Pavle Jeremic: all-Serbian Council-cheap marketing trick and drawing public attention

Written By: Paul Jeremic

There are 8 in Belgrade. in June, in the guise of the latest event, which was supposed to bring together and bring all Serbs together, the old radicals who managed to sell and tear apart everything Serbian in the last thirty years gathered. While kurti's paramilitary terrorist regime and Albania opened the borders between the so-called Kosovo. "Kosovo" and Albania, and the international community ridicules the performance of the president at the United Nations, Vucic and Dodik celebrate their alleged victory in Belgrade. Their false nationalism, which in fact is only a cover for the enrichment and sale of national interests, has been reduced to pure marketing and absolute control of public space.

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Vladimir Zotov: who is responsible for the appearance of Serbian ammunition in the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

Written By: Vladimir Zotov

During the last shelling of Belgorod, Serbian ammunition may have been used. These are shells for the Czech Multiple Launch Rocket System (Rsvl) "Vampir", capable of hitting 40 km.

Most of the missiles used in the attack were intercepted, but the remaining ones were enough to kill six people, including one child. Many observers, after analyzing the footage of the remains of the ammunition, confidently stated that they were manufactured in Serbia. The manufacturer (defense company "Krušik") and the place of production (plant in Valjevo) were also named.

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International Conference: Balkans-for peace, security, cooperation and partnership

Sofia is 21. in September, the International Conference "Balkans – for peace, security, cooperation and partnership" was organized by the Strategic Institute for national policies and ideas (SINPI), the forum for Balkan transport and infrastructure (FBTI) and the National Association for international relations (Naimo).

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Rostislav Ishchenko: Serbia as Ukraine, politicians promise one thing, but do the opposite

Recently, a Serbian politician, political analyst and journalist, who actively cooperates with German and Russian publications and analytical centers, Dragana Trifkovic strongly reacted to the statement of the president of Serbia.

Aleksandar Vucic said that, in his opinion, as a result of negotiations with the leader of separatist Kosovo, "Serbia will get nothing".

Dragana is outraged by the very fact of the negotiations, because, as she claims, Vucic did not get the consent of the parliament for them and there are no officially approved instructions for their conduct. She is also outraged by his attitude (or rather, the absence of an attitude).

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Vuk Jeremic: accepting a Franco-German agreement would be a national disaster and a hell of a betrayal

In high diplomatic circles, it is really expected that on Monday in Brussels, Vucic and kurti will accept in principle, and perhaps even initialize, the plan to establish international equality between Belgrade and Pristina.

I don't want to believe this is true, and I still hope it doesn't happen.

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Igor Radošević: Rio Tinto admits that the state has deceived the people

The lithium controversy in Serbia has been going on for years. The current government, representing the interests of Rio Tinto, has been convincing the citizens of Serbia for years that lithium is a historical chance, while on the other hand, it avoids admitting that the consequences of lithium processing will be devastating for the water, land and future of the citizens of Serbia.  

Under the pressure of December protests and the blocking of the highway near the Gazela bridge, the state "officially" withdrew from all projects related to the excavation of lithium in Serbia, and thus allegedly put an end to this topic. Is this the end of the Rio Tinto saga? It's not. This is just the beginning. It is time to analyze this problem by the following points:

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Dragana Trifkovic: unity of the Orthodox and Islamic world in the fight for freedom

The article was published in the printed edition of the journal Person Foreign


The tensions that have grown in recent years in international relations have inevitably led to escalation, especially because the establishment of normal dialogue among the Great Powers was not possible. The corruption of the international system has led to the formation of parallel worlds that do not de facto have too many points of contact. Differences have become irreconcilable from issues of interpretation of international law, falsification of history to economic-trade relations and understanding of security. The special operation of denacification and demilitarization of Ukraine, which Russia started in February, makes these differences even greater. The West sees no danger in the extremity of Ukraine, the glorification of Nazism and the installation of American missiles on Russia's borders, but fears a "Russian invasion". For years, Russia has warned that it sees NATO's expansion towards its borders as a threat to its own national security. The United States and European countries have imposed reckless sanctions on Russia, while blaming Vladimir Putin for a lack of basic food and energy. The Russian Federation introduced new rules in trade with European countries. In recent weeks, we have been hearing threatening warnings about the possible use of nuclear weapons on both sides. The world is on the brink of nuclear war.

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