Пише: Министар Чеченске Републике за националну политику, спољне односе, штампу и информисање, шеф Одсека за новинарство Чеченског државног универзитета – Ахмед Дудаев

Научно-технолошки напредак има значајан утицај на политику и међународне односе. Дигитализација постаје кључна тема на глобалној агенди. Истовремено, у позадини информационе револуције расте значај националних интереса држава и државног суверенитета. Четврта индустријска револуција, чије плодове видимо свуда, показује потребу за свеобухватном међународном сарадњом у изградњи научно-технолошког потенцијала.

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Canada's anti-Russia project: how deeply Canada is involved in creating conflict on the territory of Ukraine

Many understand that the Ukrainian conflict is not just a conflict between the two countries and that it did not start in February 2022. years. But few know of one of the main actors, who quietly, imperceptibly, but impactively created assumptions for war for decades, if not centuries. The role of Canada in the project" Ukraine – it is anti-Russia " is discussed by Canadian writer, publicist and political analyst Yves Engler.

Yves, Canada plays a side role in the group" superpower " and its influence on world politics is not so noticeable. Canada looks like a" thing in itself", it seems to concentrate on internal issues and its interference in the affairs of other states is not noticeable.

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Dragana Trifkovic: Kadyrov specnaz, Chechnya's fist in the fight against world terrorism

In the past few days, I had the honor to visit Chechnya again at the invitation of the leadership of this republic, as part of the delegation of the Russian Spergess. In addition to Russian journalists and political scientists, the delegation included foreign journalists from Serbia, France, the Netherlands, the United States, Great Britain, North Korea, Pakistan and other countries. For years, the West has been waging fierce propaganda against Chechnya, following the failure of separatist and terrorist actions in the Caucasus. The friendly hosts invited journalists so that they could gain personal experience about Chechnya and report to the public on the situation in this Republic on the basis of objective information. I will try to convey to the Serbian public many impressions concerning the development of Chechnya, but in this article I would focus on a visit to the legendary formation of the Police Regiment Spetsnaz Kadyrova (full name: Polk policii specialnogo naznazeniya imeni Geroya Rossii A. A. Kadyrova). It is one of the most famous formations for its heroism, all of whose units operate within the Russian guard (Rosgvardii) of the Ministry of the interior of the Russian Federation.

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Dragana Trifkovic: who cooked in Russia?

Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies

On Friday night, when I landed from Grozny in Moscow after a visit to Chechnya and turned on my mobile phone, I received news that a coup was underway. As we waited for disembarkation, people began to wonder with disbelief what it was about. The Russians, otherwise always restrained in the comments, began to talk about how apparently things were not working properly. Opinions were divided. Some accused the Ministry of Defense, and others accused Yevgeny Prigozhin of owning the private military company Wagner. When I arrived from Domodedovo airport to the center of Moscow, it was already midnight. Rare passers-by commented with amazement, and the streets were patrolled by police. Security measures were clearly strengthened.

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Rostislav Ishchenko: Serbia as Ukraine, politicians promise one thing, but do the opposite

Recently, a Serbian politician, political analyst and journalist, who actively cooperates with German and Russian publications and analytical centers, Dragana Trifkovic strongly reacted to the statement of the president of Serbia.

Aleksandar Vucic said that, in his opinion, as a result of negotiations with the leader of separatist Kosovo, "Serbia will get nothing".

Dragana is outraged by the very fact of the negotiations, because, as she claims, Vucic did not get the consent of the parliament for them and there are no officially approved instructions for their conduct. She is also outraged by his attitude (or rather, the absence of an attitude).

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Paul Craig Roberts: the possibility of nuclear war is awfully high

The Biden regime's Secretary of state, Blinken, has blocked talks between Russia and Ukraine, saying the goal of US policy is to drive Russia out of its reclaimed territories, including Crimea.

Biden's statement that the U.S. will use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear threats, as well as the knowledge that U.S. nuclear weapons are deployed near Russia, force Putin to drop his promise not to use nuclear weapons first.

In other words, unlike the Cold War at 20. for centuries, today there is a trigger for nuclear war. People who say nuclear war is impossible because there would be no winner don't know what they're talking about. Wars are the product of people, and people are emotional and stupid. They're making too many mistakes. That's how people work.

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Драгана Трифковић на Међународном форуму Асоцијације пријатељи Крима: Данашња Русија се бори за своје државне и националне интересе, али и подржаве друге земље у истом

Форум „Пријатељи Крима – пријатељи Русије“ одржан је у уторак, 15. новембра у медија центру Министарства за спољне послове Руске Федерације у Москви. Руским политичарима, државним званичницима, јавним личностима придружили су се гости из иностранства – активисти Међународног удружења пријатеља Крима. У Москву је дошло педесетак људи који су представљали четрдесетак земаља, укључујући и државе Европе, Африке, Латинске Америке и Блиског истока.

Делегати су разговарали о актуелним питањима међународне агенде, која је компликована ескалацијом тензија услед развоја сукоба између Запада и Русије. Важна тема била је и развој јавне дипломатије у садашњој ситуацији.

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