Tag Archives: Security
BIA as an instrument of fear
George Samuel: war must continue for the sake of the goal – Ukraine's membership in NATO-that guarantees war
Patrick Popel: the future of the OSCE is in question
Milan Milakovic: NATO and money that is a problem
Dragana Trifkovic: potential danger of mass use of chemical weapons in Ukraine
Rio Tinto is a betrayal of Serbia
Rio Tinto, the exploration and excavation of lithium, the envisaged adoption of new laws that should enable the seizure of private property and the entire current problems that brought Serbia to the brink of civil war, are just a drop in the sea of problems that the state faces. That drop threatens to be the one who poured over the glass. This question is much larger and more significant than the average citizen can imagine.
This is a question of security, protection of classified information of interest to the Republic of Serbia, a question by which classified information was handed over to a foreign company, which is why, if there is a state, someone must be held responsible for treason.
Let us try to interpret the legal regulations to confirm these difficult words.
Moscow conference on international security, one of the most important platforms for discussing strategic issues
In order to strengthen the cooperation of military forces from different countries and to seek common ways to counter new challenges and threats, the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation for the ninth time, from 22 to 24 June, traditionally organizes the international forum "Moscow conference on international security", which was not held in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Постоје ли службе безбедности
Written By: Goran Raičević
Безбедносни ризици – последица обесмишљавања и формализације обавештајно-безбедносних служби
Драгана Трифковић на ЕУ дебати „Колико су грађани безбедни?“
Институт за европске послове у Београду је крајем јануара организовао дебату под називом “Колико су грађани безбедни?”.
На дебати је учествовала Драгана Трифковић, председник Савета за спољне послове Двери и директор Центра за геостратешке студије.
Остали учесници су били: председник Савета за стратешке политике и бивши министар одбране Драган Шутановац, војни аналитичар Александар Радић, народни посланик Мариника Тепић, бивши заменик начелника Ресора државне безбедности Зоран Мијатовић. Модератор дебате била је Оља Бећковић.