideal, liberation and unification, and the fire and hope of the people kept a distance that was not in sight but it was surely felt that some descendant would surely experience them. There was no doubt. Faith in God, a life dedicated to the same and a living Kosovo tradition transmitted by the sound of gusals, performed miracles even to the time to come:
"Turks think Paradise is a joke
Al ' s paradise,
I hope I've interested you. It will be useful for you to know that this man and his struggle for the people's and the rights of the peasants and the oppressed classes of the workers, has nothing to do with communism because it was not anational and anti-state as it was, for the Serbs, in the time of Titoslavia. According to this, svezozar Markovic was not an anti-state and anational element, quite the opposite. He was not a forerunner of the Western NGO sector in the form of Dimitrije Tucovic, who was nevertheless honorable in relation to communists and children of communists today, because he responded to the state when it was difficult and died as a fighter in the Great War.
The book shows the enthusiasm, eloquence, promotion of communion and all-Slavic liberation. Justiciability and generality in visions are qualities that we so lack in today's stressed Cyborg capitalism and atomization and self-destructive individualism.
My impression after reading the book, on top of everything, is that Svetozar Marković was a righteous person, an idealist and a man who wished well for his own kind. On the basis of this book, I would say so Нек let me be forgiven for bringing so many judgments on the basis of one book, but it can not hurt, and if it does not hurt then it means to use, as Lane Gutovic said, an actor who was not a megaphone of the NATO pact but the voice of an ancestor from the song Uncle Jove Zmaj (
Who looks back to look
Clear eye and sight
The graves of this light,
The history of the long line,
You need to hear how alive,
Through the ages, through the Nebula,
Grandchild, father son,
Fighter fighter:
"Where I stood — you will go!”
"What I can't — you can!”
"Where I am not — you will come!”
"What I started-you continue!”
"We still owe-you repay!”
These are words, these are words
Whose past is beautiful,
What passes through the Dark World
From the graves of those airy’,
Joining the Thunder Echo
The divine power of someone,
Merging century with Century
And a man with a man.
A lot of years, in a hurry!
3. May 2024.