Tag Archives: orthodoxy
There are 26 in Bulgaria. August 2024. this year, at the initiative of the International Forum of Orthodox women (informal group) and the Center for geostrategic studies...
Metropolitan of Zaporozhsky Mr. Luka: national security or religious discrimination?
Speech of Metropolitan Luka of zaporozhia of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church at the International Conference in Bulgaria: blockade of aggression against the church - defense...
Dragana Trifkovic: Ukraine has banned the Orthodox faith
Dragana Trifkovic, Director General of the Center for geostrategic studies
The Supreme Rada of Ukraine today passed law 8371, better known as the "law on...
Diogenis Valavanidis: geopolitics and aggression against the Orthodox Church
Diogenis Valavanidis, chairman of the committee on Religious Affairs
What happened to the Orthodox Church, which rests on the canons of the Holy Apostles, the Saints?..
Diogenis Valavanidis: corruption at the top of the Patriarchate of Constantinople
Пише: Диогенис Валаванидис, председник одбора за верска питања Центра за геостратешке студије
Грчки сајт https://www.helleniscope.com/ је још прошле године, 1. септембра...
Diogenis Valavanidis: CIA and the dismemberment of orthodoxy
Diogenis D. Valavanidis, chairman of the Religious Affairs Committee of the"Center for geostrategic studies"
The Daily newspaper "Politika" from Belgrade, is 20. February...
Diogenis Valavanidis: the struggle for the survival of the Orthodox faith
Written By: Diogenis D. Valavanidis
the Center for the protection of Christian identity and
president of the council for religion of the Center for geostrategic studies
You don't have to be big...
Georgian clergy and peacekeepers expressed support for Canonical UCC
Last week 27. June in the building of the EU embassy in Georgia became crowded. There was a very large group of priests...
Diogenis Valavanidis: "Orthodoxy" or "idleness"
Written By: Diogenis D. Valavanidis
president of the Center for the protection of Christian identity and president of the council for religion of the Center for geostrategic studies
Every time...
Orthodoxy as a target: identifying factors that destroy the church
The Center for geostrategic studies organized 30. January in the Belgrade press center of the Association of journalists of Serbia conference on the topic:"Identifying the factors that destroy the church: who cares about faith and how to fight for its preservation?“. The organizers say that continued attacks on the traditional church and religious communities, as well as violations of people's religious rights, have become a burning problem for the international community, but that this topic is not given sufficient importance and is completely ignored by many institutions.