Dragana Trifkovic: the West has abolished the journalistic profession

The international round table on the threat to freedom of speech in Europe and generally in the West was held in an online format. This event was organized with the support of the Department for multilateral cooperation of the Permanent Delegation of the Russian Federation to the UN Office in Geneva. The round table talks about the persecution of independent journalists and activists.

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International Conference: Balkans-for peace, security, cooperation and partnership

Sofia is 21. in September, the International Conference "Balkans – for peace, security, cooperation and partnership" was organized by the Strategic Institute for national policies and ideas (SINPI), the forum for Balkan transport and infrastructure (FBTI) and the National Association for international relations (Naimo).

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Dragana Trifkovic: Kadyrov specnaz, Chechnya's fist in the fight against world terrorism

In the past few days, I had the honor to visit Chechnya again at the invitation of the leadership of this republic, as part of the delegation of the Russian Spergess. In addition to Russian journalists and political scientists, the delegation included foreign journalists from Serbia, France, the Netherlands, the United States, Great Britain, North Korea, Pakistan and other countries. For years, the West has been waging fierce propaganda against Chechnya, following the failure of separatist and terrorist actions in the Caucasus. The friendly hosts invited journalists so that they could gain personal experience about Chechnya and report to the public on the situation in this Republic on the basis of objective information. I will try to convey to the Serbian public many impressions concerning the development of Chechnya, but in this article I would focus on a visit to the legendary formation of the Police Regiment Spetsnaz Kadyrova (full name: Polk policii specialnogo naznazeniya imeni Geroya Rossii A. A. Kadyrova). It is one of the most famous formations for its heroism, all of whose units operate within the Russian guard (Rosgvardii) of the Ministry of the interior of the Russian Federation.

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Dragana Trifkovic: who cooked in Russia?

Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies

On Friday night, when I landed from Grozny in Moscow after a visit to Chechnya and turned on my mobile phone, I received news that a coup was underway. As we waited for disembarkation, people began to wonder with disbelief what it was about. The Russians, otherwise always restrained in the comments, began to talk about how apparently things were not working properly. Opinions were divided. Some accused the Ministry of Defense, and others accused Yevgeny Prigozhin of owning the private military company Wagner. When I arrived from Domodedovo airport to the center of Moscow, it was already midnight. Rare passers-by commented with amazement, and the streets were patrolled by police. Security measures were clearly strengthened.

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Dragana Trifkovic: Serbia must get rid of malignant American influence

At the House of social organizations in Moscow, 15. June is reflected round table the impact of the American Sector, Analysis and counter-strategy in an international context. The Round Table was organized by the Center for geostrategic studies from Serbia with the support of the Coordination Council of non-commercial organizations of Russia.

The event was visited by numerous experts, journalists and diplomats from Russia, and the round table was attended by experts from Serbia, Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Ukraine.

Dragana Trifkovic gave a speech on "Malignant American influence in Serbia". She spoke about the events after World War II, when Anglo-American influence in the Balkans was penetrated through "Titoism", with special emphasis on the disintegration of Yugoslavia and the bombing of Serbia by NATO in 1999. years.

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Dragana Trifkovic: Kosovo drama-through a series of victories to final defeat?

Dragana Trifkovic, Director General of the Center for geostrategic studies

  • current situation in Kim

In the occupied territory of Kosovo and Metohija, there was again an escalation of the conflict, when Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija came out to prevent the takeover of four Serb-majority municipalities. Extraordinary local elections in four municipalities in northern Kosovo - North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok, were held on the 23rd. April. These elections were organized by the illegal separatist structures of the so-called independent Kosovo. Over 90% of Serbs living in these municipalities boycotted the elections, and the branch of the Serbian Progressive Party in Kosovo-Srpska lista, did not participate in the elections even though it had previously exercised power in these municipalities, according to the laws of independent Kosovo.

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Rostislav Ishchenko: Serbia as Ukraine, politicians promise one thing, but do the opposite

Recently, a Serbian politician, political analyst and journalist, who actively cooperates with German and Russian publications and analytical centers, Dragana Trifkovic strongly reacted to the statement of the president of Serbia.

Aleksandar Vucic said that, in his opinion, as a result of negotiations with the leader of separatist Kosovo, "Serbia will get nothing".

Dragana is outraged by the very fact of the negotiations, because, as she claims, Vucic did not get the consent of the parliament for them and there are no officially approved instructions for their conduct. She is also outraged by his attitude (or rather, the absence of an attitude).

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Dragana Trifkovic: European Spring Has Arrived

Драгана Трифковић за априлски број часописа Delovoy Grozny

На годишњицу почетка специјалне војне операције у Украјини, ЕУ је увела 10. пакет санкција Русији. ЕУ је новим мерама забранила извоз одређене робе у вредности већој од 11 милијарди евра како би „руску привреду лишила основних технологија и индустријских добара“.

Реч је о електроници, специјализованим возилима, деловима машина, резервним деловима за камионе и млазне моторе, посебно роби за грађевински сектор која може бити усмерена на руску војску, као што су антене или дизалице.

Поред тога ЕУ је проширила листу санкционисаних субјеката  за додатних 87 појединаца и 34 ентитета. На новом списку су између осталог: Алфа-банка, Росбанка, Тинкофф банка, Национални фонд Руске Федерације и Руска национална компанија за реосигурање, као и председник и чланови Савета при Председнику Руске Федерације за развој грађанског друштва и људска права.

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Драгана Трифковић: Светски економски форум као индикатор кризе колективног Запада

Напомена: Текст је објављен у фебруарском броју часописа Delovoy Grozny

Недавно одржани Светски економски форум у швајцарском граду Давосу, још једном је показао размере кризе у којој се западноцентрични свет нашао. Овај форум сваке године окупља лидере и стручњаке из целог света, а последњих деценија је био водећи догађај који је у великој мери утицао на светске трендове. Заправо креирао их је. Клаус Шваб, оснивач (1971. године) и директор Светског економског форума, један је од заговорника „Великог ресета“ и пројекта „Зеленог развоја“ који нису сасвим добро прихваћени у међународној јавности. Ови пројекти који су делом и предложени одговори на светску економску кризу, нарочито након избијања пандемије корона вируса, суштински не нуде решења на многобројне нагомилане проблеме са којима се свет суочава. Али у томе и јесте поента. Запад је остао без здравих идеја.

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Dragana Trifkovic: Ukrainian refugees are no longer welcome in Poland and Germany

Poland is one of the EU countries that is suffering major consequences due to the conflict in Ukraine. Since the Russian intervention in Ukraine began in late February this year, a large number of Ukrainians have headed to Poland to find safety there and escape the war. Initially, most Polish citizens had a lot of empathy for Ukrainian refugees, but when the situation began to load the system in this country, circumstances have changed.

The situation is similar in other European countries, whose citizens feel insecure about the current energy crisis, which burdens the entire economy, and social assistance for refugees from Ukraine creates large expenditures that further pressure budgets.

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